Pros and cons of cell phone use while driving. Cellphone Use When Driving: pro's and con's 2022-10-23

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Cell phones have become an integral part of our daily lives, and it is not uncommon for people to use them while driving. However, using a cell phone while driving can have both positive and negative consequences.

On the positive side, cell phones can be useful for making emergency calls or for navigating unfamiliar roads. They can also be a useful way to stay connected with friends and family while on the go.

However, there are also several negative consequences associated with cell phone use while driving. For one, it can be a major distraction. Even a quick glance at a text message or a phone call can take a driver's attention off the road, which can be dangerous and even deadly. Studies have shown that drivers who use cell phones while driving are more likely to be involved in accidents, and the risk of being involved in a crash increases significantly if the driver is texting.

In addition to the risk of accidents, cell phone use while driving can also lead to increased stress and fatigue. The mental and physical demands of using a cell phone while driving can be tiring and can contribute to feelings of frustration and anger.

There are also legal consequences associated with cell phone use while driving. Many states have laws that prohibit or restrict the use of cell phones while driving, and drivers who violate these laws can face fines and even jail time in some cases.

In conclusion, while cell phone use while driving can have some positive consequences, the risks and negative consequences far outweigh the benefits. It is important for drivers to be aware of the dangers of cell phone use while driving and to make a conscious effort to avoid using their phones while behind the wheel.

Cellphone Use When Driving: pro's and con's

pros and cons of cell phone use while driving

If you are constantly on the go, one way to make your drive more enjoyable is by purchasing a cell phone mount that can hold your phone on your dashboard while you drive. Most smartphones have full GPS capability onboard, so navigation is a natural use for that. The main issue with hands free phones is that they fail to address the true problem surrounding cell phone use while driving: an inability to keep the mind focused on the road. This allows the person who is driving to get their point across quickly and maintain their focus on the road ahead of them. Which is better Google Maps or a phone? Avoiding Lengthy Phone Conversations. Why should we not use mobile phones while driving? Think twice before calling someone, and or texting someone while driving. Making the use of hand-held devices illegal provides a safer experience for all types of drivers, it allows drivers to be more engaged, and it allows the driver to be alert to on going changes.


The Pros And Cons Of Driving While Driving

pros and cons of cell phone use while driving

Con Cell Phones: Pro vs. Using them while driving is dangerous and can result in deadly consequences. One of the major reasons for purchasing a smartphone is the convenience. I believe that it is extremely important to emphasize the dangers of distracted driving among all drivers, but most especially teenagers—in this age of new technology. Therefore to win the fight against the risk associated with cell phones while driving a combination of physician advocacy public education, medical community awareness, and change in legislations Dangers Of Cell Phones And Driving Cell phones and driving is so common in our society. New York, NY: Springer.


Pros And Cons Of Distracted Driving

pros and cons of cell phone use while driving

The troopers say the cause of the crash was driver inattention. Understanding the distracted brain: Why driving while using hands-free cell phones is risky behavior. This careless behavior of …show more content… It is a way of communication like no other, however, we cannot disregard the cons it comes with. The texts are read aloud for the driver. By raising awareness of this dangerous act, we might be able to prevent people from committing it and save The Consequences Of Distracted Driving Have you ever picked up your phone while driving or have you ever seen your parents use their phone while driving? Research indicates that it does not matter whether the device is in the driver's hand or attached to a headset; the mere act of chatting on the phone diverts the driver's attention, making it impossible to be fully aware of his or her surroundings.


Pros and Cons of Texting While Driving

pros and cons of cell phone use while driving

There is no text, call, newsfeed, or update that is important enough to risk losing a life over. The University of Utah conducted a test to see just how dangerous it is. Starting back in 1984 the first cell phone was basically a brick, and now the cell phones used today are way smaller. When a driver slows down the car to text or make a phone call, he or she is taking his or her attention away from the road, which is one of the most common ways to end up in a car crash. As technology improves and people become more dependent on it, we will most likely be seeing more and more of these cases.



pros and cons of cell phone use while driving

There are many options for all smartphone platforms, and my preferred app for navigation is available on both iOS and Android. The emergence of hands free devices means that a driver can use the mobile phones without having any physical distraction. Some drivers believe that they can enjoy cell phone conversations behind the wheel and remain perfectly safe with the help of hands-free devices. Using a mobile phone while driving is very dangerous. President Obama banned federal employees from texting in government cars. This statistic shows that 7% of drivers are using cellphones while driving. .


Pros And Cons Of Cell Phone Use While Driving

pros and cons of cell phone use while driving

Some advantages smartphones provide include better means of communication, learning options for users, great exposure to the latest things, personality development methods, simple ways to access applications, ideas for succeeding in business, platforms to grow applications, and so much more. Although a variety of objects and activities are capable of distracting otherwise attentive drivers, cell phones have proven especially problematic. Once a person gets used to texting while driving, there is no telling where it will stop. Three study participants rear-ended the pace car. So, even if your service has been cut off for non-payment, keep your cell phone close by just in case. He has worked in a diverse range of companies including software and systems integrators, computer networking firms etc.


Here are the Main Pros and Cons of Mobile Smart Phones / Cell Phones

pros and cons of cell phone use while driving

Do not use your cell phone while driving, even at stoplights. Cognition: From memory to creativity. Life is not always entertaining. However, a study by Freitas 2016 says that although these hands free devices have been helpful in reducing distractions to drivers when receiving calls and texts, it is still dangerous to receive calls or texts while driving. Individuals who have developed a dependent pattern of cell phone use are usually experiencing a loss of control. However, this study shows that unless these new devices are used responsibly, they can be as dangerous as hand-held devices. From then the numbers only go up because of the growth of technology.


What are the advantages of using mobile phone while driving?

pros and cons of cell phone use while driving

Benefits Of Hands Free Mobile Phones There is no denying that cell phone use behind the wheel contributes to distracted driving. Use it to take pictures of injuries, damage and other vital visual info. Texting while driving lets them have the conversation, without the same time investment. Common sense, though, may not be enough for everyone as a means of safe driving. The first step toward making it acceptable to have a mobile device in the car is getting a handle on the texting problem.
