Romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene. Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scene Comparison 2022-11-01

Romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene Rating: 8,6/10 108 reviews

The balcony scene in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, as portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in Baz Luhrmann's 1996 film adaptation, is a pivotal moment in the story of the young lovers. In this scene, Romeo (DiCaprio) scales the walls of the Capulet mansion to be with Juliet (Claire Danes), whom he has just met and fallen in love with.

As Romeo stands below Juliet's balcony, declaring his love for her, Juliet is torn between her duty to her family and her own feelings. She knows that her family, the Capulets, are sworn enemies of Romeo's family, the Montagues, and that their relationship is forbidden. Yet she cannot deny her own feelings for Romeo, and decides to take a chance on love.

DiCaprio's portrayal of Romeo in this scene is passionate and intense, as he pours out his heart to Juliet, declaring that he would "rather die than be parted from [her]." His performance captures the raw, unbridled emotion of young love, and the desperation that Romeo feels at the thought of losing Juliet.

Meanwhile, Juliet is torn between her duty to her family and her own desires. She speaks of the "bitter truth" that she must marry another, and the "heavenly touches" that Romeo's lips have left on hers. She is caught in a difficult situation, knowing that her love for Romeo is forbidden, but unable to resist the feelings that he has awoken in her.

The balcony scene is a powerful and memorable moment in Romeo and Juliet, and DiCaprio's portrayal of Romeo brings depth and emotion to the role. As the lovers pledge their love for each other, despite the obstacles that stand in their way, they set the stage for the tragic events that will unfold in the rest of the story.

Romeo And Juliet Balcony Scene: What's It All About? ????

romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene

If not, she is willing to put aside the Capulet name for him. What light through yonder window breaks? Consider the line, 'But soft! Good night, good night! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek! Baz Luhrmann does a fantastic job filming with modern technology and he really brought the scene to life. If I had to pick a favourite it would probably be the 1968 version because it resembles the original play written by Shakespeare a lot more than the 1996 version and it better represented the whole idea of the balcony scene compared to the 1996 version. JULIET: By and by I come. What light through yonder window breaks? He draws in his breath. Romeo's friends and relatives are involved in other matters; the feud between the Montague and Capulet families has spilled onto the streets of Verona, and the citizens are growing angry about the continuing violence.


Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scene

romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene

Juliet enters the house briefly, but she returns to the balcony. Even with my dislike for the modern Romeo and Juliet compared with the more traditional stories, i would still have to say that the pool scene was a perfect way to play out their roles. I very much enjoy the modern version but agree that the nuances change the story purposefully but nonetheless and I do not like the actors in either other version. Romeo hides in the garden and soon observes Juliet walking onto the balcony outside her room. I have forgot why I did call thee back.


Romeo And Juliet Balcony Scene Leonardo Dicaprio Essay Example

romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene

The hope of a new love with Juliet is like the sun to Romeo, bringing light to his despair. These two love birds are forbid to see each other but they cant resist. Comparing the 2013 to the 1996 the 1996 version was a lot worse. I think that Luhrmann put a great twist on Shakespeares play,and enjoyed watching him incorporate things from the play like the gun with "sword" written on it as he is told to pull out his sword. Romeo says, 'But, soft! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon Who is already sick and pale with grief That 1 thou her maid 2 art far more fair than she. Romeo and Juliet Summary William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is such a well-known play that even the names of the title characters have come to evoke images of love and romance.


William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet

romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene

. Shakespeare's famous play is updated to the hip modern suburb of Verona still retaining its original dialogue. I like the fact that Luhrmann was able to take a famous and well known scene and make it a little bit different and new to viewers. It seems romantic and incorporating the water seems to be very symbolic. Conclusion In conclusion, both versions of Romeo and Juliet portrayed the balcony scene in two different ways. Romeo says that he is willing to endanger himself for Juliet's love. Stay but a little, I will come again.


Balcony Scene Smackdown

romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene

Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scene Summary In a soliloquy, a scene in which a single character speaks aloud, Romeo compares Juliet to the sun. The guard also came in when Romeo and Juliet were in the pool. As sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast! The image of them underwater is meant to invariably conjure the image of them drowning, and their falling together into the pool is a gesture that symbolizes the combination of abandon, haste, and carelessness that ultimately dooms them both to the underworld. They flirt, and Juliet seems interested in Romeo as well. Another type of love present in the play is the motherly love between the Nurse and Juliet. Although the plot describes her as absurdly young, her passion is expressed with a fine intelligence and wit which makes her irresistible.


Romeo + Juliet (1996)

romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene

JULIET: Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face; Else 17 would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek For that which thou hast heard me speak tonight. The image of them kissing underwater recurs in flashback much later after they have committed suicide and slows to a dramatic freeze-frame, suggesting an iconic, timeless effect that affirms its centrality within the visual and symbolic hierarchies of the film. I would Have to agree with Sable V, that it is very hard to choose which of the films captured the scene the best because of the differences in the films. Juliet puts a pistol to her head and pulls the trigger. In modern days people usually have the right to choose who to marry. However, the tragedy ensues, and their relationship ends in death, leaving us to hope these star crossed lovers met more happily on the other side of the grave.


William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet (c. 1591)The Balcony Scene (Act 2, Scene 2)

romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene

I hear some noise within. May it fool teens into thinking pools are good places to make out for years to come. She tells Romeo that she will send a messenger to him the next day; if Romeo has honorable intentions, he should tell the messenger the location for their wedding vows. The scene is full of images of celestial bodies — the stars, the sun, the moon, and the planets. She speaks, yet she says nothing.


Romeo and Juliet (Film 1996) the Balcony Scene Summary and Analysis

romeo and juliet leonardo dicaprio balcony scene

Juliet, a Capulet, learns that a man named Paris is interested in marrying her. Overjoyed at his answer, Juliet runs back into his arms and the two crash into the pool once more. She asks him either not to swear at all, or to swear by his own image. JULIET: I gave thee mine before thou didst request it: and yet I would it were to give again. Overall the acting in the classic version was a little over the top for me so I liked the modern version in that aspect. Oh, it is my love! While watching the balcony scene we are caught up in the touching spectacle of these two beautiful young people and their intense feelings. The blocking in the Baz version was magnificent.
