Strong conclusion paragraph examples. How To Write A Conclusion Paragraph: Tips and Examples 2022-10-31

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A strong conclusion paragraph can be a powerful tool in an essay. It can help to tie together all of the ideas in your essay and give your reader a sense of closure. Here are a few examples of strong conclusion paragraphs that can help to wrap up your essay effectively:

Example 1:

"In conclusion, it is clear that gun control is a complex and controversial issue. While there are valid arguments on both sides, it is clear that something must be done to address the issue of gun violence in our society. By implementing common sense measures such as universal background checks and stricter regulations on assault weapons, we can work towards a safer and more peaceful society. It is up to all of us to take a stand and work towards a solution that will benefit everyone in the long run."

This conclusion paragraph does an effective job of summarizing the main points of the essay and bringing the argument to a close. It also calls on the reader to take action and be a part of the solution to the problem.

Example 2:

"To sum up, the impact of social media on our lives cannot be overstated. While it has brought us closer together and made it easier to stay connected with others, it has also had negative effects such as the spread of misinformation and the erosion of privacy. It is up to each of us to use social media responsibly and to be aware of the potential consequences of our actions online. By being mindful of how we use these platforms, we can continue to enjoy the benefits of social media while minimizing its negative effects."

This conclusion paragraph does a good job of highlighting the pros and cons of social media and reminding the reader of the importance of being responsible in their use of these platforms.

Example 3:

"In conclusion, the debate over whether or not to legalize marijuana is a complex and divisive issue. While some argue that it has the potential to provide medical benefits and generate revenue for states, others believe that it poses risks to public health and safety. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to legalize marijuana should be guided by the best available evidence and a careful consideration of the potential consequences. Regardless of the outcome, it is important that we approach this issue with an open mind and a willingness to listen to all sides of the argument."

This conclusion paragraph does an effective job of acknowledging that there are valid points on both sides of the debate and calling for a measured and evidence-based approach to the issue.

In all of these examples, the conclusion paragraphs effectively summarize the main points of the essay and bring the argument to a close. They also provide a sense of closure and a call to action or further thought for the reader. By following these examples, you can craft a strong conclusion paragraph for your own essay.

Strong Introduction Paragraph Examples

strong conclusion paragraph examples

Top strategies to use for writing paper conclusions We have prepared some useful strategies for you. Start with restating your thesis, briefly reiterate the main points of your essay, and then show how your arguments help to answer the main question of the essay. Present New Information By the time you conclude, you should have said it all. A strong conclusion will also end with a small call to action or a recommendation of how to use the points in future research and actions. Or a challenge to the reader to think of a solution.


How To Write A Concluding Sentence (With Examples)

strong conclusion paragraph examples

Still not sure how to start a conclusion in an essay? Although Stoicism and Taoism bear some minor similarities, the differences between them are clear, and they deserve a thorough investigation. Stronger financial planning curricula would teach high schoolers how to establish credit, how to save for retirement, and how to budget. The purpose of the narrative essay conclusion is to sum up everything described and discussed in the essay. It can help with the intent of the paper and serves as a strong backbone for an effective conclusion paragraph. This is a strong conclusion paragraph because it starts by restating the thesis to draw the reader back to the main idea of the paper. Make sure to paraphrase your thesis statement.


Compare and Contrast Essay Conclusion: Simple Guide & Examples

strong conclusion paragraph examples

A good essay uses a strong conclusion paragraph to leave the writer with a clear purpose or argument of the paper. Also, you should be careful not to use conclusion words where there is no conclusion to draw. The correct transition words make the essay more cohesive and help the reader go from one paragraph to another quickly while retaining the connection between them. Some examples of transitional words and phrases involve "in conclusion," "finally," "in summary," and "to sum up. Most importantly, this is the chance to show your audience why your essay matters. Leave a lasting and good impression on the audience by having a thought-provoking final sentence as the clincher. Want extra guidance with the conclusion framework? Don't allow it to be an after-thought to a paper you want to get off your plate.


18 Great Essay Conclusion Examples

strong conclusion paragraph examples

Harry may be the main character of the Harry Potter series and J. If done correctly, it can be an effective tool in driving home the points of the essay. Consider the essay type and the readers when you want to conclude the essay like the boss you are. They must be rephrased. A basic concluding paragraph should include three main parts restated thesis, summarized key ideas, clincher. The conclusion may leave the reader with broader implications of the argument or ideas for further research.


Conclusion Examples: Strong Endings for Any Paper

strong conclusion paragraph examples

Make your conclusion succinct, thought-provoking and powerful. The credibility of the content does not suffer due to these obvious errors which will likely be corrected in the next edition. Use topic sentence examples to write good topic sentences. The last thing you want to do is let all that effort go to waste by apologizing in the last paragraph. Show your ability to analyze. In case you write a conclusion for a research paper, you may be asked to identify the knowledge gap.


Effective Conclusion Transitions

strong conclusion paragraph examples

You may also check The Instead, it should nicely wrap up the story. Thanks for your time and consideration. A sudden scent of lilacs meant someone was here to see me. They can be something like whether abortion is a fundamental right for women. It can lightly build off of prior knowledge, but it should be relatable to the thesis statement and the prior argument.


Conclusion Paragraph

strong conclusion paragraph examples

It also ensures a smooth transition from the explanation of the main points to the end of the paragraph. Different types of essays have different purposes and therefore there are many variations of how to end an essay. It should only be one sentence long. Remember to stand behind the case you just made. Here in the nursing home, everything has the same smell - a mixture of cafeteria food, cleaning products, and old people odors. Narrative Essay Conclusion Examples Topic 9: Write about what it would be like to be put into the pages of Romeo and Juliet. But in fact, this is one of the first things people pay attention to.


How to Write a Strong Conclusion Paragraph — Word Counter

strong conclusion paragraph examples

The body of the conclusion paragraph consists of a few sentences that summarize the main points in the body of the paper. Order Now Before we can delve into how to write a good conclusion, let us first define what a conclusion is. How to Write a Concluding Sentence The concluding sentence definition may vary. Just imagine, the audience read your essay and now it has a question: So what? A conclusion to an argumentative essay must go through various steps. Once that is done, read it once again — this is the first step in planning the concluding paragraph. It could be smoother, but its main goal stays the same: to influence the audience to contemplate and act.


Concluding Paragraph

strong conclusion paragraph examples

If you choose to act on a different undertaking, there will be risks a or b, which can lead to overstepping the estimated budgets. In this section of the guide, we will illustrate how to conclude the different essay types and other works: The single goal in In this case, the concluding paragraph is persuasive. Its purpose is to summarize and conclude the previous findings of the paper in a concise format. Get inspiration from over. In a line or two, write about these in your conclusion.
