Relatively elastic demand. 5 Types of Price Elasticity of Demand 2022-10-17

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Relatively elastic demand is a term used in economics to describe a situation where the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing to purchase changes significantly in response to changes in the price of the good or service. This occurs when the good or service has close substitutes, or when consumers have a strong preference for the good or service but are able to adjust their consumption patterns in response to changes in price.

One of the key characteristics of relatively elastic demand is that it is responsive to changes in price. When the price of a good or service increases, consumers will be less likely to purchase it, and they may instead choose to purchase a substitute or reduce their overall consumption of the good or service. Conversely, when the price of a good or service decreases, consumers will be more likely to purchase it, and they may increase their overall consumption of the good or service.

The degree of elasticity, or the extent to which demand changes in response to price changes, can vary widely among different goods and services. Some goods and services may have very elastic demand, meaning that even small changes in price can result in significant changes in the quantity demanded. Other goods and services may have relatively inelastic demand, meaning that changes in price have a smaller impact on the quantity demanded.

One factor that can influence the elasticity of demand is the availability of substitutes. When there are many close substitutes for a good or service, demand is likely to be more elastic, as consumers can easily switch to a different product if the price of the original good or service increases. On the other hand, when there are few or no close substitutes, demand is likely to be more inelastic, as consumers may have few alternatives to the original good or service.

Another factor that can affect the elasticity of demand is the importance of the good or service to consumers. Some goods and services are considered necessities, and consumers may be willing to pay a higher price for them even if the price increases. In these cases, demand may be relatively inelastic. Other goods and services may be considered luxuries, and consumers may be more willing to reduce their consumption or switch to substitutes if the price increases. In these cases, demand may be relatively elastic.

In general, relatively elastic demand can have important implications for businesses and policymakers. For businesses, understanding the elasticity of demand for their products can help them make informed decisions about pricing and marketing strategies. For policymakers, understanding the elasticity of demand for certain goods and services can inform policy decisions related to taxes, subsidies, and other price-influencing measures.

5 Types of Price Elasticity of Demand

relatively elastic demand

The quantity demanded showed a huge fall. People usually rush to luxury brands when they announce discounts to buy more. In perfectly elastic demand, the demand curve is represented as a horizontal straight line, which is shown in Figure-2: From Figure-2 it can be interpreted that at price OP, demand is infinite; however, a slight rise in price would result in fall in demand to zero. Evaluation However, this depends on the costs of substitution. Articles of Snob Appeal are an exception to the law of demand. The extent or degree of elasticity of demand defines the shape and slope of the demand curve. So we can assume someone with a low income has a more significant response to price changes than someone with a higher income.


Types of Elasticity of Demand

relatively elastic demand

Since as we can imagine, even if the price of gas goes up, people who drive cars don't have many options at least in the short-run , so they will still have to buy gas at a higher price. For example, if the price of a product increases by 30% and the demand for the product decreases only by 10%, then the demand would be called relatively inelastic. On the other hand, if luxury products or services such as royal vacation packages rise in price, their demand falls. However, in case of essential goods, such as salt, the demand does not change with change in price. What is relatively elastic supply? According to the value of the elasticity Up to here, we have pointed out different types of elasticity according to the function we are analyzing, and according to the inputs we are considering.


Relatively Elastic Demand: A Complete Overview

relatively elastic demand

If you were poisoned and had to buy the antidote, would you be responsive to price change? This is because price and demand are inversely related which can yield a negative value of demand or price. The situation is referred to as perfectly inelastic demand. The elasticity of demand is calculated for many of these factors too. This is an important concept to understand for when we look at the impacts of a policy change. Case 2 XYZ Beverages Ltd. What is demand curve with diagram? When the demand is perfect elastic, it drops to zero in the face of a minimal price increase. Such a Demand Curve Demand Curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the prices of goods and demand quantity and is usually inversely proportionate.


Elastic Demand

relatively elastic demand

Using point-slope at any point in Figure 4. Flatter the slope of the demand curve, higher the elasticity of demand. Elastic Demand Elastic demand means consumers are responsive to price changes. In the above case, the price elasticity of demand is positive as opposed to negative, which is generally the case. Economists consider something is unit elastic to always equal to one. The XED will therefore fall.


Determinants of Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

relatively elastic demand

In economics, we use elasticity to measure the responsiveness of buyers and sellers relative to the change in the price of goods and services. Under the price elasticity of demand, the elastic demand graph will have price on the y-axis and quantity on the x-axis. A tighter rubber band that does not stretch is inelastic. What is the relatively elastic demand curve? The quantity demanded depends on several factors. Flatter the slope of the demand curve, higher the elasticity of demand. Let's use an example of transportation to understand this better. Therefore, in such a case, the demand for pens is relatively elastic.


What is relatively elastic and relatively inelastic demand?

relatively elastic demand

Another way economists like to think about the income level effect on elasticity is that goods which take up a large percentage of your income like rent or a car lease are more likely to be elastic. Which of the following will have elastic demand? The elasticity of demand also helps in framing government policies while imposing statutory price control on a product and levying taxes. What is this particular demand situation called? In thissection, we will explore the relative elasticity of different markets. For example, the demand for basic foods like bread, milk, and eggs does not change much depending on price because these are things that are needed to live. Explore Outlier's Award-Winning For-Credit Courses Outlier from the co-founder of MasterClass has brought together some of the world's best instructors, game designers, and filmmakers to create the future of online college. That means higher the price, lower the demand.


What is relatively inelastic demand with diagram?

relatively elastic demand

Examples of products having elastic demand are gasoline and many of its byproducts, as well as corn, wheat, and cement. Unitary Elastic Demand : When the proportionate change in demand produces the same change in the price of the product, the demand is referred as unitary elastic demand. Similarly, if the price decreases, more people will want to buy the goods and demand will increase. Also, determine whether the demand is relatively prices elastic or relatively price inelastic. On the other hand, inelastic demand is the one when there is relatively a less change in the demand with a greater change in the price.


Elasticity of Demand Example

relatively elastic demand

Cross Elasticity This is the other concept of elasticity of demand which explains the sensitivity of quantity demanded of any commodity when the price of the other substitute products changes. The As we can imagine, certain goods are more sensitive to a change in price than others. The demand curve of relatively elastic demand is gradually sloping, as shown in Figure-4: It can be interpreted from Figure-4 that the proportionate change in demand from OQ1 to OQ2 is relatively larger than the proportionate change in price from OP1 to OP2. The availability of resources, technological innovation, and thebarriers to entry all affect the relative elasticity of supply. Which of the two is relatively more elastic? The demand curve for unitary elastic demand is represented as a rectangular hyperbola, as shown in Figure-6: From Figure-6, it can be interpreted that change in price OP1 to OP2 produces the same change in demand from OQ1 to OQ2.


Types Of Price Elasticity Of Demand

relatively elastic demand

Unitary Elastic Demand The numerical value for unitary elastic demand is equal to one, i. Relative elasticity means that consumers have a certain amount of responsiveness to price changes for every product type. They all have an elasticity coefficient of more than 1. Thus, the demand for product X of the firm A is perfectly elastic. Elastic Demand Curve The elasticity of demand is above one when there is high responsiveness to change against a determinant such as price. By comparing the demand curve of one good relative to another product, we can determine what is more elasticā€”i. Observe the graph, price of the goods increased from P1 to P2 and eventually the demand for the goods decreases from Q1 to Q2.
