Should exams be abolished argumentative essay. Examinations Should Be Abolished Free Essay Example 2022-10-16

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Exams have been a staple of the education system for as long as anyone can remember. They are used to assess a student's knowledge and understanding of a subject, and are often seen as a measure of intelligence or aptitude. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement to abolish exams, with many arguing that they are unfair, stressful, and do not accurately reflect a student's true potential. In this essay, I will argue that exams should be abolished and replaced with more effective forms of assessment.

One of the main arguments against exams is that they are inherently unfair. This is because they often rely on memorization and test-taking skills, rather than a true understanding of the subject matter. Students who are good at memorizing facts and practicing test-taking strategies may do well on exams, even if they do not have a deep understanding of the material. On the other hand, students who struggle with these skills may do poorly on exams, even if they have a strong grasp of the subject. This means that exams can disproportionately favor certain types of learners, and disadvantage others.

Another argument against exams is that they are incredibly stressful for students. The pressure to perform well on exams can be overwhelming, and many students experience anxiety and stress leading up to and during the exam period. This stress can have negative impacts on students' mental health and well-being, and can even lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, and difficulty sleeping.

Furthermore, exams do not necessarily provide an accurate assessment of a student's true potential. They often only test a narrow range of skills and knowledge, and do not take into account other important qualities such as creativity, problem-solving, communication, or teamwork. These skills are increasingly important in today's world, and it is important that our education system recognizes and values them.

So, if exams are unfair, stressful, and do not accurately assess a student's true potential, what should we do instead? One alternative is to use a variety of assessment methods, such as essays, projects, presentations, and group work. These methods allow students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject matter, and also allow them to showcase their creativity, problem-solving skills, and teamwork. These methods also allow for a more holistic assessment of a student's abilities, rather than just focusing on their test-taking skills.

In conclusion, exams should be abolished and replaced with more effective forms of assessment. Exams are inherently unfair, stressful, and do not accurately reflect a student's true potential. By using a variety of assessment methods, we can create a more fair and holistic education system that better prepares students for success in the real world.

Exams have long been a staple of the educational system, serving as a means to evaluate and measure a student's knowledge and abilities. However, the efficacy of exams as a sole determinant of a student's aptitude and progress has been called into question in recent years. As such, the question of whether exams should be abolished has gained traction, with proponents arguing that they are unnecessary and harmful, and opponents claiming that they serve a vital function in the education system.

One argument for the abolition of exams is that they do not accurately reflect a student's true abilities. Exams often test only a narrow range of knowledge and skills, and students may struggle to perform well on them due to factors such as anxiety or test-taking strategies. This can lead to students who are intelligent and capable but do not perform well on exams being unfairly penalized, while those who are good at test-taking but not necessarily knowledgeable may excel.

Another argument against exams is that they can be stressful and harmful to a student's mental health. The pressure to perform well on exams can be intense, and students may experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues as a result. This pressure can also lead to cheating and other unethical behaviors, as students may feel that their future prospects depend on their exam performance.

However, proponents of exams argue that they serve a valuable function in the education system. Exams can provide a standardized means of measuring a student's knowledge and abilities, and can help to ensure that students are meeting certain learning objectives. They can also provide motivation for students to study and prepare for their classes.

Ultimately, the question of whether exams should be abolished is a complex one, with valid arguments on both sides. While it is important to consider the potential drawbacks of exams, it is also important to recognize their role in the education system and the potential benefits they can provide. A more nuanced approach may be to consider alternative methods of evaluation, such as projects or essays, which can better reflect a student's abilities and skills while minimizing the negative impacts of exams.

Free Essay: Should Exams be Abolished or Not?

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Some might not have the money to take major examinations like the O and A levels which determine their achievements and grades, and these people are not being noticed. . The old orthography will serve to verify this position: There aqa history a level coursework titles are three that bear record in heaven--the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; and there are three that bear witness on earth--the Spirit, the Water and should exams be abolished argumentative essay the Blood. . Papers and papers and pages and pages. In conclusion, there is enough evidence that there are minimal benefits of death penalty and it needs to abolish all over the world.


Exam Should Be Abolished Essay Example

should exams be abolished argumentative essay

Should Exams Be Abolished? Thus, a student who fails in examination is discriminated against by a prospective employer. It tests candidates on specific subjects, knowledge, traits and analytical reasoning. Take for example the Indian Civil Service examination for recruiting people to the Indian Administrative Services. . What the test may cover may not be what the students have learned in class. So without the exams there is no way for the teachers to help the weaker students to improve.


Should Exams Be Abolished

should exams be abolished argumentative essay

. Because exams are stressful and they do not show real results of the student's hard work and mental. However, this is not correct as cheating in exams is more obvious than plagiarism which could be detected by programs such as Turintin. . I say doing projects during the year, grades for participation after every lesson, and having weekly assessment is the best solution and the most fair approach for this debate. English Essays 10 11- , , "" Argumentative essay.


Free Essays on Argumentative Essay On Should Exams Be Abolished through

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Although they make pupils perfectly dying. Every year lakhs of candidates appear for the examination, which evaluates their knowledge on certain subjects, quite oblivious to the fact, that there are more essential attributes required for a civil servant, like administrative ability, man management, tact, diplomacy and quick decision-making. However, some do not agree that exams are important. . Backpacks overflowing with test taking equipment and eagerly awaiting the next day telling whether you passed your grade or not.



should exams be abolished argumentative essay

As much importance has been attached to it in virtually every academic institutions across the globe, the voices of those who lobby for its eradication are seldom heard, let alone be considered seriously. . They favor people who are gifted or have good memory and good exam techniques, and neglect the less able students who actually need the most help. Peter Tait 2018 says that by defining intelligence through examination, we have lose a lot of talented people. However, I believe in regular testing through out the year.


Examinations Should Be Abolished Free Essay Example

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This is certainly an interesting but controversial issue. Examinations, as we know it, have emerged to be the main facet of modern education in the ever-changing I am of the opinion that the time has come for us to abolish this system, a system which has come under fire from multiple sections of the community. Should The Death Penalty Be Legal? Some fast or mini tests will coerce pupils to go to the categories often. The questions can consist of multiple choice, true or false, and word problems. An alternative is that schools should not have any examinations at all, and teachers should just teach throughout the year.


Public Examination Should Be Abolished Argumentative Essay

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. Nowadays, students are just required to memorise formulas and texts to answer the questions in examinations. Even though, those who have good memories may not be very smart during the classes and may not understand most of what they are memorizing. Another reason examination should not be abolished is that it helps students to know their weakness and strength of the subject and tell students what they need to improve on. Exams might be stressful, but they improve learning. According to the new method adopted by many public schools, examinations would remain a part and parcel of. It is also a common universal yardstick used around the world, since a long time ago.


Should The Death Penalty Be Abolished Argumentative Essay

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Many people think that exams are the most appropriate and fair way to evaluate students ' progress and determine their intelligence. According to Jackie Burell 2018 , rate of suicide case among teenagers had increased from years to years and suicide has become the second most common reason of death among students. Anjum Khan 2017 said, "Exam questions that are only based on the school syllabus has actually no direct relationship with the real life situations which students face in everyday life. There is an elegant cut of the Provins rose, should exams be abolished argumentative essay with a good account of it, in the first edition of Pomet Hist. .


Exams Should Not Be Abolished Argumentative Essay

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. Students are expected to do too good which is causing them to suffer. Public Examination Should Be Abolished - 728 Words AntiEssays "Public exams should be abolished. And examination is one way to determine how well learning has taken place — is through your answers. When students study, they will feel tired, and they will also feel that they have not studied enough, which leads them to not having enough sleep. .


Exams should be abolished Free Essays

should exams be abolished argumentative essay

From vomiting to self-harming, all sorts of physical sickness and suffering can be caused by exams. Exam also become the weapon of parents to show off their kid's result to their friends or relatives. School Examinations Should Be Abolished - 1131. It was impossible therefore, in a general work against Christianity, that Celsus should not refer to the subject of Miracles, or that he should, in the face of their public performance, flatly deny their existence. Examinations Should Be Abolished - PHDessay. On the other hand, if he or she is getting a low mark he or she is not applying his or herself or possibly being flat out lazy.
