Peloponnesian wars cause and effect. What were the causes of the Peloponnesian wars? 2022-10-28

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In "Everyday Use," Alice Walker tells the story of a mother and her two daughters, Dee and Maggie, and their relationship with each other and their heritage. The story is told from the point of view of the mother, who is a practical and hardworking woman.

The mother is proud of her African-American heritage and has always tried to pass on this pride to her daughters. However, Dee, the older daughter, has rejected her heritage in favor of a more modern and assimilated lifestyle. She has changed her name to Wangero and has little interest in the traditional crafts and artifacts that the mother has preserved for her.

Maggie, on the other hand, is more grounded in her heritage and has a deep appreciation for the things that have been passed down to her. She understands the value of the quilts and other items that Dee sees as nothing more than old, worn-out objects.

The conflict between Dee and the mother comes to a head when Dee arrives at the family's rural home to visit and asks to take the quilts with her. The mother is hesitant, as she had always intended for the quilts to be given to Maggie. However, Dee insists that she is the one who should have them, as she is the one who truly understands and appreciates their cultural significance.

In the end, the mother makes the decision to give the quilts to Maggie, recognizing that she is the one who truly values and will preserve their cultural heritage. The story ends with the mother reflecting on the visit and the lessons she has learned about the importance of passing on cultural traditions to future generations.

Overall, "Everyday Use" is a powerful story about the struggle to preserve and pass on cultural traditions in a rapidly changing world. Through the eyes of the mother, we see the tension between Dee's desire to break with tradition and Maggie's desire to hold onto their heritage. In the end, the mother's decision to give the quilts to Maggie underscores the importance of preserving and passing on cultural traditions to future generations.

How did the Peloponnesian War affect Athens?

peloponnesian wars cause and effect

However, it marked the demise of Athenian naval and political hegemony throughout the Mediterranean. Each city-state functioned as its own independent government. The primary combatants in the Peloponnesian War were the city-states of Athens and Sparta and had allies that supported them during the war. Greece, the Causes and consequences of Peloponnesian war Among these wars, the Peloponnesian one stands out, which was caused when Athens , then the capital of Greece, began to have more economic and military relevance due to maritime dominance. In fact, 3,000 such men were chosen by the Thirty to share in the government of Athens. As a result, Athens enjoyed a great deal of prosperity under the Delian League.


What were the causes of the Peloponnesian wars?

peloponnesian wars cause and effect

However, their calculation was wrong, and Athenians suppressed the Lesbos revolt in 427 McKay et al. Bagnall 221 refutes Thucydides explanation since the historical events before the war were not enough to justify the war. How did Van Buren respond to the Panic of 1837? His strategy was to lure the Peloponnesian army before the walls of Athens, and then attack their coastline at ease. The tensions between the Athenians and Sparta grew. Learn More McKay et al. During his kingship, Agesilaus embarked on a number of military campaigns in the eastern Aegean and Persian territories. In the aftermath of the Persian Wars, the Greeks were unable to maintain their unity.


Peloponnesian War: Summary, Causes, & Effects

peloponnesian wars cause and effect

The division left Greece powerless to prevent Persian Empire from reclaiming their Asian possessions Encyclopedia Britannica a par. They had real difficulties understanding each other, and this lead to mutual suspicions. At its peak, Sparta overpowered many key Greek states, including the elite Athenian navy. The Athenian army that was sent to Sicily was very large almost exhausted their treasury McKay et al. Their only passion was in Peloponnesus. The causes of the war are that the Athenian Empire upset the Greek world's balance of power.


The Peloponnesian War_ Causes and Effects (1).pdf

peloponnesian wars cause and effect

Although the conflict lasted for 28 years, and caused huge economic, political,… Why did Sparta initiate the Peloponnesian War? So Athenians traded with other city-states and some foreign lands to get the goods and natural resources they needed. The underlying cause of the war was the rapid rise of the Athenians. The peace between the two powerful city-states deteriorated. A plague that killed many Athenians helped Sparta defeat Athens. On the other side, Sparta was predominantly a land-based military power, fought campaigns with well-organized hoplite troops, and was renowned for its military discipline and battle tactics. Bagnall 202 suggests that Thucydides may have been embroiled in a conflict that would have arisen between the supporters of democracy and oligarchy. Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth are examples of some of the more famous city-states of this period and were among the main actors in the Peloponnesian War.


Effects of the Peloponnesian War

peloponnesian wars cause and effect

Data Date 431 — 404 a. Also known as the Fifty-Year Peace, was a peace treaty signed between the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta in March 421 BC, ending the first half of the Peloponnesian War. Sparta As a result of the Peloponnesian War, Sparta, which had primarily been a continental culture, became a naval power. Place Aegean Sea area. The harsh situation forced them to look for a chance to make peace agreements. The balance in power in Greece was shifted when Athens was absorbed into the Spartan Empire.


Causes of Peloponnesian war with consequences

peloponnesian wars cause and effect

. In contrast, Athens encouraged democracy and believed that it was the best form of government. Led by their King Archidamus they invaded Attica and destroyed most of it McKay et al. As a strategy to gain advantage over Athenians, Pericles had built a wall between Piraeus and Athens. The war was not to be ended but a call for a cease fire was initiated. The Panic of 1893 was an economic depression in the United States that began in 1893 and ended in 1897.


What were the causes of the Peloponnesian War

peloponnesian wars cause and effect

Athens became the natural leader of the Delian League since it had the largest navy with which to combat Persian advances. Ancient Greek civilization, 2011. Spartan had invaded Attica in the hope that Athens hoplites would offer resistance of which they would attack fiercely and the plan was to end the war as soon as possible. What was the cause of the fall of Athens? According to Thucydides, Sparta army had no reason to fear Athenian rise to power since their army was larger and well equipped. The expedition was doomed to fail from the onset since having been accused of a crime in the eve of the expedition; Alcibiades was arrested along the way.


Peloponnesian War Causes & Results

peloponnesian wars cause and effect

During this stage Sparta received the support of Persia and the satraps of Asia Minor , who devised military strategies and completely defeated the Athenian army. Athens used its superior navy to intimidate its allies, and they eventually became mere tributaries of the Athenians. Initially, Athens exploited the strategy of defense, but with Alcibiades on board Athenians could now figure out how to defeat Spartans Bagnall 146. Sparta and Athens had been long-standing rivals throughout the Classical Greek era. Such a system led to political fragmentation, rivalry, and eventually, war. Sicilian War This stage includes from the year 415 a. With the help of their solid naval base, the Athenians gradually transformed the Delian League into a formidable empire that subjugated its allies.


peloponnesian wars cause and effect

The Peloponnesian War ended in victory for Sparta and its allies, and led directly to the rising naval power of Sparta. Two kings from two royal families ostensibly ruled it. They also embarked on a more aggressive attack where they invaded western Greece also managed to gain possession if Minoa island and in turn reclaimed a strategic position to the port of Megara. Both of which were very powerful Greek city-states and fought together in the Persian Wars. According to Bagnall 122 , the major cause of the war as accounted by Thucydides was the indiscriminate expansion of Athenian power.
