Rodriguez the achievement of desire. Richard Rodriguez, "The Achievement of Desire": Analysis 2022-11-07

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In "The Achievement of Desire," Richard Rodriguez reflects on his experience as a scholarship boy and the ways in which his education both helped and hindered his relationship with his family and his sense of identity.

Rodriguez begins by describing his childhood as the son of working-class Mexican immigrants. He was a good student and earned a scholarship to a prestigious university, where he excelled academically. However, he also describes feeling a sense of alienation and disconnection from his family and his cultural heritage. He became ashamed of his background and tried to distance himself from it in order to fit in with his more affluent and educated peers.

As he progressed through his education, Rodriguez realized that the scholarship boy is expected to succeed academically, but is also expected to leave behind their past and their culture in order to fully assimilate into mainstream society. This created a conflict for Rodriguez, who valued his education and the opportunities it provided, but also felt a sense of loss and betrayal as he abandoned his cultural identity.

Throughout the essay, Rodriguez grapples with these conflicts and the toll they took on his relationships with his family and his sense of self. He writes about the feeling of disconnection and estrangement that came with his pursuit of education and success, and the ways in which it affected his relationships with his parents and siblings.

Ultimately, Rodriguez concludes that the "achievement of desire" is a complex and difficult process that requires a balance between personal ambition and the maintenance of cultural and personal identity. He advises future scholarship boys to be mindful of this balance and to find ways to honor and celebrate their cultural heritage, even as they pursue their education and professional goals.

In conclusion, "The Achievement of Desire" is a thought-provoking and insightful reflection on the challenges and conflicts faced by scholarship boys as they navigate the expectations and demands of education and success. Rodriguez's personal story serves as a cautionary tale for those who seek to achieve their desires, reminding them of the importance of preserving their cultural identity and maintaining meaningful connections with their loved ones.

Richard Rodriguez The Achievement Of Desire Essay on Education, Family

rodriguez the achievement of desire

Richard illustrates that he loses the sense of himself when he separates from his home environment. Nonetheless, Rodriguez also argues that most people are not as changed by education as he was. Bering allowed for doing whatever he wanted, Rodriguez chose an education path. Soon his motivation came out of annoyance of his parents. However, when the parents fail to keep up with the standards of support one requires, other options are sought.


The Achievement Of Desire Summary And Analysis Essay

rodriguez the achievement of desire

Rodriguez only seemed to relate to his teachers. He goes into depth about his own life and how he grew up. The source of the text is known as Learning Power: the Achievement of Desire. At a young age Rodriguez felt that it was necessary to read adult books rather than works written for children. According to Rodriguez, Richard demonstrates how he employs his own personal experiences to balance his life between education and family 197. Rodriguez didnt realize, however, that he was becoming more of an automaton than anything else.


The Achievement Desire by Richard Rodriguez Essay Example

rodriguez the achievement of desire

Many students feel pressure to conform to societal expectations and achieve success. Because Rodriguez was so motivated to do well in school, he built a figurative wall between himself and his family. He ignored the timeless classics such as Huckleberry Finn and Alices Adventures in Wonderland. This shows just how much his life aligns with the description of a scholarship boy. His mind is filled with borrowed information and is missing analysis, examination, and point of view. Which means that his gave him the ways to how education separates him with his family. Get your paper price 124 experts online It may be happening unconsciously, those may not have been his intentions but he is clearly distancing himself from his family so as to try and succeed at school.


Richard Rodriguez, "The Achievement of Desire": Analysis

rodriguez the achievement of desire

This is also an example of the banking concept of education that Paulo Freire wrote about. Just like Rodriguez, the greatest aspiration for many students who come from low-income families is to excel in academics and get a white-collar job to lead a comfortable life different from that of their parents. Sunrise Over Fallujah Book Report 820 Words 4 Pages Walter Dean Myers dropped out of school at the age of 15, due to family problems. Download file to see next pages Read More The Achievement Desire by Richard Rodriguez Essay Example Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words, n. They think he is making excuses for not working.


The Achievement of Desire

rodriguez the achievement of desire

This not only describes Rodriguez; it also illustrates the theory of the banking system. As his desire increased to read and write so did his isolation from his parents. Rodriguez read the editorial and immediately after dedicated the next few months to reading every single book on the professors list. It took me nearly a year a year to get all them papers together. Rodriguez became not only removed from his parents; he actually became ashamed and embarrassed of them. I strongly feel like they could have always done more than they were doing.


The Achievement of Desire by Rodriguez Essay

rodriguez the achievement of desire

Ironic incidence presents itself that Richard never attains his objectives despite being a knowledgeable person Rodriguez 204. He read the books thinking that the professors list would define his life as well, he did not realize that each person has their own list of works that reveal individual existences. When Rodriguez read his books, he was like a robot. In this essay, rodriguez wrote an account of how he found himself through education, and how in doing so, his life had drastically changed. Equality Theme Of Freedom 1362 Words 6 Pages By doing so, he captures his freedom from the detrimental and contagious dictatorship.


Summary Of Achievement Of Desire By Richard Rodriguez

rodriguez the achievement of desire

He did not actually understand the knowledge he absorbed. Intrinsically, the teachers are the next most feasible replacement for the parents in regards to support. Because of this, Mr. . Education creates a gap between those who have it and those who have not.


Richard Rodriguez sā€™ The Achievement of Desire Essay Example

rodriguez the achievement of desire

Both Hoggart and Rodriguez describe the scholarship boy as only being able to repeat thoughts and not being able to come up with any of his own. Summary Of A Place Where The Sea Remembers By Sandra Benitez 870 Words 4 Pages There is also the population who can not simply afford to get an education. He states that he was more interested in sports than Shakespeare 143. Everything he had worked so hard for was finally worth it, as he could enter the real world of academics. As much as he loved them he also bared a load of guilt from being embarrassed by their thick accents and behavior. This kind of desire to achieve the ways of reading, speaking, and caring about academics and life in general is why he had "always been a successful student". He tells us that his mother barely knew any English.
