Stem cell argumentative essay. Stem Cells Argumentative Essay 2022-10-21

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Stem cells are a topic of intense scientific and ethical debate. On the one hand, stem cells have the potential to revolutionize medicine by providing a limitless source of replacement cells for damaged tissues and organs. On the other hand, the use of stem cells raises a number of ethical concerns, including the potential for abuse and the destruction of human life.

One argument in favor of stem cell research is that it has the potential to cure diseases and conditions that are currently incurable. For example, stem cells have been used to treat patients with spinal cord injuries, Parkinson's disease, and diabetes. By using stem cells to replace damaged cells, scientists may be able to restore function to damaged tissues and organs, potentially improving the quality of life for millions of people.

Another argument in favor of stem cell research is that it could lead to a better understanding of how the human body works and how diseases develop. By studying stem cells, scientists can learn more about how cells differentiate and how they can be induced to become specific cell types. This knowledge could be used to develop new therapies for a wide range of diseases.

However, there are also a number of ethical concerns surrounding stem cell research. One concern is that stem cells are often derived from human embryos, which raises questions about the destruction of human life. Opponents of stem cell research argue that human embryos are human beings with a right to life and that destroying them is ethically wrong.

Another concern is the potential for abuse of stem cells. There is a fear that stem cells could be used for reproductive cloning, which would allow people to create genetically identical copies of themselves or others. There are also concerns that stem cells could be used to create "designer" babies, in which parents could select specific traits for their children.

Despite these concerns, the potential benefits of stem cell research are significant and should not be ignored. While it is important to address the ethical concerns surrounding stem cell research, it is also important to recognize the potential for stem cells to improve and save lives. With careful regulation and oversight, stem cell research could be a powerful tool in the fight against disease and disability.

Stem Cells Argumentative Essay

stem cell argumentative essay

After realizing this opportunity, many donations came in, a majority of them being from organizations in California and other places like the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International in New York. Although embryonic stem cells pose enormous potential to treat and cure diseases and conditions, adult stem cells are more effective in treating these conditions. Genetic experiments especially those done with CRISPR. Argumentative Essay: The Ethics Of Human Cloning 1614 Words 7 Pages Most people in our society, no matter what level of education that they may have, have heard of the cloning, specifically the cloning of Dolly the lamb, and have some notions regarding the idea of cloning humans. In Brave New World, they genetically engineer children, which in some way relates to stem cells. As Diane Gershon states, the law that President Bush passed was constructed in a way that allowed stem cell research to be privately funded despite the fact that the government was not allowed to provide financial support for this endeavor. Contrastingly, Italy and Germany strictly forbid the creation and use of embryonic stem cells.


Argumentative Essay On Stem Cells

stem cell argumentative essay

Stem cells have the potential to repair and replace damaged Stem Cell Argumentative Essay Human Embryonic stem cells have the capacity to be come any cell in the body. In the year 2000, Dr. Stem cell research also reveals the ability to cure diseases. This will broaden stem cell research and allow scientists a greater chance of discovering new medical possibilities in the near… Stem Cell Research Even though stem cell research is a new emerging technology, it has already had a major impact on the world. The adult stem cells can be removed and isolated from their surrounding tissues in a variety of places. Stem cells, or pluripotent, are cells that can be used to repair or replace organs and tissues.


Stem Cell Argumentative Essay

stem cell argumentative essay

Ultimately, this opens up many possibilities of curing patients with injuries, amputations, and failing organs. The more society advances, the more degenerate diseases are affecting the citizens. With this new research, has also come a huge controversy. Nothing can be guaranteed from stem cell research. A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell that has the ability to divide and renew itself. These mass of cells are technically not alive, since no consciousness is present.


ᐅ Essays On Stem Cell πŸ“ Free Argumentative, Persuasive, Descriptive and Narrative Samples And Papers

stem cell argumentative essay

Issitt and Donnelly 2017 write about how not only religious groups, but also women's rights groups are against the rise in donation of eggs. Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay 617 Words 3 Pages Stem cell research has become one of the most controversial current topics of biology. Many studies have shown that success in embryonic stem cell research could lead to therapies that could prevent and cure various life threatening and crippling ailments. Before writing your essay, you can explore essay examples - note their structure, content, writing style, etc. But in a country like the US, the stem cell research policies are different because though it allows stem cell research it do does not allow any sort of federal funding for it. Now a group of scientists seems to have taken big step forward in helping people with lung disease. Most stem cells come from two sources; either healthy adults or from embryos.


Stem Cell Research Argumentative Essay

stem cell argumentative essay

Yet, we must consider application in this situation. It is imperative that science pursue the needed research while addressing any ethical issues. The controversy of this topic makes it difficult to decide whether it is right or wrong and impossible to respect both sides. Often, people jump to the conclusion that all stem cells are derived from embryos meaning that a human life must be sacrificed in order to create a stem cell line. As it was said, stem cells can have the ability to become any type of cell and can grow more of those specialized cells. With them many lives can be saved, that is why the research needs to continue. Scientists believe that although adult stem cells can be helpful in the research in disease, those cells are inferior to those of a human embryo because the embryonic stem cell can developing in almost all the types of cells in the body, but the adult variety is limited in how many cells it can develop into.


Stem Cell Therapy Argumentative Essay

stem cell argumentative essay

Despite prior ideas, there are actually two types of stem cells, embryotic and somatic adult stem cells. Argumentative Essay On Pediatric Care 888 Words 4 Pages Over time, research have shown that children are exposed to many encountering diseases, illnesses, and injuries. Umbilical cord A common assumption is that if a scientist is doing stem cell research, it will be on human embryonic cells, but there is another way that allows the embryo to grow. The cells are not looked at often because it is assumed that since the cells are adults, therefore would not be able to grow the cells needed as well as an embryo. The facts presented have the capability to support or possibly change the public's perspective. When researchers added certain molecular factors to the 3D cultures, the lungs developed scars similar to those seen in people who have idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, something that could not be accomplished using 2D cultures of these cells.


An Overview of Stem Cell Research Argumentative Essay Example

stem cell argumentative essay

However, the number of organs available for transplantation only aids a small percentage of people needing a transplant, and many individuals die awaiting organ transplants Hassan et al. By saying this he means that stem cell research is not limited to embryos and provide help for more research could result in better solutions. Embryonic Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech 868 Words 4 Pages Embryonic stem cells are the cells which potentially provide life to a blastocyst and lead to the creation of a fetus, or baby. Embryonic Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay 667 Words 3 Pages Over the years, there have been many controversial issues surrounding medical research, but one of the most arguable topics of all time is the use of embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells One of the more recent findings of stem cells is adult stem cells. There are four types of pluripotent stems cells.


stem cell argumentative essay

When a stem cell divides, they can either remain a stem cell or become another type of specialized cell NIH, n. A stem cell is a primitive type of cell that can be manipulated into developing into most of the cells present in the body. Explanation of key ideas The use of the stem cells is to transplant them to people who need them in order to heal themselves. Human stem cell research is a novel technology that will benefit society as a whole. Jessica Moss, Sabrina Sherrod, Bridget Sellers, Norlisha Taylor and Souriya Soukhaphanith Contents Introduction Background Information Jessica Moss 4 Historical Development and Context, factors that drove the technology Sabrina Sherrod 5 Stem Cell Legislation Jessica Moss 8 Political Issues Bridget Sellers 9 Social … Public Policy in Government Essay Why Stem Cell Research Should Be Sustained by The U. Stem cell research is important because it holds the potential to help us better understand and treat a wide range of diseases and conditions. So why would anyone object to research in this area? By definition, a stem cells is an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism that is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation.
