Postmodernism and globalization. Omar Lizardo & Michael Strand, Postmodernism and Globalization 2022-10-21

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Postmodernism and globalization are two complex and multifaceted phenomena that have significantly impacted contemporary culture, society, and politics. Both have been the subject of much discussion and debate, and have generated a wide range of responses and interpretations.

Postmodernism is a philosophical and cultural movement that emerged in the latter half of the 20th century, and is characterized by a skepticism towards grand narratives, universal truth claims, and the perceived certainty of modernity. It is associated with a deconstruction of traditional ways of thinking and the rejection of the idea that there is a single, objective reality. Instead, postmodernists argue that reality is constructed by language, power dynamics, and cultural narratives, and that there is no inherent meaning or value in the world.

Globalization, on the other hand, refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations. It is driven by advances in transportation, communication, and technology, which have facilitated the movement of goods, people, and ideas across national borders. Globalization has had a profound impact on the way we live, work, and communicate, and has led to the emergence of a globalized culture that is influenced by a range of factors, including economic, political, and technological forces.

One of the ways in which postmodernism and globalization intersect is through the proliferation of media and communication technologies, which have facilitated the spread of diverse cultural influences and the erosion of traditional boundaries. The internet, for example, has made it possible for people to access a wide range of information and perspectives from around the world, and has allowed for the emergence of virtual communities and networks that transcend physical borders. At the same time, the media has played a significant role in shaping public discourse and influencing the way we perceive and understand the world.

Another way in which postmodernism and globalization intersect is through the concept of identity. In a globalized world, individuals are often confronted with multiple, overlapping identities that are shaped by their nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, and other factors. This can lead to a sense of disorientation and a lack of belonging, as people struggle to reconcile their different identities and find their place in the world. Postmodernism, with its skepticism towards traditional identities and its emphasis on individuality and self-creation, can be seen as a response to this sense of fragmentation and rootlessness.

There are, however, a range of criticisms and debates surrounding both postmodernism and globalization. Some argue that postmodernism has led to a relativistic and nihilistic worldview that undermines traditional values and the pursuit of truth. Others argue that globalization has contributed to economic inequality and the erosion of cultural diversity, as well as environmental degradation.

In conclusion, postmodernism and globalization are complex and multifaceted phenomena that have had a significant impact on contemporary culture, society, and politics. While they have generated a range of responses and interpretations, they have also been the subject of much debate and critique. Ultimately, the relationship between postmodernism and globalization is complex and multifaceted, and requires ongoing examination and reflection.

Postmodernism: Definition, Information, Characteristics, Globalization

postmodernism and globalization

The eclectic nature of postmodernism has been used by its champions and apologists to mystify it: to present it as a mythical and mystical intellectual and pragmatic force that cannot be fathomed, let alone resisted. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Quawwali, the devotional music of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, becomes funky, so what was meant to be sung to the simple rhythm of traditional drums and hand-clapping in praise of God and Prophet Muhammad, is sung to a syncopated rock beat generated by synthesizers. Moreover, in addition to serving essentially as advertisements for the stars who appear in them, video clips often show their stars living romanticized and luxurious Western lifestyles, which increases the fantasy effects and thus the auras of these stars, but also represents an implicit endorsement of such lifestyles. Jencks celebrated the passing of the modern as the liberation of consumer choice, a quietus to planning in a world where painters could trade as freely and globally as bankers.


Postmodernism and Globalization in Ethnomusicology: An Epistemological Problem by Andy H. Nercessian

postmodernism and globalization

These borrowings, however, are carried out without any attempt to engage the original source in critical dialogue. But this phenomenon was not limited to the postcolonial world. For postmodernists, knowledge is acquired not through inquiry but by imagination. In the film Silence of the Lambs 1992 , a cannibal psychopath is presented as a witty, cultured, charismatic genius who alone is able to direct the hunt for another serial killer. The social is the primary site of the knowledge-geographical inflections pro- duced by. For Jameson, the most important compositional strategy of postmodernist art and literature is pastiche, by which he means the borrowing of styles and motifs from the art and literature of the past.


Omar Lizardo & Michael Strand, Postmodernism and Globalization

postmodernism and globalization

And three- and four-year-old girls all over the Arab world are gleefully dancing and singing tunes from Frozen and dreaming of becoming Disney princesses, children of their age often exposed to so much American popular culture that they speak English as well or better than Arabic. Thus the first principle of postmodernism is that all that is valid in modernity is totally invalid and obsolete in postmodern times. We do not have any contact with official entities nor do we intend to replace the information that they emit. Modernism was something of a localized protest against mainstream trends in Western culture, while postmodernism as a whole is the Western mainstream—and it is rapidly expanding beyond the West to become the global mainstream Some of the greatest works of postmodern literature have been produced by writers outside the Western mainstream. Under this interpretation, market-driven globalization represents the institutional and material embodiment of what was initially perceived to simply be an intellectual and cultural current.


Three of concepts: Modernism, Postmodernism and globalization

postmodernism and globalization

In the meantime, the last several decades have seen a radical advancement in the process of globalization, through which driven by the global expansion of the capitalist system cultures from all over the world have come into contact with one another as never before. Among the key factors predicting the fortunes of heuristic models is the continuation of classical theoretical concerns in the present situation of globalization. Durham: Duke University Press, 1991. . This unfettered capitalism, among other things, leads to a radical fragmentation of experience—both because of the tendency of capitalism to compartmentalize various phenomena for more efficient management and because the emphasis on innovation and expansion in capitalism lends an ephemeral quality to all aspects of existence.


(PDF) Postmodernism and globalization

postmodernism and globalization

Habermas, resisting allegiance to the postmodern, from a position still on the Left, nevertheless conceded the idea to the Right, construing it as a figure of neo-conservatism. Moral and ethical considerations are never easy: they are the greatest challenge to our humanity and our intellect. Indeed, this loss of historical sense is a crucial characteristic of postmodernist literature for Jameson. Traditional non-Western music is now owned by record companies! Globalization should be seen as a continuation of modernism and postmodernism periods. Postmodernism and Globalization 39 other subaltern ways of engaging the world—are no longer a concern. But the mechanisms upon which marxist class politics rest seem to have failed. Difference is commodified and a portrait of plurality is produced which designates the colorful individuals within the image to be a race apart.


Postmodernism and Globalization

postmodernism and globalization

Music from Zaire, the Solomon Islands, Burundi, the Sahel, Iran, Turkey, and elsewhere is freely blended with New Age electronics and rock beats to make them palatable to Western tastes. We can nevertheless delineate a few basic aspects in its operation: a The Use of Information Technology: Here the first contradiction arises. Globalization theory in France and Germany are largely non-existent or tangential for similar reasons that find opposite tendencies. This paper investigates modernism, postmodernism and globalization concepts. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984. Keith, and Isra Daraiseh.


The postmodern perspective on globalisation and popular culture

postmodernism and globalization

This phenomenon goes beyond Arabs to other Middle Eastern writers, as when the distinguished Turkish novelist Elif Şafak also now writes largely in English. It is not just one worldview, but every worldview that makes up the rich mosaic of the non-West that must be brought back to life if the non-European cultures are to defy and resist postmodernism and the seductive path into total dependency and the ever expanding decay it offers. Postmodernism is also a much broader phenomenon than modernism. . Severe-looking Muslim men in flowing beards and robes walking down the street in an American town might make many nervous, but many Arabs would be made uncomfortable by this sight in their own towns as well.



postmodernism and globalization

It is the new, or perhaps not so new, all-embracing theory of salvation. Of importance to students and scholars of ethnomusicology, this book also speaks to other fields of study where cultural relativism continues to dominate. Durham: Duke University Press, 1991. If we follow this lead, we would be justified in concluding that the postmodern no longer signals a threat but has become the mainstream Zizek 2003. Postmodernism posits the world as a video game: seduced by the allure of the spectacle, we have all become characters in the global video game, zapping our way from here to there, fighting wars in cyberspace, making love to digitized bits of information.
