Should tobacco be illegal essay. Should Smoking Tobacco Be Classified As an Illegal Drug? 2022-10-11

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Tobacco is a plant that is grown and harvested for its leaves, which are then cured, processed, and dried for use in a variety of products, most notably cigarettes. The use of tobacco has been around for centuries, and it is still used by millions of people around the world today. However, over the past several decades, there has been increasing evidence that tobacco use is harmful to both the user and those around them, leading to the question of whether tobacco should be made illegal.

On one hand, there are several compelling arguments in favor of making tobacco illegal. The most obvious is the health risks associated with its use. Tobacco use is a major cause of preventable death and disease, including lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease. In addition, tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are known to be harmful to human health. Secondhand smoke, which is the smoke exhaled by a smoker or emitted from the burning end of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, also poses a significant health risk to non-smokers who are exposed to it.

Another argument in favor of making tobacco illegal is the social and economic costs of its use. The healthcare costs associated with treating tobacco-related illnesses are a burden on society and contribute to rising healthcare costs. In addition, the productivity losses and absenteeism caused by tobacco use can have a negative impact on the economy.

On the other hand, there are also arguments against making tobacco illegal. One argument is that tobacco is a legal product that is purchased and consumed by adults who are aware of the risks associated with its use. Prohibition has been tried in the past with drugs such as alcohol and marijuana, and it has not been successful in eliminating their use. In fact, it has often led to unintended consequences, such as the creation of a black market for these substances and an increase in crime.

Another argument against making tobacco illegal is the potential impact on the economy. Tobacco is a major agricultural industry in many countries, and making it illegal would likely have negative consequences for farmers and the economies of these countries. In addition, the taxes collected from the sale of tobacco products contribute significantly to government revenue in many countries.

In conclusion, while there are strong arguments in favor of making tobacco illegal due to the health risks and social and economic costs associated with its use, there are also valid arguments against it. Ultimately, the decision of whether to make tobacco illegal should be based on a careful weighing of the pros and cons and a consideration of the potential consequences of such a move.

Should Smoking Tobacco Be Classified As an Illegal Drug?

should tobacco be illegal essay

One such thing is cigarettes. The respiratory system takes the most damage when someone smokes cigarettes. The strategy delivered positive results in different working environments and communities. I think that tobacco should be illegal because teens that age need to keep their focus on school. More often than not, individuals who quit smoking continue to fight different health challenges for a very long time.


Should Cigarettes Be Illegal Essay

should tobacco be illegal essay

Using tobacco is the single most preventable cause of disability, disease or death in the United States. People want to be able to make their own decisions, in regards to all aspects of their freedom. Views and Values Held By Supports of Tobacco Smoking Contrary to the views held by most antagonist of the legality of cigarette smoking practice, most supporters of this practice believe that, every individual has the right of deciding what is best for their bodies. Smoking can cause death at a young age and make living harder. Even though the physical impact of tobacco seems so deadly, the tobacco industry is a booming market.


Why Smoking Should Not Be Banned

should tobacco be illegal essay

The CDC says of their web site that one out of each 5 deaths in the United States are linked to smoking. Also you will probably have a fire in your house at least once in your life. The land used to grow tobacco crops could be put to healthier use by planting more trees or food production. This discussion therefore gives concrete reasons to support the ban of cigarettes and tobacco products. In fact, Jeanette M. It is extremely dangerous to use because of the long term affects including cancer, an increase in respiratory illness, and increases the risk of heart problems.


Why Tobacco Products and Cigarettes Should Be Banned

should tobacco be illegal essay

However, attempts to prohibit the use of various tobacco products have been associated with increased consumption of substandard cigarettes. The malpractice can result in unhealthy babies with reduced immunity. Such deaths are caused by various diseases and conditions associated with tobacco use. Smoking also causes strokes and heart attacks. This is because cigarettes contain chemical substances added to the tobacco in order for its users to become addicted. How many instances a day do you walk via a cloud of cigarette smoke? When cigarette butts are discarded while still smoldering, they cause bushfires and destroy large chunks of flora and fauna. I believe that smoking cigarettes in public places should be illegal for many reasons such as the health and safety dangers of others and even myself.


Argumentative Essay: Cigarette Smoking Should Be Banned: [Essay Example], 660 words GradesFixer

should tobacco be illegal essay

Tobacco control TC policies have been on the rise. The litter of the cigarette butts increases the cost of cleaning the area, which has an economic implication Dresser 703. If the federal government decides to ban the smoking of tobacco, they may have my full support. It was used in many ways and all of them was thought to be totally positive effects, not knowing how harmful it really was. This act prohibits Why Marijuana Should Be Legal 22, 2010 Why marijuana should be legal Some people ask why marijuana should be legalized.


Argumentive Essay: Smoking Tobacco Should Be Illegal Essay

should tobacco be illegal essay

While there have been health issues related to second hand smoke, we cannot lose sight of the fact that, they can always go somewhere else to sit. For every death from smoking, thirty additional people suffer from at least one tobacco related disease. Marijuana has become more of a popular drug lately as a result of of the huge debates over legalizing it for medical use. As mentioned earlier, nonsmokers have increased chances of developing health complications associated with tobacco products. The authors conducted a study to understand the attitudes regarding the idea of banning tobacco advertisements. Not everyone will indeed follow the law right away, but establishing it in the first place is an important step towards a better future for the planet.


Why Tobacco Should be Illegal: Essay: [Essay Example], 2003 words GradesFixer

should tobacco be illegal essay

If your brain dopamine levels rise, the feeling of contentment is higher. Cigarettes are best known for how addictive they are thanks to the nicotine they contain. Marijuana, morphine and meth are all illegal drugs that are just as harmful as nicotine. However, they do affect vast long-term health matters. The pollutants from smoke settle down into the hair, clothes, and furniture of smokers.


Tobacco Should Be Made Illegal, Essay Example

should tobacco be illegal essay

After one year of cessation, the chance of getting a heart attack drops by nearly fifty percent. But accelerated aging continues to remain the most ignored and standard side effect of smoking. Currently, a cigarette manufacturing machine can use up to 3. Or should Canadians be given the freedom to chose, and current rulings upheld? As noted in the United States of America, only one out of four adults smoke. In public places, more people, both young and old, can be exposed to the smoke from cigarettes.


Smoking in Public Places: Should It Be Banned?

should tobacco be illegal essay

People are lazy and just throw their cigarettes in the leaves. Such fires are responsible for over 1,000 deaths in the country every year. Cigarette Should Smoking Cigarette Be Illegal? Tobacco was discovered by the American Indians and believed tobacco to be more than it actually was. I think it should be illegal because teens that age need to keep their focus on school and they they could lose their smile. Bans on items like tobacco are difficult to implement, and usually, do not stop all activity. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places. Smoking rate is declining inn U.


Cigarettes Should be Illegal

should tobacco be illegal essay

. Smoking can cause many diseases for example lung cancer, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes. Smoking gives them bad breath and their teeth will fall out by the time they get old. Is smoking tobacco ruining the Canadian economy? This could cause an uproar within the world population. This economic cost is expensive and makes it impossible for the government to focus on other health concerns affecting the population. It is important for elder to show a good model for the younger generation what they should do and what they should not.
