Reaction example sentences. How to use "reaction" in a sentence 2022-10-11

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A reaction is a response or response to something. In language, we often use reaction words or phrases to describe or express our feelings or thoughts about a particular event, action, or statement. These words and phrases can be used in a variety of contexts and can convey different shades of meaning depending on the context and the tone of voice in which they are spoken.

Here are some example sentences that illustrate the use of reaction words and phrases:

  1. "I was shocked when I heard the news."
  2. "I can't believe he said that."
  3. "I'm so disappointed in your behavior."
  4. "I was pleasantly surprised by the gift."
  5. "I'm outraged by the injustice."
  6. "I was touched by your kindness."
  7. "I'm amazed by your talent."
  8. "I'm thrilled to be going on vacation."
  9. "I was horrified by the violence on the news."
  10. "I'm disgusted by the lack of respect shown by some people."

As you can see, these example sentences all involve a reaction to something. The speaker is expressing their feelings or thoughts about something that has happened or been said. The words and phrases used to describe the reaction can convey a wide range of emotions, from shock and disbelief to joy and amazement.

It's important to note that reactions can be both positive and negative. In the example sentences above, some reactions are positive (such as being pleasantly surprised or thrilled), while others are negative (such as being disappointed or disgusted). Whether a reaction is positive or negative is largely determined by the context and the individual's personal perspective.

In conclusion, reactions are a natural and important part of human communication. Whether we are expressing joy, outrage, or any other emotion, the words and phrases we use to describe our reactions can add depth and meaning to our conversations and help us better understand one another.

Use react in a sentence

reaction example sentences

The favourable reaction of the crowd impressed another member of the audience, Brendan Moon, who offered to become his manager with his business partner, Mike Bawden. Show More Sentences The reaction to the massacre in Poland was strong, but the government decided to postpone revenge against those responsible. Lumperism is very common in palaeontology of late, representing a legitimate reaction to the preceding splitterism. That with even -- OK, and this. The general reaction was the relaxation of passport requirements. Still more pacifists would argue that a nonviolent reaction may not save lives immediately but would in the long run.


Reaction used in a sentence, 20 examples

reaction example sentences

In most cases, idioms are specific to each language and can't be so easily translated and used in another language without the meaning and context becoming distorted. Since alite is a solid solution and, although an individual mineral, is not a chemical unit, the proportion of tricalcium silicate to tricalcium aluminate in a given specimen of alite will vary; but, whatever the proportions, each of these substances will react in its characteristic manner according to the equations given above. CK 605116 For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. But in natural sleep the action of all parts of the nervous system is subdued, whereas in the hypnotic the reactions of the lower, and some even of the higher, parts are exalted. The areas of intervening cortex, arriving at structural completion later than the above sense-spheres, are called by some association-spheres, to indicate the view that they contain the neural mechanisms of reactions some have said "ideas" associated with the sense perceptions elaborated in the several sensese spheres. It is also demonstrated that a high polysaccharide concentration and short reaction time are adverse to nHA crystals. A compound-complex sentence with "reaction" contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.


How to Use Reaction with Example Sentences

reaction example sentences

In the laboratory it can also be synthesized from the reaction between sodium bicarbonate and magnesium sulfate. Optimum conditions in chlorination of cotton oil acid: reaction time is 3. Most people in these communities are very aware and careful regarding the reactions of outside society if it became known what they do in their bedrooms, but the capability to make them feel bad about themselves for acts of nudity or sex is often completely absent. Dadaist reaction against an incondonable reality also meant reaction against all who condoned that reality. Updated with results and reaction. In the absolute refractory period, the stronger stimulation also cannot cause reaction again.


Reaction in a Sentence

reaction example sentences

Show More Sentences Berthollet was one of the first chemists to recognize the characteristics of a reverse reaction, and hence, chemical equilibrium. Plumbane may be obtained in a reaction between metallic lead and atomic hydrogen. This produced a reaction which led to all the colonies restricting Chinese and other Asian immigration. Four broke off Ambien usage after experiencing impaired concentration, continuing or aggravated depression, and manic reaction. During the melting process a thermodynamic reaction takes place between the fuel and the blast air.


The Word "Reaction" in Example Sentences

reaction example sentences

He said no immediately without considering our proposal. C is pretty low-keyed, and the treasury department made no comment. This provides something of a passive safety measure, as removing the water from the reactor also slows the nuclear reaction down. With respect to Adria's past and her sensitivity to the triggers she refers to, a comment like this is not demeaning to women and her reaction has nothing to do with supporting the future of this industry and the women who partake in it. Show More Sentences Although their sense of smell is acute, their eyesight is monochromatic as has been shown by their lack of reaction to red lanterns. Opening them while the giver waits to see your reaction. So that thermodynamics feasibility of reverse reaction sintering is demonstrated.


Reaction Sentence Examples

reaction example sentences

The study may or may not be flawed, but what's really interesting to me is the reaction. A hydrogen explosion may have occurred as a result of reaction between steam and hot zirconium. The public reaction to press comment highlighted the divisions within the country. Symptoms attendant on the hypnotic state are closure of the eyelids by the hypnotizer without subsequent attempt to open them by the hypnotized subject; the pupils, instead of being constricted, as for near vision, dilate, and there sets in a condition superficially resembling sleep. The introduction of castles to Denmark was a reaction to attacks from Wendish pirates, and they were usually intended as coastal defences. During the grinding operation one side of the wheel takes part in the grinding operation whereas the other side of the wheel is being dressed by electrochemical reaction. Reaction in a sentence Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word reactionin a sentence.


Use "reaction" in a sentence

reaction example sentences

There is very little doubt that the general course of the decompositions follows these iines; but any such simple explanation of the actions taking place is rendered impossible by the fact that, instead of the breaking-down of the hydrocarbons being completed in the coal, and only secondary reactions taking place in the retort, in practice the hydrocarbons to a great extent leave the coal as the vapours of condensible hydrocarbons, and the breaking down of these to such simple gaseous compounds as ethylene is proceeding in the retort at the same time as the breaking up of the ethylene already formed into acetylene and methane, and the polymerization of the former into higher compounds. It set off a chain reaction in the international money markets. In practice, modern turbine designs use both reaction and impulse concepts to varying degrees whenever possible. He was intrigued by her reaction. Nevertheless, reaction among Puritans to Milton's views on divorce was mixed.


reaction pathway in Chinese

reaction example sentences

Their meaning is generally figurative and better understood by native speakers. C is pretty low-keyed , and the treasury department made no comment. This pursuit of freedom was largely a reaction against conservative values entrenched within the rigid heroic couplet. Show More Sentences On 6 September, in an apparent reaction, Pakistan announced an indefinite disconnection of supply lines. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word "allergic reaction". Nine days later, there was an adverse reaction to the serum and brain damage resulted.


Example sentences for allergic reaction

reaction example sentences

The reaction of cement dust with moisture in the sinuses and lungs can also cause a chemical burn, as well as headaches, fatigue, and lung cancer. Dermatopathic lymphadenopathy represents the reaction of a superficial lymph node to the drainage of skin antigens and melanin from various chronic dermatoses. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word "reaction". The reaction was relatively muted with little open fighting in Pontianak or in the Chinese majority areas. Cyril Connolly's first reaction to the book was that Waugh's powers were failing, an opinion that he later revised. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word "allergic reaction".


Use reactions in a sentence

reaction example sentences

When confronted by opposition his reaction was to bluster, which often cowed the meek. This can help readers discover what the category of the word is and thus narrow its definition since grammatical parts of speech Ex: noun, verb, preposition are universal. The largest scale industrial reaction of aniline involves its alkylation with formaldehyde. Ce , is prepared by high temperatu re solid reaction. This enables management and investigation of any suspected transfusion related disease transmission or transfusion reaction. It was obtained as a by-product in many chemical reactions, and subsequently used to be extracted from kainite, one of the Stassfurt minerals, but the process is now given up because the salt can be produced cheaply enough from the chloride by decomposing it with sulphuric acid and calcining the residue.
