Sales promotion characteristics. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SALES PROMOTION 2022-10-23

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Sales promotions are marketing strategies that are designed to increase consumer interest and purchase intent for a product or service. These promotions can take many forms, including discounts, coupons, free samples, and contests, among others. In order to be effective, sales promotions should have certain characteristics that make them appealing and compelling to consumers.

One key characteristic of a successful sales promotion is that it should offer a tangible benefit to the consumer. This could be a discount on the purchase price, a free product or service, or access to exclusive offers or experiences. The promotion should be clearly communicated to the consumer, with the terms and conditions of the offer clearly outlined. This will help to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings, and ensure that the promotion is perceived as fair and legitimate by the consumer.

Another important characteristic of a sales promotion is that it should be timely and relevant to the needs and interests of the target audience. A promotion that is not aligned with the needs and interests of the target audience is unlikely to be effective. For example, a promotion offering a discount on winter coats in the middle of summer is unlikely to be well received, as the target audience is not likely to have a need for winter coats at that time. On the other hand, a promotion offering a discount on beach gear during the summer months is more likely to be successful, as it is timely and relevant to the needs and interests of the target audience.

Sales promotions should also be well-targeted, meaning that they are directed at the specific audience that is most likely to be interested in the product or service being promoted. This can be achieved through segmentation and targeting techniques, such as demographics, geographic location, and behavior. By targeting the promotion to the right audience, the company can ensure that it is reaching the people who are most likely to be interested in the product or service, and therefore most likely to make a purchase.

In addition to being tangible, timely, and well-targeted, a successful sales promotion should also be easily accessible to the consumer. This means that the promotion should be easy to find and redeem, with clear instructions on how to take advantage of the offer. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, including direct mail, email marketing, social media, and in-store promotions.

Overall, the characteristics of a successful sales promotion include a tangible benefit, timeliness and relevance, well-targeted audience, and ease of access. By incorporating these elements into their promotions, companies can effectively increase consumer interest and purchase intent for their products or services.

What is Sales Promotion?

sales promotion characteristics

The goodwill can be created by schemes such as continuity programmes or store cards. That would be terrible…if it were true. It can be used effectively with other promotional tools. This view is no longer exists — Sales promotion is now considered as one of the most powerful and an important element of the promotion-mix. While phone calls and in-person meetings are still often standard, email, video conferencing and text messaging are becoming more prevalent in the sales space. In view of the winning chances, sellers participate in the contests.


Sales promotion: Definition, strategies, & examples

sales promotion characteristics

As they are large scale purchasers, and in a bid to support them due to great trade pressure, many manufacturers have resorted to sales promotion activities. Businesses employ sales promotion to stimulate demand and enhance brand awareness in the target market. Sales promotion activities should be consistent with brand image to avoid confusing customers. Promotion managers are generally reluctant to use experiment because in many cases of promotions there is only short lead-time. It is a good method of demand creation because the user comes to know the result as soon as he uses the sample and buy the brand.


Features of Sales Promotion

sales promotion characteristics

However, if the price on an expensive item is reduced because of promotion, then some consumers from low quality category will switch to the promoted brand. Competitors can easily imitate them. If the promotion is a consumer contest and the consumer is not required to purchase anything, the response to promotion can be adjudged by the number of entries received at some interval, and if need be the contest period can be extended. You can use this to your advantage by making your sales promotion available for a limited period or limiting the number of offers. They have seldom reuse values.


Top 30+ Sales Skills and Traits to Become a Great Sales Rep

sales promotion characteristics

The conventional percentage of the total promotion budget is taken as a guide for deter­mining it. Sales promotion offering price deals, influence the attitudes of consumers for buying the brand. Sales promotion is the result of large scale production. Promotion must be implemented efficiently — In some types of promotions, handling houses and premium suppliers are involved. Persuasion is vital to success in competitive markets where all companies are trying to garner attention of customers with their own value propositions. Media and non- media marketing communications are employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability.


Sales Promotion: Meaning, Characteristics, Methods and Techniques

sales promotion characteristics

Providing customer value and a reminder function. In these methods, the most expensive is the personal interview method and least expensive is the mail. In such a situation, improving the product through research and innovative activities, is advisable. A good demonstration will attract new customers. For example, dark chocolate may be refunded if three empty wrappers of milk chocolates are provided.



sales promotion characteristics

By submitting this form, I agree to be called by or on behalf of CCU using an automatic telephone dialing system at the phone number provided on this form. What is Sales Promotion in Marketing? If you run into someone looking for a new service provider, and you happen to provide that service, you can naturally generate a conversation and pique their interest. A successful salesperson might create their own system for organizing communication with clients and company stakeholders, ensuring they meet all deadlines. They may choose to reduce the price by a percentage or a specific dollar amount. The administrative costs include costs of printing, mailing and the promotion deal.



sales promotion characteristics

For example, airline passengers may be awarded free miles for the number of times they have traveled with the service provider. So, if you'd rather reach out to us directly, you can reach us at 303-963-3311 or Are you or have you been affiliated with the U. Related: FAQ: What Is Adaptability? These customers may then be turned off when you return to full price at the end of a promotion. Maintain the demand of a product during the season. Understand who would benefit from this product, and start there. For example, the business may offer a discounted price to customers who make their first online purchase.


Sales Promotion in Marketing

sales promotion characteristics

Sometimes, the sales process takes longer than expected because the customer has objections or needs more time to consider all of their options. Much depends on the satisfaction of the consumer with the brand purchased on promotion. These discounts can be structurally specified. If a lead declines your pitch, recognize that rejection is a part of your position and maintain a positive view. Sales promotions also can be a great solution for launching new products or selling old inventory.


What Is a Sales Promotion (With Tips and Examples)

sales promotion characteristics

To offset price competition. We will see that the objectives of sales promotion are quite different than advertising and are specifically designed to encourage customer response. Sales promotion has proved successful in increasingly competitive markets. Sales materials and samples for customers 4. Because it's temporary, it can help create more demand in that time.
