Role of managerial economics in business decision making process. Role of a Managerial Economist 2022-10-19

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Managerial economics is a branch of economics that deals with the application of economic theory and techniques to the decision-making process of managers in businesses. It helps managers make informed decisions by providing them with a framework for analyzing and understanding the economic implications of various options. In this way, managerial economics plays a vital role in the business decision-making process.

One key aspect of managerial economics is the use of cost-benefit analysis. This involves weighing the potential costs and benefits of different courses of action to determine which option is the most desirable. For example, a manager may be considering whether to invest in a new piece of machinery for the company. They would need to consider the upfront cost of the machinery, as well as any ongoing maintenance costs and the potential increase in productivity that the machinery would bring. By carefully weighing the costs and benefits, the manager can make an informed decision about whether the investment is worth it.

Another important role of managerial economics is the analysis of market conditions. Managers need to be aware of the economic conditions in which their businesses operate, including the level of competition, the demand for their products or services, and the state of the overall economy. By understanding these factors, managers can make better decisions about things like pricing, production levels, and marketing strategies.

Managerial economics also helps managers understand the impact of government policies and regulations on their businesses. For example, changes to tax laws or environmental regulations can have significant implications for a company's bottom line. By understanding these impacts, managers can make informed decisions about how to respond to such changes and protect the interests of their businesses.

In summary, managerial economics plays a crucial role in the business decision-making process by providing managers with the tools and frameworks they need to make informed, economically sound decisions. It helps managers understand the costs and benefits of different options, analyze market conditions, and navigate the impacts of government policies and regulations. As a result, managerial economics is a vital discipline for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Role of Managerial Economics in Decision Making

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

When this happens the resources are said to be in involuntarily unemployed. Examples include butter and golf balls, potatoes and automobiles, and bananas and wrist watches. The foresaid expenditures are those financed solely by the government. Goods whose demand varies inversely with money income are called inferior goods. However, this may not be viable to do in practice due to resource limits. Managerial economics, or business economics, is a division of microeconomics that focuses on applying economic theory directly to businesses.


Roles of Managerial Economist in Business

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

The implementation of the decision requires constant monitoring so that expected results from the optimal course of action are obtained. In practice, there may be many problems while setting the objectives of a firm related to profit maximization and benefit cost analysis. Introduction of New Products According to Tan 2013 , Apple Inc. Forecasts of future demand, investment decisions by business firms are especially based on the overall situation of the economy and its growth prospects. Moreover, it enables to make decisions about appropriate production and inventory policies for the future. Similarly, a change in expectations relating to future product availability may affect current demand.


Application Of Managerial Economics In Decision Making Essay Example

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

Paragraph 4 of Government Notice No. The theory which assumes that the objective of the firm is to maximise profit does not apply to government because its existence does not depend on profit but on welfare of the people. As we have noted that the existing resources of any country are not sufficient to satisfy even the most pressing needs of all the individual consumers. It aids in the analysis of demand and, as a result, production activities are carried out. Conclusion Managerial economics as a science is used as a road-map to show and aid decision makers in arriving at optimal decisions given various constraints. However, while the company boasted its technology prowess, other technologies such as Android and Windows Phone software ventured into the Smartphone market, thus posing stiff competition for the iPhone technology.


8 Popular Role of Managerial Economics in Decision Making

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

The paper also investigates how the company has responded to changes in competitive markets. Also, what is the additional return from that investment. Helpful in understanding external factors Managerial economics helps to understand different external factors affecting business decision making. It is a discipline that brings together the concepts of business and economics. In this situation, all the decisions are taken in the atmosphere of uncertainty.


Business Decision

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

On the other hand, decision sciences provide tools and techniques for constructing decision models and for evaluating the effect and results of alternative courses of action i. An action plan is a timeframe based plan for implanting the budget see appendix. In particular, planning helps to critically assess the goal to see if it's realistic. However, prices for other products such as the iPad and the iPhone have gradually fallen as Apple manufactured new generations of the same products that fetch comparatively higher prices. But the objective of a public enterprise is normally not of maximisation of profits but to follow benefit-cost criterion. Economic theories and principles are statements about economic behaviour or the economy that enable prediction of the probable effects of certain actions.


Apple Decision

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

The organisation selected is the Office of the Attorney General. A more revealing way of looking at the cost, however, is in terms of what other consumption he must forge in order to obtain his bread. It needs to be investigated what are the causes of the problem of decreasing profits. What is decision making and planning? For instance, the global financial crisis GFC started in the United States of America in the second half of 2007. Explosion of bombs at Mbagala military camp caused loss of lives and properties of citizens and caused injuries and mental shock of thousands of Dar-es-salaam residents.


How does managerial economics helps in decision making and forward planning?

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

Yet one of the most disturbing characteristics of free-market economies is that such waste sometimes occurs. A decrease in the of buyers in a market decreases demand. Managerial Economics Brings Coordination and Control in the organization: Managerial Economics brings coordination and flexibility to all economic processes. For instance, Wayloke 2013 reveals that Apple introduced the iPhone Smartphone in 2007 to diversify its production by venturing into mobile phone technology. Managerial Economics and Economic Theory : ADVERTISEMENTS: Managerial economics uses economic theory to solve business decision-making problems. What is a role of economics in business decisions? An unfavarouble change in consumer preferences will decrease demand, shifting the demand curve to the left. The decisions for development expenditure are made by top management of each department, each department being led by its core functions.


Role of a Managerial Economist

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

This includes the curtailing of pollution, waste management, preservation of water, and preservation of natural resources. This situation has forced businesses to make radical decisions to meet the ever-rising consumer needs and fluctuating market demands. The criminals have to be prosecuted though the costs associated with prosecution may be very high. If the resources are scare then the manager has to be very careful about the full utilisation of each and every additional unit of resources inputs. The type of decision-making by managers of business firms also usually involves question of resource allocation within a firm or organisation. However, a business firm may have some other objectives such as maximisation of sales or growth of the firm.


What Role Does The Study Of Economics Play In Business Management?

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

ADVERTISEMENTS: The decisions regarding these require careful analysis of the demand for its product and costs of its production. Managerial economics is concerned with the application of economic theory and methods of decision sciences to analyse decision-making problems faced by business firms. Managerial economics assists corporate leaders in ensuring that no resources are wasted, lowering overall costs. How does study of economics help in decision making? Determine the Objective The goal of an organization or decision maker is very important. It is a technological relation between what is fed into the productive apparatus by way of inputs of factor services and what is turned out by way of product. When two products are compliments, the price of one good and demand for the other good move in opposite directions. Price system:-Pricing is an important area of business economic.


The Importance of Managerial Economics in Decision Making

role of managerial economics in business decision making process

Advisory to the company: The business economist advises the businessman on all economic and non-economic matters. Market Structure Apple adopts a 3-point marketing philosophy that has taken the company through falls and ups in the last three and half decades Tan, 2013. The capacity to produce goods and services differ in different economies. This theory asserts that, other factors remaining constant, individuals will tend to purchase increasing amounts of a good or service as prices fall and decreasing amounts as the prices rise. The techniques of decision sciences used especially for business decision making are optimisation techniques, particularly differential calculus and mathematical programming. It uses multiple quantitative methodologies and logic to estimate all future demands, which aids in the production planning process. Incremental Principle Marginal Cost and marginal revenue of economics theory are related with incremental principle concept.
