Scarlet letter dialectical journal. The Scarlet Letter: Dialectical Journal 2022-10-19

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The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850, is a classic novel set in colonial New England that explores themes of sin, guilt, and redemption. At its core, the novel is a tale of one woman's struggle to find her place in a puritanical society that shames and ostracizes her for committing the sin of adultery.

As a dialectical journal, the Scarlet Letter serves as a tool for analyzing and interpreting the text through the use of recorded quotes and reflections on their meaning. These quotes and reflections allow readers to engage with the text on a deeper level, exploring the themes and ideas presented in the novel and how they relate to the broader context of the time period and society in which the story takes place.

One quote that stands out in the Scarlet Letter is when the protagonist, Hester Prynne, reflects on the punishment she has received for her sin: "I will not speak. . . . I am ashamed! I am sorry! I have nothing to say!" (Hawthorne, p. 82). This quote speaks to the theme of guilt and the power of shame to silence and suppress the individual. Hester is unable to defend herself or assert her own agency, instead remaining silent and accepting the punishment inflicted upon her by the community.

Another quote that resonates in the Scarlet Letter is when the Reverend Dimmesdale, Hester's lover and the father of her child, confesses his own guilt and the weight of his sin: "I am the one sinner of the world! . . . I am the man! It is I, Hester, who am responsible!" (Hawthorne, p. 199). This quote highlights the theme of redemption and the power of confession to bring about a sense of release and healing. Dimmesdale's confession allows him to finally acknowledge and take responsibility for his actions, and in doing so, he begins the process of finding redemption and absolution.

Overall, the Scarlet Letter is a complex and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of sin, guilt, and redemption through the experiences of its characters. Through the use of a dialectical journal, readers can engage with the text on a deeper level, examining the quotes and reflections that reveal the themes and ideas presented in the novel and how they relate to the broader context of the time period and society in which the story takes place.

Scarlet Letter Dialectical Journals_.pdf

scarlet letter dialectical journal

However, I also interpreted it as, her husband could be at the bottom of the sea, knowing that Hester committed adultery. The scarlet letter and the cruelty it has subjected her to, has allowed her to gain a greater understanding about the identity of oneself. The bright personality of Hester was passed onto Pearl as the story continues, though Pearl seems to be more intellectually gifted than her mother. Pearl was now seven years old. The women in the crowd refer to Hester as "baggage and hussy," helping the reader infer that Hester may be involved in a scandalous relationship.


Chapters 17

scarlet letter dialectical journal

This whole quote is describing the scarlet letter on her chest and how it has taken everything away from her. Hawthorne describes the door of the Jail, as well as the rose bush to the side of It. In the scarlet letter, by nathaniel hawthorne, a woman named hester prim is punished for having a chilled out for welock. But people are worse, they not only hide the sin and their evil behaviors but also try to deny it. Observation: Hawthorne wanted to push herself to find her true position as an editor. The Nature Of Racialised Beauty In The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison 800 Words 4 Pages Claudia recognizes that if we conform to the Western standard of beauty, we may gain beauty but only at the expense of others. Hester accepts the letter at first because it is the regulated punishment decided by the society and what they see as a just punishment.


Scarlet Letter Dialectical Journal

scarlet letter dialectical journal

Entry 3 "When he found the eyes of Hester Prynne fastened on his own, and saw that she appeared to recognize him, he slowly and calmly raised his finger, and made a gesture with it in the air and laid it on his lips" Hawthorne, Chapter 3. Also, it can be used as foreshadowing. Hester says she has wronged him for committing adultery, but Chillingworth says he wronged her for marrying her in the first place. He speaks like she forced him into the affair, and it makes the reader resent him for such a statement. Dimmesdale put his entire being into delivering such a brilliant sermon. Finding people to react to my letter was not easy at all. I think that Hawthorne spent the first chapter talking just about this rose bush to symbolize later events in the book.


Dialectical Journal: The Scarlet Letter

scarlet letter dialectical journal

In spite of this, Hawthorne wrote one of the most influential feminist novels of his time: The Scarlet Letter. But here Hester exclaims that men should never ask for marriage unless the passion between both partners is present. While Hawthorne had some admiration for his Puritan ancestors, most of whom were motivated by their goal of purifying the Anglican Church, his perspective is balanced by his recognition of their hypocrisy. Also the last piece of the quote about the prisoners seeing the rose bush is like a final farewell from the earth and the last sight of beauty before they are condemned. It might be partly owing to the studied austerity of her dress, and partly to the lack of demonstration in her manners. Missus seems to be repeating the point of her enticing beauty.


Dialectical Journal for The Scarlet

scarlet letter dialectical journal

Hawthorne's tone really glows and shines here. Hawthorne immediately describes his character, rather than letting the reader find out through judgment on how the character treats other people. For, as our good Governor Winthrop was made an angel this past night, it was doubtless held fit that there should be some notice thereof! It's equally both their faults that Dimmesdale is forced to contain such guilt inside of himself, and that Hester has to wear the scarlet letter. I feel as if this is supposed to represent what Hester is about the experience: the harsh How To Write A Dialectical Journal For The Scarlet Letter Aaron Beisaw Block E APLAC December 11, 2016 Reader Response Journal 1 Chapters 1-5: The Prison-Door, The Market-Place, The Recognition, The Interview, Hester At Her Needle Written by Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne begins The Scarlet Letter by introducing a theme of sin through the use of two symbols. In this chapter, Arthur Dimmesdale and Hester Prynne resolve to leave the Puritan colony together along with Pearl. The prison door was close to the marketplace, where she was going, but it seemed like an… Passage Analysis These specific details illuminates this passage as a whole by showing to the reader that Hester is showing to be strong even though she is uncomfortable and ashamed in the situation she is in. Although, during these times, adultery is an inappropriate crime so this is probably why they decided on the death penalty.


Scarlet Letter Dialectical Journal Analysis

scarlet letter dialectical journal

As Hester stands on the pillory, her husband, who has been away for several years, returns to see his wife being punished for adultery. By making the letter look beautiful rather than shameful, like the towns intentions, Hester proves… Time Heals All Wounds In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter As well as most of her emotions and thoughts. Entry 14 "Woman, woman, thou art accountable for this! In the novel The Scarlet Letter, the author Nathaniel Hawthorne shows his audience many ways to people interpret hardships, and some people do not take them very well. But then as the story progress she realizes that the same duration of the punishment isn 't always the best for the situation. Hawthorne utilizes a grim and gloomy tone, setting the town as a harsh place with his meticulous description of the various prison systems and cemeteries. She enjoys the luxury of her work life and inevitably favors her work over her family.


The Scarlet Letter Dialectical Journal Essay Example

scarlet letter dialectical journal

When Hester is released from the prison doors for her punishment, she radiates with a mien mirroring that of Mary and Jesus as she carries her own child. No longer is she the black sheep of the town, but someone kind and influential. A writhing horror twisted itself across his features, like a snake gliding swiftly over them, and making one little pause, with all its wreathed interventions in open sight. Especially between the Puritans and Quakers there seemed to be an amplified amount of animosity between each other. This quote offers a simile to explain Hester and Dimmesdale's relationship after seven years of secrecy. I will die first! This is used to describe Chlorinating.


The Scarlet Letter Dialectical Journal

scarlet letter dialectical journal

The reader can guess that the child is the offspring of her heinous relationship. Psychological Nature In The Scarlet Letter 877 Words 4 Pages Psychological Nature Today the world now has medications, therapy, and much more to treat psychological diseases and disorders. These had been her teachers? This quote provides background information on the time period. CH Most people in the town of Maycomb could believe that Dolphus was an abomination, a drunk - whatever one would call him. The descriptions with which Hawthorne characterizes Hester's husband reveal him to be a cunning and cold-hearted character, who will do anything to find and punish the man with whom she cheated. The story can transcend the setting absolutely, as the Puritan society is merely used to exemplify the judgmental nature seen in all mankind, a characteristic that exists in the very nature of man, rather than a particular setting. Hester Prynne screams out, heart and soul, american spirit.


The Scarlet Letter Dialectical Journal

scarlet letter dialectical journal

Her actions show the revolutionary aspect of Romanticism because she chooses to stand her ground rather than taking the easy way out and running away. Aphorism In The Scarlet Letter 86 Words 1 Pages This aphorism, much like what one could find in a fable, uses sage advice to connect the reader personally with the story. Pecola and her mother have a brutal home life due to the drunken violence of Cholly Breedlove, and the constant pressure of beauty standards only adds to their misfortune. Ye shall not take her! Personal Response: Hawthorne is an empowered woman with a mission and she will achieve it. All mothers usually feel this way about their children, though Hester endures more than the average mother does for her child.
