Socrates view on love. Socrates and Phaedrus on Love 2022-10-24

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Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, had a unique view on love that was deeply rooted in his philosophical beliefs. According to Socrates, love is not an emotion or a feeling, but rather a type of knowledge or understanding.

Socrates believed that all people have a natural desire for knowledge and understanding, and that this desire is at the root of all human action. In this sense, love is not a feeling or emotion, but rather a pursuit of knowledge and understanding. For Socrates, this pursuit of knowledge and understanding was the highest form of love, and he believed that it was essential for living a good and fulfilling life.

In terms of relationships, Socrates believed that love was not based on physical attraction or emotional attachment, but rather on a shared pursuit of knowledge and understanding. He believed that true love between two people was only possible when they were both committed to seeking knowledge and understanding together.

Socrates' view on love was also closely tied to his belief in the concept of the soul. He believed that the soul was the most important aspect of a person, and that it was essential to cultivate and nurture the soul in order to live a good and virtuous life. In this sense, love was not just a feeling or emotion, but rather a way of caring for and nurturing the soul of another person.

Overall, Socrates had a deep and nuanced understanding of love that was deeply rooted in his philosophical beliefs. For him, love was not just an emotion or feeling, but rather a pursuit of knowledge and understanding that was essential for living a good and fulfilling life.

Socrates 's View Of Love

socrates view on love

If Love loves beautiful things, then it is not itself beautiful. Everything from religion, politics, cosmology, poetry, and mathematics owe the majority of their ideas to Socratic philosophy and methodology. His main biographers, Plato and Xenophon, knew him only as an older man. Who could blame them? On this occasion, each guest will take a turn praising Eros, the god of love. All of the above ideas flew right across the faces of the powerful and elite in ancient Athens. Again the reason for this is his origin: his father is wise and resourceful while his mother has neither quality. At that date Socrates too was around 20 years old.


Diotima By Socrates: The True Nature Of Love

socrates view on love

A relationship must be the Socrates 's View Of Love In The Symposium, Love is described to be a goddess by the men who are praising her powers in several eulogies. When Socrates attained the age of maturity, it is likely that he served in the military during the hoplite during military campaigns in Potidaea, Delium, and Amphipolis. Socrates would roam the streets of ancient Athens trying to trigger the reasoning capacity of people from all walks of life. But first, a few words about Socrates. The wings are heavily stressed as it is implied that they bring the soul closer to the gods. The tension becomes evident as Socrates' systematic defense leads him to contradict his opening statements and undermine the ethos he sought to establish in the beginning of the dialog.


Socrates and Love

socrates view on love

Examples of such schools were the Milesians, Xenophanes, Pythagorians, Eleatics, Heraclitus, and the Sophists. . Our western culture often associates the word with physical love, but many also seek its essence. Socrates was less interested in coming up with the answers. Human beings call this passion love. They were called the The reign of the Thirty Tyrants did not last for long. That, in turn, went on to influence the world for the next 2000 or so years.


80 Best Socrates Quotes & Sayings On Love, Life, Change

socrates view on love

The defeat catapulted a section of elites to power. Socrates and His Innocence Socrates and His Innocence Socrates lived such a private life that it lead to the most important revelation of his entire life. He equates it to enthusiasm and mania, in the religious sense. When most people think of love they mentally picture Cinderella and her Prince Charming happily dancing off into the sunset. Aristophanes wrote that Socrates took payments in exchange for tutoring at a Sophist school. Socrates was put on trial for treason.


The Nature of Love Theme in The Symposium

socrates view on love

In this case Socrates should consider love to be divine and beautiful. Viewing love to have a lack of healthy and beautiful things is contrary to the common view that love is generous. The only way gods communicate through humans is through these spirits, Diotima insists, because these spirits have the wisdom to intercede for the gods. Some authors have claimed that Socrates unshackled the chains that hang tight around the young men at that time. After all, people are even prepared to have their own feet or hands amputated if they think that those parts of themselves are diseased. Then there is hate.


Socrates and Phaedrus on Love

socrates view on love

In order to draw a conclusion on Socrates view on love, we shall examine previous speeches and compare them to his speech. A neoclassical painting by the 19th-century artist Nicolas Monsiau depicts Socrates sitting across a table from a lusciously dressed, gesticulating Aspasia. Real truth, to him, is found in justice and the good. Socrates is in full agreement of this but adds that Love not only brings. It can be conclusive to say that, all human beings are lovers of beautiful and praiseworthy things, but human needs and means of achieving these things vary from one lover to another. Some branches of love are negative and unhealthy, while others remain positive and strong.


Socrates in love: how the ideas of this woman are at the root of Western philosophy

socrates view on love

This Athenian-born philosopher is undeniably one of the greatest person and thinker in all of human history. In the text, there were series of speeches given by Phaedrus, Pausanias, Eryximachus, Aristophanes, Socrates, and Agathon about the idea of love, specifically the effect and nature of Eros. Socrates communicates that Love is a god, and then decides to add that he came to his conclusion with the help of a woman named Diotima. The charioteer rules over the horses, one noble and the other the opposite. Lovers lead their beloveds to find the single unchanging form of beauty -from beautiful bodies up to pursuits and lessons until the single eidos is conceived. Socrates touches on the idea of what it means to love another person, and how to find absolute beauty in this pursuit.


Socrates and Love Essay

socrates view on love

Socrates and the concept of justice His discussions about virtues and justice quickly caught on with the youths of ancient Athens. This belief holds true in the encounters of Symposium by Plato, as depicted by Alcibiades during a symposium held by Agathon. Socrates asks Agathon a series of questions - which leads to Agathon being thoroughly confused and completely re-thinking his entire speech he just made. Throughout these three speeches the reader gains an insight on persuasive ethics. The soul rules the cosmos and travels the stars.


Socrates, Love and Symposium

socrates view on love

Learn More Introduction Socrates and Agathon were in deep dialogue trying to define love. Although all these men bring up excellent points on their definitions on love, it is a woman that makes the best definition be known. The Life of Socrates The Life of Socrates I. We hope these Socrates quotes and sayings on love, life and knowing yourself will provide you the wisdom you are seeking for. He claims that love rejects feebleness and embraces youthfulness while also implying that love creates justice, courage and wisdom. Aristophanes describes him as "the most friendly towards men," and then relates the legend that three genders once existed, and that the third sex was originally a combination of male and female or a hermaphrodite. When all these conditions are met, then and then alone it is right for a boyfriend to gratify his lover, but not otherwise.
