Setting of thank you ma am. What is the setting of Langston Hughes Thank You Ma'am? 2022-10-24

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"Thank You, Ma'am" is a short story by Langston Hughes that takes place in a bustling city setting. The story follows the events that occur after a young boy named Roger tries to steal the purse of an older woman named Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

The setting of the story is significant because it adds to the sense of realism and helps to establish the characters and their motivations. The city is described as "crowded and dirty" with "people hurrying to work, and children going to school." This bustling, urban setting is in contrast to the peaceful, rural setting of many traditional stories, and it serves to emphasize the fast-paced, high-stress nature of city life.

The city setting also serves to highlight the contrast between the two main characters. Mrs. Jones is an older, working-class woman who lives in a small apartment, while Roger is a young, poor boy who lives in a boarding house. The city serves as a backdrop for their interactions, and it helps to establish their social and economic differences.

The city setting is also important because it allows Hughes to explore themes of poverty, crime, and redemption. Roger's attempted theft is a product of his poverty and desperation, and Mrs. Jones's kindness and understanding offer a counterpoint to the harsh realities of city life. By setting the story in a crowded, urban environment, Hughes is able to draw attention to these social issues and illustrate the ways in which people can find common ground and compassion despite their differences.

In conclusion, the setting of "Thank You, Ma'am" is an important element of the story that adds to the realism and helps to establish the characters and their motivations. The bustling, urban setting serves as a backdrop for the interactions between Mrs. Jones and Roger, and it allows Hughes to explore themes of poverty, crime, and redemption.

Langston Hughes

setting of thank you ma am

Langston Hughes was an important and prolific writer during the Harlem Renaissance of the early 20th century. What is the moral lesson of the story thank you ma am? Jones, he stumbles and falls to the floor, but Mrs. She wants to stop the cycle perpetuated by a society that punishes and invades privacy. How does the title Thank you M am relate to the theme? Jones suggests, regardless of his circumstances. She didn't want to take him to the police, as he was very skinny and obviously hungry.


What is the setting of Thank You, Ma'am?

setting of thank you ma am

She identifies Roger as a misunderstood youth rather than a criminal and teaches Roger to trust others rather than take from them. This is the very question that sparked one of the first experiments in the field of social psychology. She takes him to her home instead of the police station, gives him food and cleans him up. Jones forges with Roger and her empathy of his situation. Use various sites to pull information, and paraphrase the information in your own words. Roger is not a bad person at all. When I get through with you, sir, you are going to remember Mrs.


Thank You, Ma'am by Langston Hughes

setting of thank you ma am

Luella Bates Washington Jones shows empathy and kindness for Roger. When Roger gets caught by Mrs. She leaves her purse out in the open and the door open for him to run. In addition, the setting of the story often contributes to theme, as it does in this story. For Roger, these shoes embody the kind of person he wants to be and the kind of life he hopes to have. At the time, ten dollars would have been quite a bit of money. Young Roger has learned 1 to respect people and their property, and he has learned that 2 there are people who are genuinely concerned about the welfare of others.


What is the message in thank you ma am?

setting of thank you ma am

Luella Bates Washington… See full answer below. By giving Roger cash rather than supervising his purchase or placing limitations upon her gift, Mrs. Describe your understanding of the occupational therapy profession. Roger, once selfish and dishonest, becomes more cooperative and polite. The fact that the woman was walking alone, late at night, with her handbag, tells us that she was in an urban area.


What is setting of thank you ma am?

setting of thank you ma am

I see the leaves are beginning to change, the nights are getting cooler, the sounds of tractors in the field harvesting crops, the sight of pumpkins everywhere decorating houses with faces and designs carved into them surround the neighborhood. Luella Bates Washington Jones is revealed to be a proud woman but one with no illusions about her circumstances or her responsibilities. The description of her apartment indicates that the story takes place in a city or urban area. Jones explains to Roger that she was young once, too, and also couldn't afford the things she wanted. The story shows how a kind gesture can soften the heart of a thieving teenager.


What is the setting of the story Yes ma am?

setting of thank you ma am

He wrote about African American life and experience. While we never learn about the terrible thing Mrs. Jones lives in a boarding house. Jones takes the opportunity to help the desperate and misguided boy by feeding him and teaching him a life lesson. Jones arrive at her house, she asks if he's had supper. However, she meets Roger with compassion, going so far as to open her home to him. Jones's purse at the beginning of the story, he is portrayed more as a desperate, misguided youth than as a bad person.


'The Setting Of Thank You Ma Am'

setting of thank you ma am

When she leads him to the door and bids him good night, Roger wants to say something other than 'thank you, ma'am,' but nothing suitable comes to mind. She also addresses her own poverty in a direct dialogue with Roger. Luella Bates Washington Jones, she wrestles him and drags him to her furnished room at the rear of a house. While observing the races, Triplett noticed that cyclists who competed against other cyclists finished with faster times than cyclists Personal Narrative: The Writing Process thick novel. Jones lives in a boarding house or apartment building with other people. Some of their doors were open, too, so he knew he and the woman were not alone.


Thank You, M’am Summary & Analysis

setting of thank you ma am

The time is probably present day for Langston Hughes--around 1958, when the story was published. He wrote about African American life and experience. Jones notices that his face is dirty and his hair is uncombed; she asks if there is anyone looking after him. Roger tries to steal a purse, committing a crime against Mrs. He learns that life is not fair and that some people have more than others, but he also learns that he is in control of his destiny and that it starts with taking care of basic essentials. At the end of the story, Mrs.
