Should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay. Should Euthanasia Be Legalised in the Uk Essay 2022-11-05

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Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide, is the practice of intentionally ending a person's life in order to relieve them of suffering from an incurable illness or injury. The question of whether euthanasia should be legalised in the UK is a highly controversial and complex issue that elicits strong emotions and opinions from people on both sides of the argument. In this essay, I will explore the main arguments for and against the legalisation of euthanasia in the UK, and consider the implications of such a decision.

One of the main arguments in favor of legalising euthanasia is that it would allow people suffering from terminal or incurable illnesses to die with dignity, rather than being forced to endure prolonged suffering. For many people, the prospect of living with a terminal illness or severe disability is unbearable, and they would prefer to be able to choose the time and manner of their own death. Legalising euthanasia would give these individuals the opportunity to exercise control over their own lives and deaths, and to die on their own terms.

Another argument in favor of legalising euthanasia is that it would provide a humane alternative to other end-of-life options, such as withdrawing treatment or refusing food and water. These options can be distressing and uncomfortable for both the individual and their loved ones, and may not always be effective in bringing about a peaceful death. Euthanasia, on the other hand, is a more direct and controlled way of ending life, and has the potential to bring greater comfort and peace to both the individual and their loved ones.

However, there are also strong arguments against the legalisation of euthanasia. One concern is that it could be abused, for example if people feel pressure to choose euthanasia in order to relieve their family or caregivers of the burden of caring for them. There is also the risk that vulnerable people, such as those who are elderly or incapacitated, could be coerced into choosing euthanasia against their will. In order to address these concerns, it would be necessary to put in place strict safeguards and regulations to ensure that euthanasia is only available to those who truly wish to avail of it.

Another concern is that legalising euthanasia could have a negative impact on the value and dignity of human life. Some argue that euthanasia sends the message that some lives are not worth living, and that it is acceptable to end the lives of those who are suffering. This could have harmful consequences for society as a whole, as it could lead to a devaluation of the worth of human life and a decrease in the willingness to provide care and support for those who are suffering.

In conclusion, the question of whether euthanasia should be legalised in the UK is a complex and difficult one, with valid arguments on both sides. On the one hand, legalising euthanasia could bring comfort and dignity to those suffering from terminal or incurable illnesses, and provide a more humane alternative to other end-of-life options. On the other hand, there are concerns about the potential for abuse and the impact on the value and dignity of human life. Ultimately, the decision of whether to legalise euthanasia in the UK will depend on a careful weighing of these competing considerations and the development of appropriate safeguards and regulations.

Euthanasia Should It Be A Legal Option Philosophy Essay

should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay

I have personally experienced what it feels like to watch someone wither away day by day until there is nothing left. Thus with regards to the above, voluntary euthanasia is helping a person who wishes to die to do so and involuntary euthanasia is helping a person to die when they are unable to request this for themselves. In other words, anything that people call freedom is limited because of being mortal beings only. If more scarce resources are saved, thousands or even millions of people will be cured to live healthy and meaningful lives and become productive members again of their society such as when money is allocated on research for the cure. Most family members are motivated solely by their love, dedication, and compassion for the ill family member, and the need, at least in their mind, to help the family member so that there is no more suffering and pain.


Pro Euthanasia: It Should Be Legalised in the UK: Free Essay Example, 1059 words

should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay

I will also ask questions regarding how they think Euthanasia should be carried out if it was legalized. From the information that I have read there were assisted suicide happening throughout the entire span of his career. There are 4 different types of euthanasia and they are voluntary is accordance with the authority consent of a dying person. Therefore consideration was taken into account regarding chosen topic; it would need to provide suffcient information to research and evaluate without becoming to complex or time consuming. John Keown in his book Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy: An Argument Against Legalisation, creates a succinct definition of euthanasia based on various understandings of the process, "Euthanasia involves doctors making decisions which have the effect of shortening a patient's life and these decisions are based on the belief that the patient would be better off dead" Keown 10. I honestly feel that when one takes their own life when terminally ill , they are hurting no one but they are taking away all the pain they are suffering. This causes much conflict regarding patients who believe that travelling to the Netherlands is acceptable to end their lives, however if another person accompanies them there with the intent of that patient having their life ended, as soon as they land on British soil they can be arrested and prosecuted under English laws.


Should Euthanasia Be Legalized in the Uk? Essay Example

should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay

You can find the rest of my material on euthanasia and end-of-life here, including my other introductory essays. In Britain, a 2012 study discovered that as many as 57,000 patients Donnelly, 2012 each year die without being told that efforts to keep them alive have been stopped. This is an advantage of interviewing. When the details of the Nazi euthanasia program became known in the years following World War II, it is not surprising that the discussion about legalizing euthanasia in Britain faded. What counts is what the patient wants and judges to be a benefit or a value in his or her own life. Passive euthanasia is usually consider more ethically and morally acceptable by many because it isā€¦ Argument Against Euthanasia Definitions of euthanasia abound in the medical community.


Should Euthanasia be legalised in the UK?, Sample of Essays

should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay

This is sustained by Gregory E. The subject of euthanasia has always been a hotly debated topic. Argued January 8, 1997 -- Decided June 26, 1997. For my should euthanasia be legalized essay is relate to you, you would have to be contained to a bed, unable to live the lives you do currently. If the patient is coherent when making the choice of euthanasia then the family members should not be forced to choose between respecting the wishes of a loved one and obeying the law when it comes to their loved one suffering.


Should Euthanasia Be Legalized Essay

should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay

As of 1997, there was a law that forbidden assisted suicide. I have watched cancer patients and many others sit and dread the day that they all know will come when their family has to see them suffering. Under this oath a promise it made to do no harm than good but it can be argued that allowing a patient to suffer for an extended amount of time has a detrimental effect and could be seen as breaking this promise. Work Cited Assembly debate on 10 December see Doc. However perhaps these moments of desperation will pass and they will be glad that no one acted on their pleas.


Should Euthanasia be legalized? Essay Example [884 Words]

should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay

Non-faith-Based arguments against physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Moreover, it can be used for more inhumane acts. There were several limitations present whilst producing this assignment which included: time constraints for final submission and a set word count of 2000 words. Journal of Oncology Practice, 13 10 , 683-686. Detroit Local News- WDIV Detroit May 24, 2007: www. The Works Of Jeremy Bentham. Who would this definition extend to and who would be eligible to be euthanized? Since death is a part of the normal cycle of life, why should we not rather have euthanasia as an alternative? There are differentā€¦ Is Euthanasia Ethically Wrong Living is more valuable than dying and threatening to diminish the value of life is dangerous.


Should Euthanasia be legalised in the UK? Essay

should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay

While this position is almost convincing, it fails to consider three things. Euthanasia is a much-discussed topic in the UK these days, particularly when people believe that Euthanasia should be legalized. The situation is not unlike that of a doomsday cult that predicts time and again the end of the world, only for followers to discover the next day that things are pretty much as they were. Terminally ill patients fear the fact of being alive but not living. Some support it, while others oppose the move to legalize euthanasia. The four types of euthanasia include active, passive, indirect, and physician-assisted suicide. By this I mean, die without withering away, and suffering.


Euthanasia should be legalized in the UK Free Essay Example

should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay

Ā· 1989- Kevorkian builds his "suicide machine" in his Royal Oak, Michigan, apartment. When she reached the point of complete misery after two years of battling this cancer she choose to end her life with the help of her husband ,Derek Humphry. Kantian Ethics: A Support for Euthanasia with Extreme Dementia. Christians also argue that euthanasia should be legalised in the UK or any other country, so voluntary euthanasia is the beginning of a term called Slippery Slope, which leads to all recent legalisation attempts in the UK focused on physician-assisted suicide rather than euthanasia. Case study ā€” This could be beneficial, however for the purpose of this report it was not appropriate given the time constraint for completion and the word limit would not give scope for an in depth case study to be compiled.


Should Euthanasia be Legalised in the UK? Essay Example

should euthanasia be legalised in the uk essay

The first person I would like to tell you about is an author by the name of Derek Humphry, he has written many books, essays, journals, newsletters and much more on the topic of euthanasia. This is just based on things I have seen on the news, and conversations I have had with people; they seem to believe that Euthanasia is morally right and is helping a person in need. There are going to be different reasons to support different opinions. I have seen people who have died a number of different ways, many not pleasant. Anti-Euthanasia Individuals The refutation to the above first pro-euthanasia argument is that anti-euthanasia groups argue that despite people having rights, freedom, or free will, it is limited. His passion for legalizing euthanasia which he calls 'self-deliverance' stems from the death of his first wife. If a person knew that death, was around the corner and the only thing keeping them alive, would be medications, feeding tubes, or machines what would they do? There was a request for a bill to be passed for assisting the death of those who are terminally ill.
