Research paper on socio economic status. (PDF) Socio Economic Status and its Relation to Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students 2022-11-04

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A research paper on socio economic status is a study that investigates the relationship between a person's social and economic standing and their opportunities and outcomes in life. Socio economic status (SES) is a measure of a person's social class, which is determined by a combination of their income, education, and occupation. It is often used as a predictor of a person's overall well-being and life chances.

There are many ways in which SES can affect a person's opportunities and outcomes. For example, individuals with higher SES tend to have better access to education and higher paying jobs, which can lead to better health, longer life expectancy, and higher levels of happiness. In contrast, those with lower SES may face more challenges in terms of education, employment, and health care, which can lead to lower levels of well-being and life satisfaction.

There is a growing body of research that suggests that SES can have a significant impact on a person's health and well-being. Studies have found that people with lower SES are more likely to suffer from poor health outcomes, such as heart disease, diabetes, and mental health problems. They are also more likely to experience stress and financial insecurity, which can further contribute to poor health outcomes.

In terms of education, research has shown that SES can have a major impact on a person's academic achievement. Students from lower SES backgrounds are more likely to struggle in school and have lower levels of academic achievement compared to their more affluent peers. This can lead to fewer opportunities for higher education and career advancement, further perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

There are many factors that contribute to SES, including race and ethnicity, gender, and geographic location. Research has shown that these factors can intersect and compound the effects of SES on a person's opportunities and outcomes in life. For example, a person who is both low-income and a member of a minority group may face even greater challenges in terms of education and employment than someone who is low-income but not a member of a minority group.

There are a number of ways in which policymakers and community leaders can address the issue of SES and its impact on opportunities and outcomes. One approach is to invest in initiatives that aim to improve access to education and employment for individuals from lower SES backgrounds. This can include programs that provide financial assistance for higher education, job training, and career advancement. Another approach is to address the root causes of SES, such as poverty and inequality, through initiatives that aim to reduce income and wealth disparities.

In conclusion, a research paper on socio economic status is an important tool for understanding the relationship between a person's social and economic standing and their opportunities and outcomes in life. By understanding the impact of SES on a person's health, education, and well-being, we can work to develop strategies to address the issues of poverty and inequality and promote greater opportunity and well-being for all members of society.

(PDF) Socio Economic Status and its Relation to Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students

research paper on socio economic status

Espinoza relies on a more situational method that immerses The Socioeconomic Status And Parenting Essay a few advices for my paper from my peer. Research Methodology The theoretical population for this How Does Low Socioeconomic Status Affects Health There has been many studied done on the ways in which ones socioeconomic status can have an effect on their health. In this paper, I do talk a lot about school statistics a number of times but that is because I believe if one does not have their language skills fully developed the results will Teen Pregnancy And Teenage Pregnancy hypothesized that there is a direct correlation between low socioeconomic status and teenage pregnancy. Oxford Review Of Economic Policy, 35 3 , 445-466. The studies have shown Essay on Language Development in Childhood Development child when old enough would have to work all day to make money for the family and many other harsh realities throughout their lifetime. Psychopathy and violent crime: A prospective study of the influence of socioeconomic status and ethnicity. Most of America's people who are medium-class and up mostly don't give to charity, volunteer, or help out someone in need in generally.


Sample Research Paper On The Role Of Socioeconomic Status In Criminal Behavior

research paper on socio economic status

They are able to set good examples for their why is the working class disadvantaged in the UK? The analysis of violent crime rates by Hipp and Yates 2011 found that violent crime rates become progressively higher in communities as the analyzed communities are further below the poverty threshold. Social class classifies people into spectrum of class such as lower class, lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class, and upper class. After independence, these countries were left poor with high mortality…. Also the result of this study showed the difference between high and low socio-economic status groups. Veena Devi Trivedi,Oxford Girls --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract: The International Dictionary of Education 1977 explains socio-economic status as a person 's position in any given group, society or culture as determined by wealth, occupation, education and social class where social class …show more content… In other words we can say that a blue print is necessary to be prepared because without the blue print if an instrument developer directly plunges into item writing, it will give a lop-sided output.


Research Proposal: Students Socioeconomic Status and Academic Performance in College

research paper on socio economic status

The socio economy indicate the living standards of people in any country or any region. Socio economic status scale developed by R. Ascendens Asia Singapore — Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2 1. Consequently, the children will identify themselves with the community and adopt its patterns of violent behavior. To identify if there is a correlation between the socio-economic status of students at college and their performance.


Essays on Socio Economic Status. Research Paper Topics & Free Essay Examples. How to write about Socio Economic Status

research paper on socio economic status

I add more my views and thoughts for this final draft. Part of the problem of inadequate housing is the amount of people who are not able to afford African American Socioeconomic Status extended periods of slavery, Jim Crow laws, and other forms of discrimination for almost four centuries. Our physical and mental health, the neighborhoods in which we live, our daily activities, and our access to resources. There is overwhelming evidence that this is the case and that life expectancy is due to this rating system of social classes. The social selection explanation is when people who are fitter and in better health have a better chance of being employed in better jobs. The effects of SES have a problem, which has faced the academic performance of the students. Step-7: Preparing Preliminary Draft of the Scale: Considering the blue print of the scale items were framed on the basis of format finalized.


Socio Economic Status Research Paper

research paper on socio economic status

People just look at one side working class may not be able… M2 - Unit 7 Health and Social Care Different researches do believe that there is a link between social class and also health. Intragenerational social mobility and cause-specific premature mortality. Higher social class members are able to afford to live a healthier lifestyle. The study by Hipp and Yates 2011 did not include participants, but it did conduct a multisite study using poverty and crime census data from 25 cities. Related Research Proposals: Research Proposal … Music Lessons Does College Life Promote or Restrict Eating Disorders? Depending on your education, career and skills, you are ranked by these classes. While indirectly, people who benefit from these higher educational opportunities are more likely to acquire the top jobs which in turn will result in the highest salaries.


[PDF] Socio

research paper on socio economic status

With that being said, 693 respondents, which make up just about 53. Of these numbers more than half live below the poverty line and happen to be 80 percent minorities. This article takes an in depth look at individuals who have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer in Qilu, China. However, when viewed from the social class lens, the aspects of power, control and privilege are emphasized. The education system is continually is being introduced to ensure improvement.


Socioeconomic Status Essay

research paper on socio economic status

Unemployment; There is a strong correlation between worklessness and poor health. Poverty In America Research Paper 165 Words 1 Pages In America today, many civilians have to face the disparity of poverty and low income, while others are sitting around getting rich, and aren't even trying to help out the ones in need. A person who is unemployed will result to higher mortality, poorer general health, long standing illness, higher medical consultation, higher admission rates etc. . However, much of what we know is learned outside of school. Another aspect of health and why it is a disadvantage to working class is social class and morbidity. It can be a hindrance to their academic performance, but you can make a solution for that problem.


Socioeconomic Status Research Paper

research paper on socio economic status

For example, low neighborhood SES can cause children to adopt deviant norms of the community or restrict their educational and employment opportunities while low family SES can cause parental distress and family dysfunction, which leads to crime involvement. Furthermore, the respondants were distributed by either choosing yes or no to answer this insightful question on education. Asian Social Science, 9 11 41-49. Step-13: Establishing Reliability: The reliability of the scale was established through cronbach alpha and it was found to be Difficult Behavior Self-Efficacy Scale 785 Words 4 Pages These five items include direct questions about feelings of confidence, personal difficulties, possible positive effect, satisfaction and control of when dealing with challenging behaviour. Improving the availability of institutional resources e. The existing studies on the impact of socio-economic status of students at college mainly focus on the cultural barriers that may hold them back from performing and overlook all the resources that are the exposure of students at college, such as instructors, libraries, internet resources, chancellors and their peers that may help them perform accordingly.



research paper on socio economic status

UMER FAROOQUE Schools identified as high and low efficient on the basis of student achievement were compared in terms of seventeen school related, four home-related variables and achievement motivation of pupils. Individuals within a higher social class live longer and are healthier due to the fact that they can afford private healthcare. Age is one of the major factors in determining the socio-economic status of citrus growers. Researchers focus on class I and class V could be argued to be using 2 extremes and 2 small classes —exaggerating the difference. For example, black people have a higher death rate from cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, and diabetes compared to the rest of the.
