Reasons why the driving age should be lowered. 8 Reasons Why The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered 2022-10-14

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The legal driving age is a controversial topic that has been debated for many years. Some argue that the driving age should be lowered, while others believe it should remain at its current age or even be raised. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons why the driving age should be lowered.

One reason for lowering the driving age is that it could increase accessibility and convenience for young people. Many teenagers rely on driving as a primary means of transportation, whether it be to get to school, work, or social activities. By lowering the driving age, more young people would have the ability to drive, which could improve their independence and mobility. This could be especially beneficial for those who live in rural areas or have limited access to public transportation.

Another reason to lower the driving age is that it could potentially reduce the number of accidents and fatalities caused by inexperienced drivers. Currently, the legal driving age is 16 in many states, but research has shown that 16-year-old drivers are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than 18-year-old drivers. By lowering the driving age, young people would have more time to gain driving experience and become safer drivers before they are legally allowed to drive on their own.

A third reason to lower the driving age is that it could improve the economy. Many young people are unable to find employment because they do not have a driver's license, which limits their ability to get to and from work. By allowing more young people to obtain a driver's license at an earlier age, it could increase the number of young people who are able to work, which could have a positive economic impact.

There are, of course, valid arguments against lowering the driving age. Some argue that young people are not mature enough to handle the responsibility of driving, and that they are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as distracted or reckless driving. However, there are ways to address these concerns, such as requiring more stringent testing and training for young drivers or implementing stricter penalties for traffic violations.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why the driving age should be lowered. Lowering the driving age could increase accessibility and convenience for young people, reduce the number of accidents and fatalities caused by inexperienced drivers, and improve the economy. While there are valid concerns about the maturity and safety of young drivers, these can be addressed through appropriate measures.

Top 10 Reasons The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered To 18

reasons why the driving age should be lowered

There has always been a huge fascination with alcohol. And yet, disenfranchising people simply because we disagree with them is not considered a serious position, unless that group happens to be disenfranchised already. The decline in alcohol and driving problems is the result of many factors, not just the increase in the purchasing age or the decrease in per capita consumption. Is it possible to gain that wisdom with a restricted license or a permit that requires another driver to be in the vehicle? Lowering the drinking age would be good for the economy. The legal driving age should be raised to eighteen because it will keep the streets safer, drivers will be more mature, and it is foolish to oppose this indubitable truth. If the minimum age were reduced there might be an increase in traffic related fatalities amongst 18 year olds but there would be a concomitant reduction in the equivalent deaths amongst 21 year olds.


Lowering the Driving Age: Why We Should.

reasons why the driving age should be lowered

The driving age should not be raised because driving gives one freedom, …show more content… A teen needs to be able to drive themselves to their workplace; a guardian is not going to want to drive their teenager to and from work all the time. We would prefer to see the minimum legal drinking age harmonized to the age of majority so that young serving soldiers, jury members and married couples can enjoy a drink without the worry that they might get unlucky and be prosecuted. But some people seem to disagree. The laws should be stricter about underage drinking, there should be more education about the consequences of The Smoking Age Should Be Legal Drinking Age requiring you to be over the age of 21 to consume alcoholic beverages. However,it also brings safety and experience. Driving today is a very different experience for young drivers than it was even a generation ago. I believe that the legal drinking age should stay at 21.


Lowering The Driving Age Essay

reasons why the driving age should be lowered

. Pros And Cons Of Teenage Driving Essay 779 Words 4 Pages The teenage driving age should not be raised because of the safety and emotional health it provides. Because minimum drinking age laws are not strictly enforced the law is seen as worthy of contempt amongst young people. Each arrest for underage drinking requires a substantial investment of time and energy in terms of processing the perpetrator and filing the requisite paperwork. List of the Cons of Raising the Driving Age 1. When you are still in high school, independence on the road is important. Firstly societal attitudes have changed.


Why Should The Driving Age Be Lowered To 16

reasons why the driving age should be lowered

Even though this may be advantageous for me, there are many other positive and valuable reasons to lower the driving age. I think that if people younger than 14 wanted to get a job then they should be able to. I have never been in a wreck nor have I ever been pulled over. At 15 or 16, they have the logical mind of an adult, but their social and communications development is still slightly immature. If the drinking age were to change, how would society react to this change and what would be the long term effects. Mostly everyone knows that if time is spent practicing and perfecting a skill, the more likely success is guaranteed.


6 Reasons Why the Drinking Age Should Be Lowered

reasons why the driving age should be lowered

There might be some exceptions why they should keep it at 16 but due to the high rate of teen crashes they should raise the age to 17. This seismic social shift has come at the same time as many improvements in car design leading to much better safety features. Young people have a right to be heard and to have our interests taken seriously. Some parents need there kids to be able to run places for them lick picking up siblings. The legal driving age should be raised to save lives and have more mature drivers on the road. Also, teens are not the dangerous drivers they are made out to be.


Top Ten Reasons to Lower the Voting Age

reasons why the driving age should be lowered

By doing so I had almost a year of driving experience, with a parent, by the time I turned 16. While the majority of students drink responsibly or not at all 44% of all college students binge drink. Legislation to lower the voting age has more support than you think. Driving has always been popular among young boys and girls, which goes back for over 100 years ago. As well as, lowering the drinking age to 18 could fix the youths drinking habits and dangerous alcoholic environments they face today.


Benefits Of Lowering The Driving Age Essay

reasons why the driving age should be lowered

However, people cannot legally drink alcoholic beverages until the age of 21. I am going to explore both sides and in the end choose one for my self. Morris Chafetz, an appointed member of the Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving, was one of the members that Drinking Age To 18 Lowering the legal drinking age will help the 18 year olds that are beginning adulthood. Ultimately, one of the biggest influences for teens is their family, and how their families drive is no exception. You will show them that you are always their for them when you need them and they will say you are growing up fast. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act did not require states to increase their minimum legal drinking age to 21 but did say that any state that did not set the age at 21 would lose access to federal transportation funding.


Should Legal Driving Age Be Lowered To 16

reasons why the driving age should be lowered

People want to enjoy alcohol publically, and as people drink publically it makes it safer because there is no hiding involved. The pros and cons of raising the driving age often create more questions than answers. Despite the protestations of interest groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving that the imposition of the high minimum age has saved many thousands of lives the evidence just does not stack up. Parents make a big difference and can prevent this from happening and I have to agree 100% that the drinking age has saved hundreds of Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age Your daughter is driving home one Friday evening, after a late shift working at the local hospital. To start off, teenagers have a different kind of mindset. These laws were finally repealed because they were unenforceable and because the backlash towards them caused other social problems.
