Psychology 101 chapter 3. Chapter 3 Study Guide 2022-11-08

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Psychology 101 Chapter 3 covers the concept of perception, which is the process by which we interpret and make sense of the sensory information that we receive through our senses. Perception allows us to interact with the world around us and to perceive objects, events, and people as they really are.

Perception is a complex process that involves several different stages, including sensation, attention, and interpretation. Sensation refers to the process of detecting and converting physical energy (such as light waves or sound waves) into neural signals that can be interpreted by the brain. Attention is the process by which we focus on a specific stimulus or set of stimuli in our environment, while ignoring other stimuli that may be present. Interpretation is the process by which we make sense of the sensations and attentional inputs that we receive, and assign meaning to them based on our past experiences and knowledge.

There are several different factors that can influence our perception, including physical characteristics of the stimuli (such as size, shape, and color), our prior knowledge and expectations, and our emotional state. Our perception can also be influenced by cognitive biases, which are mental shortcuts or tendencies that we use to simplify our thinking and make judgments more quickly.

One of the most important principles of perception is that it is not a direct reflection of reality, but rather a constructed interpretation of reality. This means that our perception of the world is shaped by our own unique experiences, beliefs, and biases, and can differ from person to person.

Overall, perception is a crucial aspect of our cognitive functioning, as it allows us to interact with and make sense of the world around us. Understanding the principles of perception can help us to better understand how we perceive and interpret information, and can also help us to better communicate with others and navigate our social environment.

Part 1: Introduction to Psychology

psychology 101 chapter 3

As you glance across campus, you see your significant other walking toward you. . While their positive effects are uncertain, their negative effects, such as increased 11. The study that has been done was to show. Sensation and perception go. If there was an emotional moment that Clive was experiencing it would go away in a moment and would likely not cause any change in his emotional state in the next moment. A person who develops unilateral neglect typically ignores or denies the existence of one side of the body and that same side of the immediate environment 2.


PSY 101

psychology 101 chapter 3

The car was travelling along and then seemed to drift into the opposing lane of traffic, hitting an oncoming car head on. Consciousness promotes our s urvival. . Sympathetic Nervous System-- this controls the flight or fight responses. Jackie used Ecstasy while she was in college, but now that she has a government job she has avoided using any recreational drugs. Psychology 101 is a general psychology text adapted to an online guided format. The area of psychology concerned with the relationship between brain activity and psychological functions is called behavioral neuroscience 3.


Chapter 3 Notes

psychology 101 chapter 3

The parasympathetic system is part of autonomic nervous system 8. Reading the text will provide you with a strong basic understanding of the field of psychology. Somatic Nervous System-- contains the nerve cells; it transmits sensory sight, sound, touch, hearing, and taste information from the cells to the CNS and then transmits that information from the CNS to the skeletal muscles. Randall tells his therapist that he had a dream about riding on a train that went through a tunnel. You hear about an accident that took place at 3:00 A. Awareness of your body requires communication between several brain areas.


Chapter 3 Study Guide

psychology 101 chapter 3

. Central Nervous System-- contains cells of the brain and spinal cord 2. The nervous system is made up of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system 7. Over time, scientists hav. . This sensory information is the primary way that we are able to acquaint with and. .


Psychology 101

psychology 101 chapter 3

. This visual information is transmitted to your brain via the sensory neurons. Then he would pinch his fingers together and say gleefully, "I'm crushing your head, I'm crushing your head. Neurons-- these are the cells that carry information. Autonomic Nervous System-- Think of the word automatic; transmits information of the involuntary system of the body; this is usually the internal organs and glands. While it would be a great feeling to see him excited to see you each moment it would get old very fast. It represents a summary of the major theories, concepts, and interventions in the field of psychology.


Psychology 101

psychology 101 chapter 3

. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable, we are about to start class. Think about actions that you have no control over, such as breathing, digestion, blood pressure, etc. It prepares your body for a stressful situation. The highly specialized communication system of the body is called nervous system 5. It gets your heart pumping and increases your heart rate, dilates your pupils and stops digestion. Such activity is a telltale sign of conscious awareness.


Psychology 101 Chapter 3 Flashcards

psychology 101 chapter 3

His family, especially his wife is likely to suffer the most from this condition. That could be foreseen as a positive for Clive if he suffered a traumatic event moments before. If you have a cup of coffee with 10 teaspoons of sugar in it, how many teaspoons would you have to add to notice the difference in sweetness at least half the time? Includes perception, thinking, memory, and language -Even in a motionless body, researchers concluded that the brain and mind may still be active. CHAPTER 3 NEUROSCIENCE AND BEHAVIOR I. .


Psychology 101: Chapter 3 Flashcards

psychology 101 chapter 3

They help in communication between neurons. You find that you have to add 1 teaspoon of sugar to a cup of coffee that already has 5 teaspoons of sugar in it to notice the difference in sweetness. . Which statement describes the controversy that surrounds the use of anabolic steroids? The Cells of the Nervous System Glial Cells-- these are the cells of the CNS. The therapist tells Randall that his dream was most likely about sexual intercourse, as the tunnel represents a woman's vagina. The middle layer consists of choroid, ciliary body, iris, pupil, and lens, as well as, the an. The basic unit of the nervous system is the spinal cord 6.


Psychology 101 Chapter 1

psychology 101 chapter 3

These symptoms are a result of activity in the somatic nervous system 9. The Nervous System --The nervous system controls all the autonomic and controlled actions of the body. . Imagine that you have to give a speech in a class today. But what happens when another person speaks your name? The things we deem important. It would be frustrating trying to spend time with Clive and the next moment Clive not.


Psychology 101 chapter 3 .docx

psychology 101 chapter 3

Although she had no problem quitting, she still finds that every now and then she gets a strong craving to use Ecstasy again. While thinking about giving the speech, you feel your hear beating faster and your palms sweating. An old comedy routine on television had a character who would line up the heads of people who were very far away from him between his fingers. . It does the opposite to your bodily system that the sympathetic nervous system did. Selective Attention Selective Attention- the focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus -our consciousness usually focuses on one thing at a time -By one estimate, our five senses take in about 11,000,000 bits of information per second of which we consciously process about 40 Wilson, 2002. It won't make you a psychologist, but it's a great place to start.
