Speech on water borne diseases a threat. Write speech on "water borne disease 2022-10-16

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Waterborne diseases are a major threat to public health and can have devastating consequences for individuals and communities. These diseases are caused by pathogens that are transmitted through contaminated water, and they can range from mild to severe and even life-threatening.

One of the most well-known waterborne diseases is cholera, which is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Cholera is most commonly found in areas with poor sanitation and limited access to clean water. It causes severe diarrhea and dehydration, and can be deadly if left untreated. Other common waterborne diseases include typhoid fever, caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi, and hepatitis A, which is caused by the hepatitis A virus.

Waterborne diseases can have a significant impact on communities, especially in developing countries where access to clean water and proper sanitation is limited. These diseases can lead to outbreaks and epidemics, causing significant morbidity and mortality. In addition, waterborne diseases can also have economic consequences, as they can disrupt daily life and hinder economic development.

To combat waterborne diseases, it is essential to improve access to clean water and proper sanitation. This can be achieved through various means, such as building water treatment plants, improving sewage systems, and promoting hygienic practices. It is also important to educate communities about the risks associated with contaminated water and how to prevent transmission.

In conclusion, waterborne diseases are a major threat to public health and can have serious consequences for individuals and communities. It is crucial to take steps to improve access to clean water and proper sanitation in order to prevent the spread of these diseases and protect public health.

Effects of Water

speech on water borne diseases a threat

For radioactive substances, gross alpha activity should be within 3 pcil —1. Another factor is that it may not be something that can be cured and it may be contagious. In recent years, efforts to chlorinate the water supply of Mogadishu, along with efforts to improve hygiene and sanitation, prevented a serious outbreak. Human Migration: Cholera provides a good example of a water-related pathogen that is readily transported over long distances by human migration. Infection is generally confined to the intestinal mucosa, although it can be found in lamina propria and regional lymphatics. . Typically they are caused by microbes like bacteria, protozoa, viruses, and parasites.


Waterborne diseases Essays

speech on water borne diseases a threat

This condition is not good is an Urban area as well because, in Urban area, 20% of household spend more than 30 minutes to reach the water source, but in summer, this percentage rises by 15%. In the case of some diseases, the side effects of it are even more deadly than the original disease itself. The knowledge of the different types of water-borne diseases has come to the forefront with the advent of globalization over the past few decades. Most notable are diseases that have emerged as humans have encroached upon forest regions, bringing people into closer contact with animal species carrying pathogens that can be transmitted across the species barrier. The virus grows rapidly and produces cell destruction in multiple cells lines Hep2, HeLa, Vero. Pathogenic organisms can cause intestinal infections, dysentery, hepatitis, typhoid fever, cholera, and other illnesses.


Write A Speech On"water Borne Diseases , A Threat To Be Delivered On The Occasion Of World Health Day?

speech on water borne diseases a threat

However, people began to doubt that the water Portage Canal Analysis 1657 Words 7 Pages Biological Analyses of the Portage Canal By Luke Treutel — Graduate Student — The University of Wisconsin-Madison Completed with assistance from the City of Portage and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 1 INTRODUCTION Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Portage Canal is a significant historic landmark which has played a major role in shaping the City of Portage into what it is today. Let us all so water borne diseases. In addition, wells could also be contaminated by water from flooded toilets or toilet blocks. These items would enable partners in the health and in the water and sanitation sectors to respond to up to 100,000 cholera cases, including 80,000 moderate and 20,000 severe cases. Moreover, this water can also serve as a great fertilizer. Recently, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction RT-PCR has been found more effective. Between 1972 and 1999, 35 new agents of disease were discovered and many more have re-emerged after long periods of inactivity.



speech on water borne diseases a threat

A factor which contributes to this pollution is organic insecticides so we can reduce it by using less stable chemicals in their manufacturing process. However, there are many other ways in which faecal material can reach the mouth, for instance on the hands or on contaminated food. Waterborne diseases: Poor water quality becomes inevitable when water gets polluted with industrial waste, human waste, animal waste, garbage, untreated sewage, chemical effluents, etc. Water - one of the most important fundamental requirement for life on Earth. Contaminated water could carry viruses such as Unclean water for washing can cause skin and infectious eye disease such as Trachoma.


Waterborne Disease

speech on water borne diseases a threat

This is critical to our response and our ability to save lives," she added. Toroviruses : Toroviruses have been associated with gastroenteritis in both animals and humans. Around 2 years ago, the city of Flint was forced to switch their water supply from Lake Huron to a more local source, Flint River. Let us all our hands together so that we can fight against the major threat for our country's economic development. Sources of Bacteria in Drinking Water: The Need for Water Testing Human and animal wastes are a primary source of bacteria in water. In states like Jharkhand, Odisha, and Madhya Pradesh, around 35% of households travel more than half a kilometer for clean drinking water.


Speech on Water Pollution for Students

speech on water borne diseases a threat

ADVERTISEMENTS: Water is non-substitutable, and a life supporting molecule. Stepping up, stepping in Along with the National Directorate for Water and Sanitation DINEPA and other partners, UNICEF aims to improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities WASH for affected families. Similarly, they also contaminate underground water when it seeps through the soil. As a result, the economies of the exporter countries would find reduction in the amounts of the aquatic animals Bacteria In Drinking Water 832 Words 4 Pages The presence of bacteria and pathogenic organisms is a concern when considering the safety of drinking water. Prevention : Clean water is a pre-requisite for reducing the spread of waterborne diseases. Fund for UNICEF, 212.


Essay on Water Borne Diseases

speech on water borne diseases a threat

International Organisation of Migration IOM reports, migration of people between natural boundaries has been responsible for the emergence of several infectious diseases. NEW YORK August 18, 2011 — An urgent multisectoral response is being mounted to contain the spread of cholera in Some 75% of all cases of highly infectious acute watery diarrhea are among children under the age of five. These organisms can be introduced to the body through contaminated water, or by coming into contact with faeces containing the virus. The pathogenic microorganisms contaminate water and can develop serious illnesses that show a significant impact on health. Water a life-giving liquid can also be a life-taking lethal fluid.


Water Borne Diseases And Their Impact On Health

speech on water borne diseases a threat

Article shared by Waterborne diseases are any illness caused by drinking water contaminated by human or animal faeces, which contain pathogenic microorganisms. Water borne diseases can cause deadly effects on human health and it can be the reason for last breath. . Although it often occurs with mild or no symptoms, gradually cholera can develop as a severe, life-threatening disease. ADVERTISEMENTS: The best way of classifying water related diseases from public health point has been classified by Bradley in Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene Education—UNDP World Bank Water and Sanitation Report Series 1. In response to the outbreak here, Dr.
