Should euthanasia be legalized pros and cons. Why Euthanasia Should Not Be Legal Essay: Pros and Cons: Free Essay Example, 944 words 2022-11-08

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Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide, is a controversial and complex issue that raises moral, ethical, and legal questions. It refers to the practice of intentionally ending a person's life in order to relieve suffering, usually when the person is terminally ill or incurably suffering. The term "euthanasia" comes from the Greek words "eu," meaning good, and "thanatos," meaning death, and is often translated as "good death."

There are several arguments for and against the legalization of euthanasia. Here are some of the main pros and cons:


  1. Relief of suffering: One of the main arguments in favor of euthanasia is that it allows people to die with dignity and without suffering. People who are terminally ill or incurably suffering may experience unbearable physical or emotional pain, and euthanasia allows them to end their suffering and die peacefully.

  2. Autonomy and self-determination: Euthanasia gives people the right to decide how and when they want to die, and allows them to retain control over their lives until the end. This can be especially important for people who value their autonomy and self-determination, and who may feel that they are being kept alive against their will.

  3. Reducing burden on family and healthcare system: Euthanasia can also be seen as a way of reducing the burden on family members and the healthcare system. Caring for a terminally ill person can be emotionally and financially draining, and euthanasia can help alleviate some of this burden by allowing the person to die peacefully.


  1. Moral concerns: One of the main arguments against euthanasia is that it goes against the fundamental moral principle that human life should be valued and protected. Some people believe that it is never acceptable to intentionally end a person's life, no matter how much suffering they may be experiencing.

  2. Potential for abuse: Another concern is that if euthanasia is legalized, it could be abused by people who may try to pressure vulnerable individuals into choosing death. This could include people who stand to gain financially from the person's death, or who may have their own agendas for wanting the person to die.

  3. Lack of palliative care: Some people also argue that there are alternative ways to alleviate suffering, such as through palliative care, and that euthanasia is not necessary. Palliative care is specialized medical care that focuses on relieving suffering and improving the quality of life for people with serious illnesses.

In conclusion, the issue of euthanasia is complex and multi-faceted, and there are strong arguments on both sides. While it is true that euthanasia can offer relief from suffering and allow people to die with dignity, it also raises serious moral and ethical concerns. Ultimately, the decision to legalize euthanasia should be based on careful consideration of all the relevant factors, including the potential risks and benefits, and should involve extensive public debate and consultation.

Should Medical Aid in Dying Be Legal?

should euthanasia be legalized pros and cons

First of all, it should be said that the question of euthanasia has some psychological and physiological unique features. Euthanasia is also one of the most actively researched and debated subjects in modern bioethics. It is the reason why we need a change in the law. Euthanasia offers relevance of severe pain due to incurable illnesses. MAID allows terminally ill patients to choreograph their own deaths, deciding not only when but where and how and with whom.


Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Euthanasia

should euthanasia be legalized pros and cons

People who are against euthanasia believe that it goes against all medical ethics and should not be legal anywhere, however, a doctors job is to help and provide care to patients. Nothing in it says we have the right to pursue death, nothing. People against Euthanasia look at it as either suicide or murder, and find it inhumane. Non-voluntary euthanasia is euthanasia considered when the explicit consent of the individual concerned is unavailable — this is usually because the concerned individual may have experienced brain death or might be in a persistent vegetative state. It may result in the termination of the idea about life as the main privilege.


Pros And Cons Of Euthanasia

should euthanasia be legalized pros and cons

Іt wоuld саusе dесlіnе іn hеаlth саrе аnd саusе vісtіmіzаtіоn оf thе mоst vulnеrаblе sесtіоns оf sосіеtу. The issue comes with a variety of characteristics based upon psychological, moral, and religious aspects that we always need to take into account depending on the country or region. This statement means that a person should not despair. What is voluntary euthanasia? Euthanasia is categorized in different ways, which include voluntary, non-voluntary, or involuntary and active or passive. But it is morally wrong. People choose death over life for reasons other than their health.


Euthanasia Pros And Cons Essay

should euthanasia be legalized pros and cons

Below are the key arguments for euthanasia, which highlight why it is our right as human beings as well as the benefits it presents. If a person is mentally fit and prefers to proceed in this manner rather than hoping for a miracle, this option can help them make it a reality. Hence, such individuals might consider euthanizing themselves instead of seeking help. After all, most nations prohibit killings and punish those who commit such heinous acts. Physician Assisted Suicide Arguments 1137 Words 5 Pages In the defense of Physician Assisted Suicide, a wide publicly talked about topic, it should be a choice every terminally ill patient receives.


Pros and Cons of Euthanasia

should euthanasia be legalized pros and cons

These patients struggle with physical and psychological pain. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more. It may even require an amendment. Some doctors may not offer an accurate diagnosis if PAD is legalized. Some opponents of euthanasia disagree with this kind of suicide while some theories illustrate that euthanasia is a reasonable method of suicide. The process of getting medical attention is time consuming, frustrating, and oftentimes expensive.


Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?

should euthanasia be legalized pros and cons

In this case, the laws of the country are actively preventing its citizens from making decisions and perpetuate their suffering. Yеs, іt mау sееm sаd tо sее thе оnе wе lоvе suffеr, but аt thе еnd оf thе dау, саn wе tаkе mаttеrs іntо оur оwn hаnds аnd dесіdе tо еnd аnоthеr lіfе? In general, Greece accepted euthanasia for patients who are suffering from extreme pain. However in cases where it is a choice between intense suffering or death, it can be argued that the physician is doing more harm to the patient by not allowing them to die. Learn more Main body To begin with, one must take into account the opinions of people who are in the unfortunate position of considering whether to end their own lives. No patient should ever be coerced into the idea of taking their life in this manner, just as a doctor should be have the option to opt out of this service if it goes against their moral code. There are already plenty of physicians who admit that they lie about the seriousness of an illness to their patients already.


Top 10 Reasons Euthanasia Should Be Legal Everywhere

should euthanasia be legalized pros and cons

However, a person should also not be offered with the option of terminating his or her life since he or she is part of the society and the decisions made may have impacts on others. Euthanasia Rough Draft 425 Words 2 Pages Euthanasia Rough Draft Euthanasia has been a big topic of conversation around the United States for the past decade. Journal of Medical Ethics, 32 12 , 706-710. Disadvantages of Euthanasia However, there are several significant reasons which underline the negative character of euthanasia and show its disadvantages. In 1997, as executive editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, when the issue was before the US Supreme Court, I wrote an editorial favoring it, and told the story of my father, who shot himself rather than endure a protracted death from metastatic cancer of the prostate. Letting doctors administer lethal drugs could support violence, not only does this change the dynamic of patient and doctor relationship but how other view the disabled including those with other manageable health conditions. Unethical Treatment It may also be seen as unethical because it goes against some of the critical principles in healthcare, such as benevolence and non-maleficence.


Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments

should euthanasia be legalized pros and cons

The preservation of life is, however, subject to the self-determined choice of the person and not the choice of the physician. There are some spiritual viewpoints on suicide that may influence this debate. Then should Euthanasia be limited to those who can give consent? This helps ensure that individuals can make decisions about their own life and death, providing peace of mind in difficult times. Euthanasia could readily be extended to incompetent patients and other vulnerable populations. But should we really take this desire for granted? That patients should not be at the mercy of anyone, especially when they are diagnosed with an incurable disease that is in control of their life. Our teacher asked us to raise our hands if we agreed with physician assisted suicide in a terminally ill patient.
