Strong concluding sentence. Concluding Sentence 2022-10-19

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A strong concluding sentence is an important part of any written work. It serves as the final word on the topic being discussed and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. The conclusion is where you sum up the main points of your essay and re-state your thesis in a new way. It should be concise and to the point, but also engaging and thought-provoking.

There are a few key elements that make for a strong concluding sentence. Firstly, it should restate the main points of the essay in a concise manner. This helps to reinforce the main ideas and give the reader a clear understanding of what has been discussed.

Secondly, a strong concluding sentence should be original and creative. It should not simply repeat what has been said before, but rather offer new insights or perspectives on the topic. This helps to keep the reader engaged and encourages them to think more deeply about the subject.

Finally, a strong concluding sentence should leave a lasting impression on the reader. It should be memorable and thought-provoking, encouraging the reader to consider the ideas presented in the essay long after they have finished reading.

Overall, a strong concluding sentence is an important part of any written work. It serves as a final word on the topic being discussed and helps to reinforce the main points of the essay. By being concise, original, and memorable, a strong concluding sentence can leave a lasting impression on the reader and encourage them to think more deeply about the subject.

3 Ways to Start a Conclusion

strong concluding sentence

Topic 20: Should parents be allowed to Spanking has become an outdated and lazy way of punishing children. And neither is learning how to make a concluding sentence. Let your readers know what the essay has achieved and what they can expect as a result of reading it. By crafting a story that builds up to a conclusion, you can keep your audience engaged and eager to see how it all ends. A concluding sentence should tie up an argument in a paragraph, essay, or paper. If you conclude with an interesting insight, readers will be happy to have spent time on your writing. If you wish to add value to your writing, then make sure to use any good conclusion starters at the beginning of your conclusion paragraph.


Ending Your Essay With a Strong Conclusion

strong concluding sentence

Usually, as a conclusion starter, a student needs to reiterate a thesis statement. For example, sometimes it is best to start with a summary of what was written, and sometimes it is more appropriate to draw a definite conclusion. Call to Action Most popular in advertising, a call to action asks your reader to execute a specific task after reading your paper. The play within a play lets the reader know that every character is an actor. Example 2: Lastly, the widespread abuse of marijuana and its profitability should compel lawmakers to decriminalize its use in the U. As a result, the climate change crisis will be further escalated, and the number of greenhouse gases in the air will increase substantially.


Concluding Sentence: Dealing With It The Right Way

strong concluding sentence

It should signal to the reader that the paragraph has come to an end. List of 10 good conclusion starters Since the readers are now aware of how to write a good conclusion, it is also critical for them to know some conclusion starters. But, once you sit down to write a conclusion, everything may turn out to be harder than you thought. Because each conclusion sentence example teaches you how to properly structure the sentence. Also, you should be careful not to use conclusion words where there is no conclusion to draw.


Concluding Sentence Examples & Starters

strong concluding sentence

To achieve this goal, you need to step back, take a look at all your supporting ideas, conclude them in a few short and precise sentences, and link them back to your thesis statement. Basically, the concluding sentence is used to indicate to the reader that the paragraph is coming to an end. Topic 3: Analyze Though social media allows young users to connect with people across the world and get instantaneous news about the world around them, it also has come with many complications. Examples of Concluding Sentences Let's look at an example paragraph, and how a concluding sentence would be written for it: Early colonists came to the New World in order to gain freedom from the harsh reign of the English monarchy. These can be used online for free but you should look for a trusted program with good reviews. This is why you are probably reading this post about conclusion transitions and maybe looking for some What Are Conclusion Transitions? Carpooling and public transport may not ensure instant results, but they can be good projects for long-term service and implementation.


100+ Best Conclusion Starters for Writing a Good Conclusion Paragraph

strong concluding sentence

It lets him or she know that you are about to wrap things up and driving home your main point. Now, let us step forward and learn how to write a good conclusion paragraph. What Is A Concluding Sentence? Some might argue that a conclusion is one of the most important components of any research paper or article. A transitional expression that will express what will come in the conclusion is an effective conclusion starter. Topic 19: Should prisoners have the Although some people fear that granting prisoners the right to vote may lead to more relaxed laws surrounding specific crimes, prisoners are part of the American population. One way to do this is to employ storytelling techniques to create a unique, compelling, and creative conclusion. Have you ever heard that different people learn in different ways? One way to begin your conclusion is to make a reference to the essay question or something you outlined in your introduction.


How to Write a Convincing Conclusion

strong concluding sentence

For example, if you write an Explain How All Your Arguments Together Support Your Main Idea A lot of essays require students to prove their points of view by presenting supporting ideas and arguments. As a result, the climate change crisis will be further escalated, and the number of greenhouse gases in the air will increase substantially. It can be used as a way to remind your readers about the most important points of discussion. Throughout the series, her compassion is seen when she keeps secrets from her mother for Katniss, when she heals Gale after he gets whipped, and through the last act of her life as she rushes to save children in the Capitol. In order to bring the situation into control, the required step is awareness amongst the masses.


10 Good Concluding Sentence Starters (With Examples)

strong concluding sentence

If you find it difficult to conclude your essay, then contact us and get. All in all… Example: I would like to say that, with the rising population fear is that, there is not enough time to take measures and avert this situation. The purpose of the last sentence in a paragraph is to remind the audience about the discussed topic. Therefore, an effective conclusion starter will ensure that the readers are alerted to this point. In this manner, the conclusion also becomes memorable and is effectively employed in terms of persuasive essays. In conclusion, a high quality concluding sentence is essential to making a lasting impression on the reader.


Concluding Sentence: Definition, Examples & Starters

strong concluding sentence

Now on to the good stuff… Analytical Essay Conclusion Examples Topic 1: Analyze the theme of compassion for one character in the Hunger Games series. Till now, we saw the significance of a good conclusion paragraph. The conclusion starters are the opening sentence in your concluding paragraph. Hence, it can be employed in argumentative essays. So, in order to emphasize your ideas on a particular essay, dissertation, or research topic, you need to be careful and effectively conclude your essay or research paper with powerful sentences or statements.
