Summary of the trial of brother jero. Wole Soyinka Writing Styles in The Trials of Brother Jero and The Strong Breed 2022-10-23

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The trial of Brother Jero is a play written by Nigerian playwright Wole Soyinka. It was first performed in 1960 and has since become a classic in African literature.

The play centers around the character of Brother Jero, a self-proclaimed pastor and leader of the "Church of the Lord's Last Offensive." Brother Jero is a charlatan who preys on the gullibility and desperation of his followers, using their faith and trust in him to extort money and other favors.

The trial of Brother Jero takes place in a courtroom, where Brother Jero is being charged with various crimes, including fraud and embezzlement. Throughout the trial, Brother Jero defends himself with his usual charisma and smooth talk, denying any wrongdoing and painting himself as a victim of persecution.

However, as the trial progresses, the truth about Brother Jero's activities is revealed. Witnesses come forward to testify against him, and evidence is presented that shows his corrupt and manipulative behavior. Despite his best efforts, Brother Jero is unable to sway the court and is ultimately found guilty.

The trial of Brother Jero is a satirical and humorous play that exposes the dangers of religious fraud and the gullibility of those who fall prey to it. It also serves as a commentary on the corrupting influence of power and the importance of holding those in positions of authority accountable for their actions.

The Trials of Brother Jero (PDF)

summary of the trial of brother jero

His parents thought he was ideally suited to such a role because of his long, thick hair. The angry woman reappears, this time in possession of the boy's drums, while he follows her. Jero is satisfied with his presence in the scene, unknown to all others, as if he is omniscient, watching the characters act out the plot of a play he has already written. Hypocrisy is revealed in the play through Brother Jero. When Chume chases after Jero, believing that the preacher is having an affair with his wife, Jero soon turns the situation to his advantage, arranging for Chume to be sent to a lunatic asylum. Jeroboam helped a preacher he refers to as his Master gain a large portion of the beach, although he admits he was only doing so because he thought it would work to his own advantage. Plot: Scene 1 begins with Jero and Rebecca working together in Jero's office.



summary of the trial of brother jero

Wright uses personification and metaphors effectively through a first-person view so the reader can feel the severity of the problems. He confesses that he likes to keep his followers dissatisfied with their lives, so that they will keep coming to him. Chume tries to force Amope on to the bicycle while she protests loudly. . Alan Jacobs In the following excerpt, Jacobs provides an overview of Soyinka's life and oeuvre, including The Trials of Brother Jero, and emphasizes the playwright's significance to contemporary literature.


The Trials of Brother Jero Summary

summary of the trial of brother jero

A boy walks past her, beating on a drum, and she insults him, too. Amope addresses the crowd, saying she has never before seen Chume act in such a way. But he has long had a talent for preaching, which showed up even when he was a child. Jero admits the old man knows that his one weakness is for women, so he has decided to avoid women. Chume starts playing at his own rhythm, getting caught up with the music.


The Trials of Brother Jero and The Strong Breed Summary & Study Guide

summary of the trial of brother jero

Jero makes an excuse and goes back into the house. That alienation, of course, triggers off the need to respond in some fashion—in some creative way. Wait for the coming of the courier of the King. Most of prophets are using religion as the source of income to full fill their commercial needs and they use it to exploit other ignorant people. This important moment reveals the very fine line Jero walks with his followers.



summary of the trial of brother jero

To the imagined presence of his father, Eman asks for the direction of the stream, and his father tells him to go elsewhere. How do you temper that? What I am saying is that when you compare that entity called Yoruba—or Ogun, or Hausa, or Ibo—when you compare it to the entity called Nigeria, you see that one is not the result of any artificial creation or agreement. Instead of beating Amope, he takes off to confront Jero. The Member is originally startled, but turns to continue his speech. Christians are concentrated in southeastern Nigeria; Muslims dominate in the north. Chume would dearly love to take the latter course, but the truth of the matter is that, in what is no doubt a long and unhappy relationship, Amope is the stronger personality and dominates her hapless husband whatever he might do to challenge her.


Wole Soyinka Writing Styles in The Trials of Brother Jero and The Strong Breed

summary of the trial of brother jero

A man is practicing giving a speech, and Jero observes him. Jeroboam, known to his followers as Brother Jero, pays no attention. He identifies himself as a prophet, by which he means preacher. Soyinka's sympathy for the Biafran rebels led to his arrest and lengthy detainment, an experience chronicled in his searing memoir, The Man Died 1972. Muslims account for 50 percent of the population, Christians constitute 40 percent, and adherents of indigenous religions account for 10 percent. The final scene takes place at nightfall on the beach.


Summary of trials of brother jero by wole soyinka?

summary of the trial of brother jero

Old Prophet continues his curse, saying that Jero will be ruined by his appetite for women, and then exits. Jero displays his extensive knowledge by manipulating and blackmailing Ananais into respecting him. This poem was written in 1789 by William Blake at a time in which the French Revolution was inspiring reformers in Britain as much as it was frightening the British Crown and …show more content… Prior to the Romantic Era under which Blake wrote, was the Age of Enlightenment during which time science, to a great extent, superseded the belief in God. Her story begins with her as an 11 year old girl living in a small village in Bayo, Africa, before the slave traders came, killed her two parents and took her, a man named Fomba and a woman named Fanta away and marched them and a number of other captives in a chain gang to a slave ship. While he initially distrusts Jero, the Member of Parliament is ultimately put under his spell when Jero prophesies that he will one day be Minister of War.


The Trials of Brother Jero and The Strong Breed

summary of the trial of brother jero

I go through a long period of gestation before I'm even ready to write. They squabble, with Amope complaining that the bumpy landing hurt her foot. Also Brother Jero betrays Amope by not paying the debt for a long time. Similarly, you have artists who believe that their function is to be revelatory, to open up certain horizons for human striving. While Jero is working his wiles on the politician, Chume enters, talking to himself. He exploits Amope a trader by taking a Valvet cape and not paying her the money he owes to.


The Trials of Brother Jero

summary of the trial of brother jero

My condition is not one of permanent exile. My brother chiefs know their task and perform it well…. The Town Council had to go to the beach to settle the disputes and allocate a territory to each preacher. Sometimes the husband meekly knuckles under; sometimes he rebels and finally shows the troublesome lady who is the boss. Also most of religious leaders are hypocrite as they pretending to be good to their followers but on other side their bad and most of them are the source of conflict between their followers.
