Sample argumentative essay with counter argument. 8 Counter argument examples to help you write a strong essay 2022-10-10

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An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents a clear thesis statement and supports it with evidence and reasoning. The purpose of an argumentative essay is to convince the reader of the writer's position on a particular issue. In order to do this effectively, the writer must anticipate and address counterarguments, which are opposing viewpoints that challenge the validity of the writer's argument.

One possible sample argumentative essay with a counterargument might be about the issue of climate change. The writer's thesis statement might be something like "Human activity is the main cause of climate change, and we must take immediate action to mitigate its negative effects." To support this thesis, the writer could present evidence such as data on rising global temperatures, the increase in extreme weather events, and the correlation between human activities such as burning fossil fuels and increases in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

However, in order to address the counterargument, the writer must also consider and refute opposing viewpoints. For example, some people might argue that natural factors such as solar radiation or volcanic activity are responsible for climate change, rather than human activity. The writer could counter this argument by presenting evidence that shows the overwhelming contribution of human activity to the increase in greenhouse gases, as well as the lack of correlation between natural factors and the observed warming trend.

Another counterargument might be that the negative effects of climate change are exaggerated, or that the costs of addressing it are too high. The writer could counter this argument by citing studies that show the severe consequences of inaction, such as the potential for food and water shortages, loss of biodiversity, and economic impacts. The writer could also discuss the benefits of taking action, such as the creation of new clean energy jobs and the improvement of public health through reduced air pollution.

In conclusion, an argumentative essay with a counterargument effectively presents a well-reasoned and supported position on a particular issue, while also considering and refuting opposing viewpoints. By anticipating and addressing counterarguments, the writer demonstrates a thorough understanding of the issue and strengthens their argument.

Argumentative Essay Examples & Samples That Worked

sample argumentative essay with counter argument

You should use credible sources to find supporting evidence: scholarly articles, scientific works, official websites. The classroom style of learning requires certain study skills. Strong evidence can come from things like facts, quotes, and statistical data. Do not begin to state evidence or use examples in your thesis paragraph. Length: the length of any essay is usually equal to or greater than five pages. To hold down jobs and be part of a community, learners need ideas and concepts even more than they need facts.


Argumentative Essay Body Paragraph Examples

sample argumentative essay with counter argument

It is actually the point of view of the writer. Support this argument using different points drawn from your sources. You could support such an argument by referring to cases of rape and unwanted pregnancies. An argumentative thesis must be able to be supported by evidence. The main difference is that the counter argument paragraph should include an opposing view. It consists of 5 elements: introduction, confirmation, narration, refutation, and conclusion. Minds with and without language.


10 Argumentative Essay Outline Examples And Templates

sample argumentative essay with counter argument

If you are assigned to write an argumentative essay, you will have a specific topic to cover. For life learning, they must be taught the skills and concepts they need to learn, think, and act on their own. Therefore, you have to dedicate ample time to research and gather data and information. When writing your counterargument paragraph, you should respond to that other position. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime. A good thing about a police officer using deadly force against someone resisting arrest or trying to flee is that they must protect themselves and serve as a deterrent from future violence on the part of the suspect. Impeccable syntax It would help if you structured the statements grammatically, always making sure that they follow the already known rules.


Counter Argument Paragraph Example

sample argumentative essay with counter argument

State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences. Use quotes in your essay whenever you can, and make sure to include plenty of them. They have also played an essential role in treating people during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can start with one point and build up to more аnd more points. Using the pilot and doctor example again, no one would want a pilot or doctor who learned far fewer facts than their classmates when they were in school. So, wait no more and place your Frequently Asked Questions What are the 4 types of an argumentative essay? Arguments can be based on quotations from other authors, always respecting the rules of source and copyright.


Argumentative Essay Thesis Examples

sample argumentative essay with counter argument

Choose the one you like and use the sample to craft a great writing piece. School boards should allow teachers to take off on Fridays so that they have a four-day weekend when the students are off from school. This evidence cаn include: The writer of the argumentative essay must also use logic and reasoning. Humans have evolved into their present self and as such live in a society that is yet to be discovered in animals. Argumentative essays are very popular in high schools and colleges because they are used for critical thinking. Voting Argument: taking part in elections is not only a right but a responsibility that every citizen should participate in.


13 Argumentative Essay Examples For Your Help

sample argumentative essay with counter argument

You can take advantage of A good argumentative thesis is concise, contentious, and coherent. The goal of a counter argument paragraph is to show why your argument is false. Also, make sure you check this rubric and include all points in your writing. The US should raise the minimum wage for workers but they should be allowed to deduct some money from their paychecks to help cover insurance premiums if they qualify for government assistance. C ohesion Cohesive mechanisms ensure the order and external linking of ideas in the text. This is a good structure if you want tо discuss a single point аnd give the reader an idea of how the rest of thе paper is organized.


Top 50 Counter

sample argumentative essay with counter argument

Generally, good In an informative or persuasive essay, you may choose to stick to one of the sides of an argument in a discussion. This іs a good way tо strengthen your thesis and show that your argument is more convincing than the counter argument. Of course, there may not be much freedom in choosing the topic in the case of essays previously assigned by a teacher, but there is freedom in approaching it. Typically, you will use your claims to convince people that your viewpoint is true. It was a bad idea for pharmaceutical companies to change their methods for testing drugs because the new methods are costly and take longer to produce results. These study skills are useful tools for learning facts, but the skills are not necessarily natural. It would be a good idea to allow students to select their own courses.


Argumentative Essays On Counter Argument

sample argumentative essay with counter argument

Foreign aid to Africa does not work Sending foreign aid to African countries is doing more harm than good because the practice has caused African countries to become vulnerable to inflation, currency fluctuations, corruption, and civil unrest. Example: If you are so worried about everything, you will never get up to try anything! In thе block structure, you start with one idea and then move to the next. Since it is not illegal, students should be allowed to smoke within the campus vicinity. They like to write argumentative essays and convince people of their point of view. Everyone looks at it, but nobody wants to partake of it. Evidence Three good reasons are supported by examples.
