Summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander. Dream by C F Alexander poem summary 2022-10-11

Summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander Rating: 5,5/10 1477 reviews

"Dreams" by CF Alexander is a short poem that speaks to the power and importance of dreaming. It begins by stating that dreams are the "stuff of life" and the "food of thought," suggesting that they play a vital role in our mental and emotional nourishment. The poem goes on to describe dreams as a source of hope, a way to escape from the difficulties of the present, and a means of exploring and understanding the world around us.

One of the most striking lines in the poem is "dreams are the wings of our desire." This suggests that dreams are what allow us to soar, to reach for our goals and aspirations. They give us the energy and motivation to keep striving, even when things seem difficult or impossible.

The poem also touches on the idea that dreams are fragile and ephemeral. They are "the shadows of our soul," fleeting and elusive, always just out of reach. This adds a sense of poignancy to the poem, as it reminds us that dreams are precious and should be cherished.

Overall, "Dreams" is a powerful and thought-provoking poem that celebrates the importance of dreaming and the role it plays in our lives. It encourages us to hold onto our dreams and to continue reaching for them, no matter how hard the journey may be. So, the poem highlights the significance of dreaming in our lives and how it helps us to overcome the challenges and difficulties of life.

The Dream

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

Thus, one ought to consistently clutch our fantasies and attempt to satisfy them. Such dreams are the representation of unconscious desires and thought. I am one of three sisters, most certainly I do not want father to proffer money he does not have for my marriage. Of marriageable age certainly. What is the theme of the dreams of the dreamer poem? Girls grew frisky in summer frocks, lilies spotted with blood. It is uncertain, presumably, extraordinarily miserable and discouraging when our imaginations break or are not satisfied. See how the monsoon winds soar and shunt tropic air into a house of souls, a doorway stopped by clouds.


The Dream by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

Retrieved 2 September 2011. The poem is short not only in the number of its lines eight altogether but also in the number of syllables in most of those eight lines. Receiving her own diagnosis, Alexander is faced with the certainty of her own death. Not only is he worried about the fate of Russia but he is also unsure of his future direction at the crossroads. It implies that dreams and ideals can be a source of personal and social strength.


dreams poem summary CF Alexander​

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

Set your feet into broken stones and this red earth and pouring rain. Since moving to New York, Alexander has been a prolific author, publishing six more volumes of poetry, two books of literary criticism, two books of lyric essays, two novels, and a memoir. The speaker presents no long, complicated phrasing; instead, everything about the poem is brief and emphatic. One of the paths of the crossroad could be freedom and the other could be refinement. William, Rabindranath, Czeslaw, Mirabai, Anna, Adrienne reach out your hands to me. Other underlying meanings of the number twelve could be twelve apostles, twelve zodiac signs, twelve months, twelve gates of Jerusalem, and twelve knights at the round kingdom but they are not limited to the mentioned meanings.


Dream by C F Alexander poem summary

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

This style immediately gives the reader a feeling of strangeness. Retrieved 4 June 2019. That can be extremely damaging for other members of society. The fascination with this reflects her fear of death, the poet not ready to die. Lines 7-8 offer another image that complements and reinforces the imagery of lines 3-4. Another technique that Alexander uses within the poem is Diagnosis Analysis Stanzas One — Four Could not pluck my eyes from his old man face. Where shall I go? Question Description Summary of poem colour of my dreams by Peter Dixon? Retrieved 4 March 2021.


Diagnosis by Meena Alexander

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

Dark body once cupped in a mother's arms Now in a house of dust. The desolation of the mothers singing in their rock houses becomes us, so too the child at the cliff's edge catching a cloud in her palm as stocks of blood are gathered on the plain, spread into sheaves, a circlet for bones and flint burns and the mountain resurrects itself. Throughout the majority of the poem, the speaker describes this delightful place, giving the feeling that he truly loves being there. In the poem, Christ appears in white, the powerful color of revelation, salvation, transfiguration, and resurrection. How did I reach this nervous empire, sharp store of sense? This is pure transport.


An Analysis of the Poem Dreams by Cecil Frances Alexander

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

Get a scooter, a refrigerator, a horde of utensils, silks, and tiny glittering bits of gold to hang about my ears and throat. She will cobble together a gondola with bits of driftwood Cast off the shores of the hunger-bitten Adriatic. You kiss the stump and where the wrist Bone was, you set the stalk of a lotus. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. For us there is no exile.


Cecil Frances Alexander

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

The rhythm of the first chapter in the poem is maintained in the style of folk that usually accompany different comical presentation. However, when looked at through the eyes of a dreamer, one can see the true beauty behind the poets words. She is the author of numerous collections of poetry, literary memoirs, essays, and works of fiction and literary criticism. II An altar, a stone cracked down the spine, a shelter, a hovel of straw and sperm out of which rise a man and a woman and one is a ghost though I cannot tell which for the sharpness between them scents even the orchids, a sharing of things invisible till the mountain fetches itself out of water out of ice out of sand and they each take tiny morsels of the mountain and set it on banana leaves and as if it were a feast of saints they cry out to their dead and are satisfied. . Meena Alexander was born into a Syrian Christian family from Kerala, South India. I do not know what she says to him, Or he to her, all that is utterly beyond me.


Dreams Poem Summary and Analysis

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

Upon graduation from the Lycee, Pushkin recited his controversial poem "Ode to Liberty", one of several that led to his exile by Tsar Alexander I of Russia. You will get to it soon enough and the small, hot faces. II I came into this world in an Allahabad hospital, Close to a smelly cow pasture. Alexander suggests that dying is ineffable, the feeling of knowing the end is coming being too great to express. When looked at in a general way, this poem seems as if the speaker knows of a beautiful place just over the mountains.


Summary and Theme of the poem ‘Dreams’ by D. H. Lawrence

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

It has also been said that twelve is the number of the appearance of the universe in time and space and Blok could be referring to this. The poems in her new book, "Birthplace with Buried Stones", "convey the fragmented experience of the traveler, for whom home is both nowhere and everywhere". According to the poet, harmony is the true meaning of the Revolution. His maternal great-grandfather was African-born general Abram Petrovich Gannibal. She was involved with the Derry Home for The rich man in his castle, The poor man at his gate, God made them high and lowly, And ordered their estate. Some of her hymns, such as " " In Strabane in October 1850 she married the Anglican clergyman St. The word could, in a real sense, mean dreams experienced during rest.


Dreams Summary

summary of the poem dreams by cf alexander

You set a book to my ribs. Dreams are a subject that Hughes got back to again and again in his verse. All the more comprehensively, it could mean expectations, yearnings, inventive breaks from the real world as in fantasies , creative dreams, dreams, figments, or a blend of these. Night after night I unclasp it at the mirror's edge alphabets flicker and soar. After graduating with a BA Honors from Khartoum University in 1969, she moved to England and began doctoral study at Nottingham University. Over the years she has also taught poetry in the Writing Division in the School of the Arts at Columbia University.
