Precious movie character analysis. A Critical Analysis of the Movie Precious 2022-11-01

Precious movie character analysis Rating: 9,2/10 1168 reviews

Precious is a movie about a young African American woman named Precious Jones who is struggling with a difficult life. Despite facing numerous challenges, including poverty, abuse, and illiteracy, Precious is a deeply compassionate and resilient character.

One of the most striking aspects of Precious's character is her strength in the face of adversity. Despite being repeatedly abused by her mother and father, Precious never gives up hope. She is determined to better her circumstances and overcome the obstacles in her life. This resilience is exemplified in her decision to attend an alternative school and work towards earning her high school diploma. Precious's determination to succeed and improve her life is admirable and inspiring.

Another important aspect of Precious's character is her compassion. Despite the abuse and neglect she has endured, Precious is a kind and caring person. She is deeply empathetic towards others, especially those who are struggling, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. This is evident in her relationship with her classmates at the alternative school, as well as her relationship with her child, whom she loves and cares for deeply.

Precious's character is also complex and multifaceted. Despite the challenges she faces, she is not defined solely by her struggles. She has dreams and aspirations, and is determined to make something of her life. This is evident in her determination to become a writer, as she believes that writing is a way for her to express herself and make sense of the world around her.

In conclusion, Precious is a complex and multi-dimensional character who demonstrates resilience, compassion, and determination in the face of adversity. Despite facing numerous challenges, she never gives up hope and is always striving to better her circumstances. Precious is a truly inspiring and admirable character, and her story is a powerful and moving tribute to the human spirit.

Precious (film)

precious movie character analysis

Low-income countries, countries at war or mass violence zones, show rates considerably higher 15. When something bad happens, she dreams herself away to a better place, because the truth is too hard to handle. There can be a defect in the case of gene interaction from blood-related people. The ending thus makes it seem like no moral consequences exist for this villainous character. Discussion of Cultural and Societal Factors It is possible to state with certainty that cultural and societal factors play an immensely important role in the case of Precious Jones.


Precious: A Case Study

precious movie character analysis

Retrieved November 15, 2009. Push has been used by counselors of sexual abuse, rape, and incest victims. The constant flashback of sexual abuse is habitual as we see the negative effects that the years of abuse have done to her by the actions of her father. Also, to put further reasoning in the proper context, it is critical to notice that the whole assessment and discussion of the treatment plan are based entirely on what is presented in the movie, and thus they might lack some features of a formal assessment. Another example is that he did a good job in the coffeehouse he worked, making the owner intended to give him a promotion. The ethical principles that prioritize respect for the personal dignity of a client, his or her free choice, and the right to improve living conditions must be preserved by a counselor Poulin et al.


Psychological Analysis Of Precious, The Movie

precious movie character analysis

Her mother despises her due to Precious having two kids from her father. In society, she might have been regarded as an outcast. In addition, exploring the role of nature versus nurture in their development helped to explain why Mary and Precious made certain life decisions. The clips are very bright, happy and colorful compared to the rest of the movie. In our case, this contributed to behavioral change of Precious due to the rejection she faced from her parents.


Precious (2009): Patient Assessment and Treatment

precious movie character analysis

The play deal with deep subject matter such as rape, abortions, domestic abuse, and faith, as is delves into the lives of these women. . The earliest advertisements were captioned Life is Precious. The theory explains that the mental apparatus can be divided into various sections, including the conscious, pre-conscious, and nonconscious sections. From this perspective, it is evident that young African American mothers should be assessed with the understanding of numerous specific dimensions of their health, but without prejudice. Conflict theories can be applied to solving sociological problems.


Critical Analysis Of Precious

precious movie character analysis

She showcased these symptoms in day-to-day activities, such as school, social activities, and relationships with others. It is difficult to include all the issues into an effective treatment plan and ensure its accurate processing. This model stands for Mind, Emotion, Body Behavior, Energy, and Spirituality. Precious lives in the New York Ghetto Harlem and they survive on welfare since the mother faces unemployment. Retrieved November 17, 2009. What makes either one of these movies so alike yet so different? I don't believe Precious will be able to get out of the social class she is in, and move her way to the top like she dreams about. In Invisible Man, the poor, illiterate sharecropper Trueblood is discovered to have fathered a child by his daughter.


Precious Movie Analysis

precious movie character analysis

Among the interventions capable of contributing to the recovery process, there should be those establishing control over binge eating. . What is going on her family that has allowed this to happen? The theory is divided into the following sections: topographic theory, structural theory, ego psychology, modern conflicts theory, and self-psychology, amongst others. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 8 1 , 229-240. Furthermore, she is HIV positive at a time when management of the disease was difficult and underdeveloped.


A Psychological Analysis of the Film Precious Essay

precious movie character analysis

Her family not only fails to offer her comfort or love that she desperately needs but also gets in the way of her personal achievements Kakutani2006. After reading about the incest in the Journal I would never have allowed Precious to return home. Another person that served an important positive role is Ms. . This material, in fact, can help in the discussion of the current diagnostic criteria for PTSD, including co-morbid disorders and developing potential therapeutic interventions. In terms of confidentiality discussion, the client needs to be ensured that her private health information will not be disclosed to any third parties except for the identified ones.


Precious Movie Analysis

precious movie character analysis

Retrieved November 18, 2009. Her school councilor extended an offer for Precious to attend an alternative school, so that she could still get her GED. He is intercoursing me…I think what my father do is what Farrakhan say the white man did to the black woman. Is the immersion in all this justified? Rain, seeks shelter in a halfway house. .
