Persuasive speech video games do not promote violence. Persuasive Essay On Video Games And Violence 2022-10-26

Persuasive speech video games do not promote violence Rating: 7,7/10 956 reviews

Video games have long been a popular form of entertainment, and over the years, they have become increasingly sophisticated and realistic. However, there has been a longstanding debate about whether or not video games promote violence. While some people argue that video games contribute to aggressive behavior and desensitize players to violence, research suggests that this is not the case. In fact, many studies have found that video games can actually have positive effects on players.

One argument often made against video games is that they promote violent behavior by providing players with an outlet for aggression. It is true that some video games involve violent themes and characters, and players may engage in virtual violence as they play. However, research has not found a clear link between playing violent video games and engaging in actual violent behavior. In fact, a meta-analysis of over 200 studies on the topic found that the relationship between playing violent video games and aggressive behavior is weak at best.

Another concern is that video games may desensitize players to violence and make them more accepting of it in real life. Again, research does not support this idea. Studies have found that players of violent video games do not show increased tolerance for real-world violence or aggression. In fact, some research has even suggested that playing violent video games may actually reduce aggression by providing a safe outlet for pent-up frustration and anger.

While it is true that some video games contain violent themes, it is important to recognize that not all video games are violent, and even those that are may not necessarily promote violence. Many video games involve teamwork, strategy, and problem-solving, and can promote skills such as spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, and quick thinking. These skills can be valuable in a variety of settings, including the workplace and school.

In conclusion, the evidence does not support the idea that video games promote violence. While it is always important for parents to monitor the media that their children consume, it is also important to recognize the potential benefits of video games and not demonize them as a source of violence.

Persuasive Speech About Video Games

persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

Studies of this type overstate the importance of video games. Popular culture, on the other hand, is a form of 'low' culture and is based primarily on marketing. It is a powerful medium that should not be under-estimated by those who don't understand it. If the video games are the main factor in creating and causing the concerning issues of violence and racism, then it is really a big social issue! If you or someone you know is struggling with a video game addiction, please reach out for help. I am not a video game addict but many of my acquaintances are. This will enable the children that play games to be keen on the games they choose. Does virtual violence lead to actual violence? This leads to better relationships among the players with only a few cases of violence reported among players.


Video Games and Violence Speech Essay Example

persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

These positives only can occur with time restrictions and age appropriate regulations. I could talk about more but I'm way too tired, hope that helped and good luck mate! When conducting investigations, there was no evidence found that video games had anything to do with his violent actions. Therefore, a guardian or a parent should not worry when his or her children play violent games. This brought to an end the playing of extremely violent video games to avoid such cases from happening. People who regularly play FPS first person shooter games have better vision than non-gamers. Video games in their entirety do not cause violence.


Persuasive Speech Video Games Essay

persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

Our government is anti-video game. However, not everyone sees them as harmless fun. If GTA inspires people to kill, why doesn'f Forza inspire people to learn how to drive etc. Today I 'm going to show you guys a social and ethical review of First Person Shooters and Action-Adventure game. Additionally, a peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that children play video games as a means of managing their emotions. I blame the media — the bringer of news, the skilled craftsman of emotions, twisting words in just the right way to convince others.


A Speech on Do Video Games Promote Violence?

persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

They argued that studies purporting to show a connection between violent video games and harmful effects on children have been rejected by every court. The study found that the people who played more violent video games when they were younger, exhibited more aggressive behavior as adults, even when other factors such as family environment, sex, and age were taken into account. This proposition has been proven erroneous or non-relevant several times. There is a growing concern over the effects of violence in video games and whether or not they are to blame for real-world violence. Firstly, having a good memory can improve grades making it easier to study. Investigators learned that the two students played many violent video games including Wolfenstein 3D and Doom.


No, Video Games Don’t Cause Violence

persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

. Violent video games do not make kids just wake up and go and shoot up a school, video games are just a way for kids to release anger. We also have witnessed children taken to juvenile due to their violent behaviors not only with their friends but also with their parents. Overall, video games are very prevalent in our lives. As beej said, video games as free speech has nothing to do with whether they cause violence or not. Others say people play them to pass the time. Children are the main target for video games.


Persuasive Speech: The Importance Of Video Games

persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

They just want to have the story of how you grow up as a wanted criminal, which is not tolerated by our country today. I do not blame you, your family, or friends. On one hand, there are those who blame media violence for societal violence and want to censor violent content to protect our children Animal Taming Research Paper Persuasive Essay 2 Have you ever been to a circus and thought to yourself "Wow! Of the 41 attackers studied none were found to have a relationship between playing violent video games and the school shootings. Same stuff happens nowadays as well, its because we have a natural tendency to fear things we don't understand, and in time it will pass. In fact, I would even argue that video games are harmful to children and should be banned. Part of making an argument is demonstrating a grasp of your opponent's argument. How people argue it out that it may lead to violence is mostly not realistic.


Sample Persuasive Speech: Video Games

persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

A video game is a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or display. Some people believe that video games are to blame for an increase in violence, while others believe that they can be beneficial. It is ironical that the same parents that take enormous pains to keep children from witnessing violence in the homes and neighborhood, do little to keep their children away from violent video games. But with the invention of the nuclear bomb, the scenario changed drastically. The whole world was stunned by the devastation that two solitary bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki could create…. Other countries do not have the same problems because their laws are strict or their customs for punishing wrong doing is much harder.


Video Games Don’t Cause Violence Essay Example

persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

Could talk about how these types of video-games could be totally educational as well as entertaining. The opponents of the video games might remind us of the campus shootings in the USA, the initiators of which were gamers. One does not expect a child or an adult supremely intelligent to be affected by just a mere game. I wonder how they get them to do all of those cool tricks. The students murdered thirteen and wounded twenty-three and later killed themselves.


Persuasive Essay On Video Games And Violence

persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

School Shooting In America 997 Words 4 Pages Removal of the violence in video games is also another possible solution for school shootings. Eighty percent of the research indicates that games are violent. Those games can be played all over the globe not only in the houses, but also in the other places like, workplaces, and clubs, and unfortunately even in the schools. There has been a debate on whether video games cause violent criminal behavior. If you could the entire world would be atheist.



persuasive speech video games do not promote violence

Violent video games provide opportunities for children to explore the consequences of violent actions and to develop their moral compasses virtually. One study found that people who played a violent video game for just 20 minutes were more likely to report feeling angry and aggressive afterwards. Only two or three of the top best-selling video games are violent. Video games do not make children more violent. She believes the influence of video games may have a little on the youth being out of control.
