Should everyone get a trophy essay. Trophys Persuasive Essay 2022-11-08

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The idea of giving everyone a trophy, regardless of their performance, has been a topic of debate for some time. On one hand, proponents argue that it promotes a positive self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment for all participants. On the other hand, critics argue that it undermines the value of hard work and achievement and sends the wrong message about competition and merit.

One argument in favor of giving everyone a trophy is that it can boost self-esteem and confidence. When children and young adults receive recognition for their participation, it can give them a sense of accomplishment and make them feel good about themselves. This can be particularly important for those who may not excel at a particular activity or who may struggle with self-confidence.

Another argument in favor of giving everyone a trophy is that it promotes a sense of teamwork and community. When everyone is recognized for their contribution to a team or group, it can foster a sense of camaraderie and cooperation. This can be especially important in youth sports, where the focus is often on developing skills, character, and teamwork rather than winning at all costs.

However, there are also valid arguments against the practice of giving everyone a trophy. One concern is that it undermines the value of hard work and achievement. When everyone receives the same recognition, regardless of their effort or performance, it can diminish the sense of accomplishment that comes with earning a trophy through hard work and dedication. This can discourage individuals from striving for excellence and can create a culture of mediocrity.

Another concern is that it sends the wrong message about competition and merit. In a competitive society, it is important for individuals to understand that not everyone can win or be the best at everything. By giving everyone a trophy, it can create a false sense of accomplishment and lead to a lack of understanding about the importance of hard work and perseverance.

In conclusion, the decision to give everyone a trophy is a complex one that involves weighing the potential benefits against the potential drawbacks. While it may boost self-esteem and promote a sense of teamwork and community, it can also undermine the value of hard work and achievement and send the wrong message about competition and merit. Ultimately, the best approach may be to find a balance between recognizing the efforts of all participants while also valuing hard work and achievement.

Should Everyone Get A Trophy

should everyone get a trophy essay

Competition is about working hard to get success. Instead of being treated as living beings in nature, they are treated as materialistic objects by humans. Some people think that rewarding kids with trophies are a good way of encouraging kids. When the coach and the kids grow a strong bond and the he is always there to cheer them on, that is what matters to the kids. Both items apparently trigger narcissism and false hope in children. To be the winner of a sport will give you the mental mindset to be the best at other things later in life, such as being the best at their job, or being the best in school.


Should Kids Get A Trophy Essay

should everyone get a trophy essay

But there are not conveyed that way anymore than what they used to be. One reason some kids shouldn't get trophies are studies have shown that giving all kids a trophy can sent the wrong message. Will trophies lose their value? After you have gotten so many t-shirts and are done with playing sports or dancing you could turn all the t-shirts into a quilt so it can be more memorable than a trophy that can get broken Persuasive Essay On Trophy Hunting Trophy hunting is the hunting of wild game for human recreation. I have very mixed feelings about this. Should Everyone Get a Trophy? Is it how hard they worked to be recognized or that they are just being a part of a group? Presenting undeserving children awards will not help them with their future and it negatively impacts those who deserve them by demotivating them to excel above others. Regardless of individual effort, or superior skills, all who participate receive the same acknowledgement. Youth athletes get rewarded with participation trophies for simple matters and this is unacceptable.


Why Everyone Shouldn T Get A Trophy

should everyone get a trophy essay

Is it how hard they worked to be recognized or that they are just being a part of a group? Together we laughed about failed plays and remembered how we managed to squeak into the playoffs. However, even with some good points coming …show more content… In real life, people do not get a pay raise for showing up on time or doing the bare minimum of what is required. However, once Why Everyone Shouldn T Get A Trophy In conclusion, trophies should not be given to everyone; they should be earned by hard work. Just showing up will get you a trophy. Are Children Given Too Much Trophies Essay 1803 Words 8 Pages Children Receiving Too Many Trophies Are children being given too many trophies? You're in charge of a sports league, and you have to decide whether to reward only the winning team or all participants.


Essay On Participation Trophies

should everyone get a trophy essay

As for losing, he tells kids and parents : accept that it happens. Gilded Age Should Be Abolished 444 Words 2 Pages To put it simply, No people should not receive a trophy just for participating. These trophies also show youth athletes the easy wat out, and how to get rewarded with no effort being put in. No, I do not think all athletes should get a trophy just for showing up. We should always try to do our best regardless of the potential reward at the end. For everyone who plays, the reward also comes in the form of self-confidence, sportsmanship, and teamwork.


Should Everyone Get a Trophy?, essay by StanleyKensic

should everyone get a trophy essay

Giving participation trophies decreases motivation. Because, trophies should be given to everyone; even for participating. . But then she surprises me by telling me she did find one. There are a lot of lessons to learn when you lose a match and how to overcome that, says Infranca.


Everyone Should Get A Trophy

should everyone get a trophy essay

And none of them said 'Trophies. But his perspective and focus on competition has changed. That is where fairness comes into play. Today many children expect to always receive an award when participating in sports, clubs, or other activities. There goes the internal motivations and the joy of doing your best.


Everyone Should Get A Trophy Essay

should everyone get a trophy essay

Likely this reporter's very first award for participation, found squirreled in a box in his parents' basement. On the other hand, some people believe that rewarding youth athletes that don't participate with a trophy is acceptable. . Should everyone get a trophy? Impacting one person out of a hundred is better than nothing. The reasons are simple, he says.


Article Summary: Should Everyone Get A Trophy

should everyone get a trophy essay

The private pregnancy clinic also has two sides which are that pushing morals on a person to stop them from having an abortion is good, yet on the other hand, some people say that the lady has the right to choose on her own decision. If a child keeps getting a reward for everything they do they will start to anticipate the awards. First off, I want to give all the reasons, upfront, for the opposition of this. How will you prepare for what the other side may say? What elements and values do you think are important to reward in sports? Everyone on a team should get a trophy regardless of whether the team came in first or dead last. Some say that every kid should get a trophy and be able to say that I accomplished this. If everybody gets a trophy it can take away the pride of having a trophy. Although trophies are a great way to make someone feel good, you shouldn't get a trophy just for showing up.


Persuasive Essay On Why Should Everyone Get A Trophy

should everyone get a trophy essay

The participation builds confidence but then again takes away the confidence. I believe that giving children too many unearned trophies not only Persuasive Essay On Trophy Hunting recent news, it was made known that the ban on importing lion and elephant trophies into the United States was lifted by the U. We should be expecting kids to want to compete to win, not just to be participating. Another …show more content… As shown above there is significant support for why the practice of rewarding all participants should be eliminated. If there is a team works hard and never loses a game. There is no shame in failure, if you learn from it, and use it to push yourself further.


Trophys Persuasive Essay

should everyone get a trophy essay

But instead of recognizing just the top performers, many sports programs have started awarding trophies to all athletes, regardless of their performance. Losing a game should not be rewarded just for putting out an effort, if that were the case then every person who has every competed would have a trophy. This question stirs lots of emotions among athletes, parents, and coaches, and has generated untold number of discussions about the culture of competition in youth sports and the value placed on winning and losing. Feeling bad about something like this is not always a negative thing. Kids need to understand the difference between winning and losing, which is a very important life lesson.
