Stakeholders of a supermarket. Stakeholders Analysis of Woolworth Supermarket 2022-10-26

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A supermarket is a business that sells a wide variety of goods, including food, household items, and personal care products. It is a key player in the retail industry and serves as a convenient one-stop-shop for consumers to purchase the items they need. As such, a supermarket has many stakeholders, or individuals and groups that have a vested interest in the success or failure of the business. These stakeholders include:

  1. Customers: Customers are the primary stakeholders of a supermarket. They are the ones who shop at the store and make purchases, so their satisfaction is crucial to the success of the business. A supermarket needs to have a wide range of products at competitive prices, as well as a clean and welcoming environment in order to attract and retain customers.

  2. Employees: Employees are also stakeholders in a supermarket, as they are directly responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business. They may be responsible for tasks such as stocking shelves, checking out customers, and managing inventory. A supermarket needs to provide its employees with fair wages, benefits, and a safe and healthy working environment in order to retain top talent and ensure the smooth running of the store.

  3. Owners and shareholders: The owners and shareholders of a supermarket are also stakeholders, as they have a financial interest in the success of the business. They may be responsible for providing the capital necessary to start and maintain the store, and they expect to see a return on their investment through profits.

  4. Suppliers: Suppliers are another group of stakeholders in a supermarket, as they provide the goods that are sold in the store. A supermarket relies on its suppliers to provide a steady stream of high-quality products at competitive prices. In turn, the supermarket can help its suppliers by providing a large customer base and a stable source of revenue.

  5. Local community: The local community in which a supermarket is located is also a stakeholder, as the store can have a significant impact on the area. A supermarket may provide jobs, support local businesses by purchasing products from them, and contribute to the local economy. On the other hand, a supermarket may also cause issues such as traffic congestion and litter. As such, it is important for a supermarket to be a good neighbor and consider the needs and concerns of the local community.

In summary, a supermarket has many stakeholders, including customers, employees, owners and shareholders, suppliers, and the local community. All of these groups have a vested interest in the success or failure of the business, and it is important for a supermarket to take their needs and concerns into account in order to thrive.

The 10 Types of Stakeholders That You Meet in Business

stakeholders of a supermarket

By June, COVID-19 had caused a 97% decrease in air travel. Creditors can include banks, suppliers, and bondholders. What types of stakeholders do you need in business? In the event of a business shutdown, creditors get paid before stockholders. Kaplan Publishing, 2007, p20 The agency problem had found in Wal-Mart. At the base of this hierarchy are basic needs, such as access to food. Customers are a type of indirect stakeholder.


Supermarket stakeholder Free Essays

stakeholders of a supermarket

In other words, our aim is to fi nd an answer to this question: Do these above mentioned factors aff ect the dividend policy in Iran or not? They have done amazingly well. Stakeholder analysis is important for a business organisation because it will help the company to fulfil the interest of the key stakeholders of the company. Since 1930, Publix has grown from a single store into the largest employee-owned grocery chain in the United States. Who are the stakeholders of Tesco and bonzers farm? And then get into work the next day and realizeā€¦ Who actually does all of the stuff here? Companies therefore have to be ready to improve daily to be and remain competitive. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. If we want to know what a business is, we have to start with its purpose.


The stakeholders of supermarket company walmart

stakeholders of a supermarket

An investor does more than just bring you funding to pursue projects that help your business grow. External stakeholders are those who have an interest in the success of a business but do not have a direct affiliation with the projects at an organization. Stakeholders can be divided as internal managers and employees and external shareholders, customers, and suppliers BPP F9 p14. Creditors get paid back from the sale of products or services at your business. I also like the fact that I can usually find everything I need in one place. This rivalry is based on firms in the industry battling to win the highest market share in the industry IBISWorld.


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stakeholders of a supermarket

Indirect stakeholders concern themselves with things like pricing, packaging, and availability. Communities The community in which a business functions can be considered as another set of stakeholders. The public were more attuned to any missteps, or equally, successes that businesses had in their response. The method of using these tools is not a one-time process and requires constant efforts. Investors may also have the right to approve or reject major decisions like mergers and acquisitions. .


Stakeholders Analysis of Woolworth Supermarket

stakeholders of a supermarket

Wal-Mart had set an ethics about conflict of accepting gift and entertainment. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Most employees also want an employment with continuity ACCA F9 p 15. It is useful to describe what is meant by the term supermarket power. After all, they are the source of your success. . The grocery industry is a commoditized industry, which makes it difficult for grocers to sustain through differentiation.


Senior stakeholders impressed by supermarketsā€™ ability to deliver on their promises in 2020

stakeholders of a supermarket

They typically have wide aisles, bright lighting, and loud music to attract customers. Many supermarkets also have pharmacies, gas stations, and ATMs on site. Most supermarkets have aisles dedicated to each type of product, as well as a checkout area. They also provide employment opportunities for thousands of people and contribute to the economy. As of January 2019, the major shareholders of the company are BlackRock, Inc. This interdependence is also apparent for Bonzers Farm.


(PDF) Stakeholder Analysis of Social Supermarkets

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And it is to supply the customer that society entrusts wealth-producing resources to the business enterprise. Employees Every employee wants to maximise their salaries and benefits based on particulars skills and the rewards available in alternative employment. They interact directly with customers, earn money to support themselves, and give support to the business operations as well. Proving to customers that the shelves would remain stocked demonstrated the competence of supermarkets to deliver. Company should always employ qualified personnel and pay salaries with fairly. What Are The Underlying Factors That Affect Accessibility To Organic Foods? This page contains the best examples of essays on Supermarket.


ESG Priorities and Stakeholder Engagement

stakeholders of a supermarket

The sex discrimination always happened on women because women feel they are unfair discrimination against man. Customers are directly impacted by the product quality a business gives. The success of this company depends on the internal stakeholders and external stakeholders of this company. But which businesses, and why? Why is Tesco important to the local community? As Aaronson 2003 states, CSR means the business decision making that linked to ethical values, compliance with legal requirements, and respect for people, communities, and the environment around the world. Upon your arrival, you may plan your grocery trips, find weekly savings, and even order select products online at. Designing the workspace to have a nice environment for the employees to work well in this will increase the efficiency of the company. Trade unions A Every business generally has a relationship with a trade union to keep the interests of other stakeholders, like employees, in mind.



stakeholders of a supermarket

A customer can always choose to walk his business over to a competitor. What is their purpose during these times? Figure 1: Yonder COVID-19 tracker ā€” public perception of companies that are doing well and badly in their response to coronavirus. This success installed trust in the supermarkets. By addressing the interest of employees, Board members, investors, customers, suppliers, government, competitors, and community this organisation can manage its business in an intensely competitive market. Additionally, Julie and one of the subordinate of the company had a secret relationship Anon, 2007. Added to this, much of the public also have a sense that during this pandemic, the airlines could have done more to look after not only them, but also their own staff. Owners Owner stakeholders are the owners of an organization.
