Price leadership in oligopoly market. Cases of Price Leadership (With Diagram) 2022-10-29

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In an oligopoly market, a small number of firms dominate the industry and have the ability to influence the prices of their products. One way that firms in an oligopoly can exercise this influence is through price leadership, in which one firm takes the lead in setting prices and the other firms follow suit.

There are several reasons why firms may engage in price leadership. One reason is to avoid price wars, which can lead to reduced profits for all firms in the industry. By establishing a leader who sets prices, the other firms can avoid the costs of constantly adjusting their prices in response to competitors. Price leadership can also help firms coordinate their pricing strategies and avoid the temptation to engage in predatory pricing, in which a firm sets prices low in an attempt to drive out competitors.

There are several types of price leadership that can occur in an oligopoly market. In exclusive price leadership, one firm takes the lead in setting prices and the other firms in the industry are not allowed to deviate from those prices. This type of price leadership is more common in industries with high barriers to entry, such as industries with high fixed costs or industries that are regulated by the government.

In contrast, in inclusive price leadership, all firms in the industry are allowed to set their own prices, but they are expected to follow the lead of the dominant firm. This type of price leadership is more common in industries with low barriers to entry, such as industries with low fixed costs or industries that are not regulated by the government.

There are several factors that can affect the effectiveness of price leadership in an oligopoly market. One factor is the degree of differentiation among the products offered by the firms in the industry. If the products are highly differentiated, it may be more difficult for the firms to coordinate their pricing strategies. Another factor is the degree of collusion among the firms. If the firms are able to collude and coordinate their pricing strategies, price leadership is more likely to be effective. However, if the firms are unable to collude or if there is suspicion of collusion, price leadership may be less effective.

Overall, price leadership is a common strategy that firms in an oligopoly market may use to exert influence over prices and coordinate their pricing strategies. While it can be an effective way to avoid price wars and predatory pricing, it is not without its challenges, as the effectiveness of price leadership can be affected by various factors such as differentiation among products and the degree of collusion among firms.

Price Leadership In An Oligopoly [x4e6e5omr8n3]

price leadership in oligopoly market

As the firm A has a lower cost of production than the firm B, MC, is drawn below MC2. All the firms in the market have long run experience and they can take decision accordingly. The practice is often applicable in industries that bill an hourly rate or that bill on a per contract basis. Secondly, followers avoid the continuous recalculation of costs, as economic conditions change. Other producers may follow its lead, assuming that the price leader is aware of something that they have yet to realize.


Price Leader

price leadership in oligopoly market

It cuts the MR curve in the gap AB so that the profit maximising output is OR which can be sold at OP 0 price. It will increase the sales of the firm but the profit will be reduced because the demand curve LAR is less elastic and its marginal revenue curve is TMR which is negative after the point L 1. Pure oligopoly refers to the situation where all the rival firms are producing an identical or homogeneous product, while differentiated oligopoly refers to market situation in which each rival is producing a different variety of a product. They are as under: 1. Rather they will stick to the prevailing price and cater to the customers, leaving the price-raising seller. In case their cost curves differ, their market shares will also differ. It may be practiced either by explicit agreement or informally.


Cases of Price Leadership (With Diagram)

price leadership in oligopoly market

In the Stackelberg model, the leader decides how much output to produce with other firms basing their decision on what the leader chooses. Price leadership is more widespread than cartels, because it allows the members complete freedom regarding their product and selling activities and thus is more acceptable to the followers than a complete cartel, which requires the surrendering of all freedom of action to the central agency. Such type of organization is known as barometer. In such a situation, it is not possible to think of an equilibrium with both firms produc­ing a positive quantity. Such prices are stable or rigid for a given period of time and individual firms try to adopt the policy of non-price competition advertisement and sales promotion in place of price competition. In this way the collusive oligopolists by charging a lower price in the present will be earning larger profits in the long-run, and continue their exclusive control over the market by keeping the new entrants out for ever.


Oligopoly Defined: Meaning and Characteristics in a Market

price leadership in oligopoly market

They will follow the agile company with the assumption that the firm knows something about the market that the other competitors are yet to realize. Clearly, the responses of competitors can have a significant impact on the outcome of managerial decisions in an oligopoly market. Naturally other firms follow it willingly. Meanwhile, within big tech, two companies control smartphone operating systems: Google Android and Apple iOS. The above analysis shows that the price- quantity solution is stable because the small firms behave passively as price-takers.


Managerial Economics: Price Leadership in an Oligopoly

price leadership in oligopoly market

These new organizations may not follow the industry leader. The model of the Dominant-firm Price Leader: In this model it is assumed that there is a large dominant firm which has a considerable share of the total market, and some smaller firms, each of them having a small market share. MR is the marginal revenue curve of each firm. ADVERTISEMENTS: In market sharing cartel each firm aims at maximisation of profit. The kinked demand curve though indicates such a price-rigidity but unable to show how such a price will be determined.


Price Leadership

price leadership in oligopoly market

The quantity consumed Q equals qd plus qf. ADVERTISEMENTS: We assume that under a centralised cartel there are only two firms and the cartel is well aware of the demand of the commodity at different levels of prices and marginal revenue curve of industry is drawn accordingly. Such prices are typically found in the stock exchange. Small output and high prices: As compared with perfect competition, oligopolist sets the prices at higher level and output at low level. Because the following firms act as price takers, their marginal revenue curve is the price set by the dominant firm. Very often, this is done to protect the interests of socially underprivileged or politically important sections.


Price Determination under Oligopoly

price leadership in oligopoly market

This has been shown in Figure-13. Price Leadership Under Oligopoly In this article we are going to discuss about Price Leadership Under Oligopoly. We may conclude that there may be price stability under oligopoly even when costs change so long as the MC curve cuts the MR curve in its discontinuous portion. This output level is qd. Or, it may change the features and packaging of its product in such a way that it appeals more to buyers. In other words, less than full capacity average costs are used to arrive at prices. But in such, a situation it will have to face legal problems.


Price Signaling and Price Leadership in Oligopoly

price leadership in oligopoly market

If the cost of production increases and MC curve shift upward, it will not make any dent on price so far it remains within the gap FG. However, no specific attempt is made to calculate average fixed costs in calculating the markup. These new organizations may not follow the leader of the industry. In order to make a rational pricing decision, the leader has to forecast the behaviour of the follower. P 3G is the supply of small firms while the dominant firm will supply GL 2. Price leadership by the leading organization is most commonly seen in the industry. It is surrounded by other small firms that provide the same products or services as the dominant firm.
