Pestle analysis of india 2016. International Business in India: PEST Analysis 2022-11-05

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A PESTLE analysis is a framework used to analyze and assess the key factors that influence an organization or industry. These factors include Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors. In this essay, we will conduct a PESTLE analysis of India in 2016.

Political Factors:

India is a federal parliamentary democratic republic, with the President of India serving as the head of state and the Prime Minister as the head of government. In 2016, India was led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The BJP had come to power in 2014, and its focus was on economic growth and development, as well as national security. However, there were also concerns about the government's handling of issues such as religious violence and civil liberties.

Economic Factors:

India's economy had been growing rapidly in the years leading up to 2016, with a GDP growth rate of around 7%. However, in 2016, the economy faced several challenges. One of the major challenges was the global economic slowdown, which had a negative impact on India's exports. Additionally, India's agricultural sector was facing challenges due to drought and falling commodity prices. The government was also dealing with a high fiscal deficit and rising inflation.

Sociocultural Factors:

India is a diverse and multicultural society, with a population of over 1.3 billion people. In 2016, the country was facing several sociocultural challenges, such as widespread poverty and inequality, as well as issues related to gender and caste discrimination. There were also concerns about the availability and quality of education and healthcare, particularly in rural areas.

Technological Factors:

India had made significant progress in the field of technology in the years leading up to 2016. The country had a rapidly growing IT sector and was home to a number of major technology companies. However, there were also challenges, such as a lack of infrastructure and skilled labor, which hindered the growth of the technology sector.

Legal Factors:

India has a complex legal system, with multiple levels of courts and a mix of civil and criminal laws. In 2016, the legal system faced several challenges, such as a backlog of cases and a lack of legal aid for those who could not afford it. There were also concerns about corruption and the influence of money on the legal system.

Environmental Factors:

India has a diverse range of environments, ranging from the Himalayan mountain range to the Indian Ocean. In 2016, the country was facing several environmental challenges, such as air and water pollution, deforestation, and the impacts of climate change


pestle analysis of india 2016

A PEST analysis is one of them that are merely a framework that categorizes environmental influences as political, economic, social and technological forces. Use of PESTLE analysis helps you break free of assumptions and helps you quickly adapt to the realities of the new environment. Use EdrawMax Online to create a PESTEL analysis diagram, or create any other diagram with ease! India should utilize its tech talents to attract foreign companies and resolve other economic and social challenges. The major farm outputs include fruits, vegetables, cotton, rice, sugarcane, groundnuts, and legumes Chandhoke and Priyadarshi 39. The Indian government also offers grants in order to make such industries successful. Sometimes two additional factors, environmental and legal, will be added to make a PESTEL analysis, but these themes can easily be subsumed in the others. It will help businesses to grow independently.


PESTLE Analysis of India in five Steps

pestle analysis of india 2016

These latest legal changes can affect the costs and demand of the firms and they will boost the production of these companies. These include scarcity of raw materials, pollution, carbon footprint, climate change tec. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Technology is considered to be one of the most important factors of textile industry. Social Factors The social factors of India comprise of various social trends and changes like values, festivals, languages, traditions, belief, lifestyle, demographic features and customs. Lucintel collects a significant amount of uninterpreted data from a variety of sources and converts this into intelligent data as follows. Due to these certain changes in the legal factors Nazca business activities is secured and quality of good business is lightened.


PESTEL Analysis of India's Textile Industry

pestle analysis of india 2016

The air pollution has affected the public health and their living conditions, and it caused air pollution, planning permissions, waste disposal, environment pressure groups and noise control. India is one of the leading producers and exporters of various agricultural products. Choose the acronym that most suits you or your organization. Indian economy is dominated by service sector which contributed approximately 69% to the total GDP in 2013. Business solutions, mobile apps, e-commerce, upgrades, software development, and tech projects are some of the main areas of interest for her entrepreneurs. As a result, market players have become very cost conscious and price sensitive.


PESTEL Analysis of India and Chile

pestle analysis of india 2016

That is in business of fully integrated man made fiber. In urban areas people both male and female try to adopt western culture and wear jeans shirts, more suit with tie. The relevance of PESTEL analysis is business cannot be overemphasized. First presidential election was held in Chile on 2009, Dec 13. The economists suggest that the drop is due to the pandemic of covid-19, lockdown, and shutdown of business worldwide. Main Export Industries India trades with different nations such as Russia, Japan, the United States, Singapore, and Germany. The Indian textile industry is the second largest in the world—second only to China.


International Business in India: PEST Analysis

pestle analysis of india 2016

Get Help With Your Essay If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Political factors relate to the policies made by the government for instance the extent to which the government intervenes in the economy. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Environment protection and preservation is responsibility of the textile industry. To maintain, if not increase, its global market share, the Indian textile industry must procure modern, low-cost, textile machinery so that it can produce high quality textiles and garments for export at competitive prices. Politics also influence privatization as interference politically is reduced hence efficiency. They attack the people of other religion and government seems fail to control their atrocities, which encourage them to expand it in various other regions. In the recent past, emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility has turned around the image and acceptability of many Indian companies for the best.


A Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) approach for assessment of coastal zone management practice in India: International Review of Public Administration: Vol 21, No 3

pestle analysis of india 2016

Many IT companies began to invest in different countries such as Germany, Russia, and China. The textile industry is the largest industry in terms of employment economy, expected to generate 12 million new jobs by 2010. As far as Nazca is concerned India political environment is suitable for it according to aforementioned political factors. Her people love to play hockey and cricket, and the Indian Premier League IPL has gathered a lot of talent over the years. Furthermore, India has strong religious foundation.


PESTLE Analysis of India

pestle analysis of india 2016

Economic growth, inflation, employment, and unemployment rate, the purchasing power of consumers are factors determining the company's financial performance. The current shift of world market towards the Asian continent has favored India geographically. Due to control over inflation rate investment by NAZCA will give them a chance to earn a handsome less inflated return. Main Companies Involved in Generating Export Turnover Several Indian companies generate export turnover in the country. Chile has a population of around 17. The company must be aware of the local culture, beliefs, acceptability, and other things to run a business in the nation. Growing concern over environmental issues is a result of the ongoing ecological crises.


Pestel Analysis Of Indian Business Environment Economics Essay

pestle analysis of india 2016

The country is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal; making India a peninsular. This essay will show that how to make full use of energy from different countries' viewpoints. Mostly business is family owned and will give favor to their beloved ones in the jobs. A proper analysis of the environment will determine whether India has benefited a lot from international business practices. Textile Industry is related to clothes.


Free Essay: Pest Analysis of India

pestle analysis of india 2016

Information Sources — The information has been sourced from various authentic and reliable sources like books, newspapers, trade journals and white papers, industry portals, government agencies, trade associations, and monitoring industry. There are at least 20 domestic companies offering textile machinery for spinning, weaving, texturizing and finishing. Technological Factors 1 India's oil Reserve capacity is limited. These structures contain varying flexibility, in education, work attitudes, income distribution, and so on. Various taxes such as octroi, properties, markets as well as utilities are charged by the local bodies. Textile industry can help in employment and raising standard of living. The new technology has reduced cost, improve the quality of the products and lead to the innovation in their technology.
