Search for my tongue essay. Search for my Tongue and Ogun Essay Example 2022-11-01

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"Search for My Tongue" is a poem written by Sujata Bhatt that explores the theme of cultural identity and the complexities of language. The poem describes the speaker's experience of growing up in India, where she learned to speak Gujarati, her mother tongue. However, when she moved to the United States, she found herself struggling to maintain her connection to her native language and culture.

The poem begins with the speaker describing how her "tongue is split" and how she feels as though she is "two people." On one hand, she is able to speak English fluently and is able to communicate with ease in her new home. However, on the other hand, she feels a strong sense of loss and longing for her mother tongue, which she describes as "a part of [her] that [she] cannot wash away."

The speaker goes on to describe how she dreams in Gujarati and how she has "to search for it" when she wakes up. This suggests that even in her subconscious, her connection to her mother tongue is strong and ever-present. However, in the waking world, she finds it increasingly difficult to use and maintain her fluency in Gujarati.

Throughout the poem, the speaker grapples with the difficulties of living in a new culture and trying to hold onto her heritage. She reflects on how the English language has "taken [her] tongue" and how she feels as though she is "losing [her] mother tongue." Despite her efforts to keep it alive, she feels as though it is "withering away" and fears that she will eventually forget it completely.

In the final stanza of the poem, the speaker reflects on the importance of language and cultural identity. She notes that her mother tongue is "part of [her] identity," and that it is something that she cannot simply discard or forget. She concludes by stating that she will continue to "search for [her] tongue," implying that she will always strive to maintain her connection to her cultural heritage and mother tongue, no matter where life takes her.

Overall, "Search for My Tongue" is a powerful and poignant poem that captures the universal experience of feeling torn between two cultures and languages. It speaks to the importance of maintaining one's cultural identity and the pain of feeling disconnected from one's heritage. Through the speaker's struggles and reflections, the poem serves as a reminder of the value of preserving our linguistic and cultural traditions.

Free Essay: Search for My Tongue and Presents from My Aunts in Pakistan

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Describing the different stages of growth creates a positive image of rebirth in the reader's mind, conveying the idea that the speaker's first language returns slowly when she did not think it would. Towards the end of the poem, Sujata uses some beautiful natural imagery. Alvi: not being as daring, 'longs for denim and corduroy' plainer but comfortable and inconspicuous. Some characteristics of language is that it's dynamic, meaning that it changes constantly for example, the English people speak now is not the same English that people used to speak hundreds of years before. Different to Agard, Sujata also uses the correct grammar and punctuation. Contrastingly, Half-caste is a poem of external conflict between Agar and the disapproving English society, whereas Search For My Tongue is about self-discovery and internal conflict.


Search For My Tongue Essay Free Essay Example

search for my tongue essay

The poems show how two young girls from two different American minority sub-cultures, view themselves in two totally different perspectives. This emphasises both of the tongues. She decides not to use repetition or anger to emphasize her argument; instead she sticks to formal, language, to convey her emotions. This is a result of a habit he has developed in response to the environments he is exposed to. Similarly, John Agar also appeals to the many senses. Both poets ask the reader to put themselves into their shoes, but Sujata asks in a more reserved and polite manner, unlike Agard who uses more forceful language and has a harsher approach. She briefly recalls her journey from Pakistan to England.


Comparative Essay for Poetry Unit: "Search for My Tongue"...

search for my tongue essay

The first being the mother tongue rotting and dying as the other foreign tongue takes over. The poem also shows her in two minds when she 'longs' for denim and corduroy, indicating the English side of her nature but also wants her parents 'very Pakistani' camel skin lamp. The languages changing in the poems also represent her struggle to find her identity, representing no fixed identity but different layers that adapt to the surroundings, not frozen at a time or place. This is communicated because when the poem is read aloud by an English person, this section will be stumbled over and read much slower. He does this by using emotive and positive language. It is difficult for me to understand because both of these two essays are in English and Spanish. These conflicts differ, but are all linked to culture the overriding link between these entwining poems.


FREE Sujata Bhatt

search for my tongue essay

The structure of Sista Tongue is different from standard books as if to make her words flow and become active. She is pleased when she realises: 'every time I think I have forgotten, I think I've lost the mother tongue, it blossoms out of my mouth'. I felt as if Presents from My Aunts in Pakistan is easier for me to understand due to the language used in the poem. Her half English heritage makes such display seem excessive. Anzaldúa wouldn't step back from the difficulties, on the contrary, she keeps doing what is beneficial for her culture and her native language. Unlike Agard, Sujata may feel punctuation and accurate grammar is important. This is intended to give you a mental image of the clothes and the place at which as is living in.


Search For My Tongue

search for my tongue essay

She uses accurate punctuation in all places, separating each sentence with a comma. It influences the way we think and behave on a great scale. She uses accurate punctuation in all places, separating each sentence with a comma. She reads about the conflict in Pakistan in the newspapers describing it as a fractured land, which reflected her fractured identity. This sample essay on Search For My Tongue Essay offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. In Presents from Pakistan the lines start all over the place and there is no certain point at which they have to start. Her tongue appears to symbolise her identity, her mother tongue demonstrating the deepest layers of her identity; her childhood, her memories, her roots.


Poems 'Half Cast' by John Agard and 'Search for My Tongue' by Sujata Bhatt Free Essay Example

search for my tongue essay

Essay On Language And Identity 878 Words 4 Pages Seeing as language is a way of one expressing itself we can connect language to identity. Another idea of imagery Agard uses to express his anger is through describing the English weather. She feels as if slowly her mother tongue will rot and die. Physical growth, which is generally measured in terms of height, weight and head growth, is also monitored carefully. I think that the message this poem is trying to communicate is that no matter how well learnt a language is, you will always be from another country, who speaks a different language naturally and that no matter how long you spend in the other country you will never be allowed to forget that you were not born there. This poem has three sections, although it is only split into two stanzas.


Search for my Tongue and Ogun Essay Example

search for my tongue essay

When making a comparison between the two poems, 'Search For My Tongue' by Sujata Bhatt and 'Ogun' by Edward Kamau Brathwaite we can see that both are primarily concerned with notions of culture and identity and in particular how one impacts upon the other. These poems are written from experience. Sujata wants the readers to put themselves in her position. Furthermore, the phonetic representations of the sounds of her native language Gujerati - of alien words, helps us to experience the duality of two languages and cultures, stressing the difficulty of pronouncing and learning foreign languages, and her confusion of languages, identities and cultures. This is intended to give you a mental image of the clothes and the place at which as is living in.


Search For My Tongue Essay

search for my tongue essay

Mother Tongue is used to show the relationship of the child and the mother and the manner in which they influence one another Satrapi. He keeps questioning the reader again, and again. Both poems show the reader what having two cultures is like in their own different ways but both have the same message. Moniza Alvi shows a paradox as she secretly admires the presents but felt they were too exquisite for her and lacked street credibility. From reading both of the poems I can see that both of the poems describe how they have either lost or are losing part of their identity. Which I feel is important to everyone and adds to the recipe of creating an identity.


Search for My Tongue

search for my tongue essay

Introducing cultural heritage makes the poems main characters interesting as it enables the character to pass knowledge of their history onto the reader; whilst the use of phonetic language and dialect shows the influence of different cultures on the persona, and how two cultures are able to merge together through their languages. On the other hand, during her presentation in a more professional atmosphere, Tan uses sophisticated vocabulary and standard structured with an articulate American accent. Audre Lorde Poetry Is Not A Luxury Summary Through this piece she engages her audience to consider the link to ancient society, challenging her readers to consider hegemony within this white patriarchal society. He is assertive, yet a little nervous. She did not speak the normal form of Spanish though; she spoke Chicano Spanish, a language very close to her heart. Why does he brand himself in this way! Tan examines the different versions of English people use in order to make the reader realize that English takes many different forms which leads to difficulty and confusion to those who are attempting to learn and speak the language like her mother. He keeps questioning the reader again, and again.


Analysis of search for my tongue by sujata bhatt essay

search for my tongue essay

This section holds the imagery explained above, and periods would add unnecessary breaks. The metaphor of two tongues, her mother tongue and the second language, is extended throughout the poem and relates to the themes of possible death and rebirth of her language. But the use of another language could also be a way of disorientating the reader, as those who are not bilingual would not understand it. There is strong imagery in the poem which represents the poet's feelings about her divided identity. Anzaldúa wouldn't step back from the difficulties, on the contrary, she keeps doing what is beneficial for her culture and her native language. Not only does the repetition bring the poem together, it strengthens the message Bath is trying to send. The Guajarati stanza describes the comeback of her mother tongue and also gives the impression that although you may forget your mother tongue, you still dream in your native tongue: 'but overnight whilst I dream it grows back' and it will never leave you.
