Owning exotic animals essay. A Summary Of Owning Exotic Animals 2022-11-04

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Owning exotic animals, such as big cats, primates, and reptiles, has been a controversial topic for many years. Some people argue that it is a person's right to own any animal they choose, while others believe that these animals should be protected and only kept in their natural habitats or in professional sanctuaries. In this essay, I will explore both sides of the argument and provide my own perspective on the issue of owning exotic animals.

On the one hand, some people argue that owning exotic animals is a matter of personal freedom and choice. They may argue that if an individual is willing and able to provide proper care for an exotic animal, they should be allowed to own it. They may also point out that exotic animals can make unique and rewarding pets, providing their owners with a sense of joy and fulfillment.

However, there are several valid counterarguments to this perspective. One major concern is the potential for harm to both the animal and humans. Exotic animals can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous, especially if they are not properly trained or socialized. In addition, these animals often require specialized care and attention that may be difficult for the average person to provide. As a result, exotic animals may suffer from neglect or abuse in private ownership.

In addition to the welfare of the animals themselves, there are also concerns about the impact of exotic animal ownership on the environment and the conservation of species. Many exotic animals are taken from their natural habitats and transported long distances to be sold as pets, which can have negative consequences for the local ecosystems and wildlife populations. Some species, such as certain reptiles and primates, may also be at risk of being over-collected from the wild, leading to their potential extinction.

Overall, while it is true that some individuals may be able to provide proper care for exotic animals, the potential risks and negative impacts on both the animals and the environment suggest that it is not a responsible or ethical choice for the average person to own exotic animals. Instead, these animals should be protected and kept in their natural habitats or in professional sanctuaries where they can receive the specialized care and attention they require.

Exotic Animals as 'Pets'

owning exotic animals essay

With the issue of this topic, the multiple points of both the pros and the cons must be addressed, but ultimately, there should be the ban on private ownerships of animals as there is a line between what is a need and what is a desire. This is a bad practice, since wild animals require unique conditions that an average American cannot afford; exotic animals carry and transmit exotic diseases, which can pose a threat to owners; and there were numerous incidents when a captivated wild animal attacked its owner, or members of their families. Exotic pets have always been a concern to a variety of people: health care officials who treat Premium Florida Wildlife Pet Why Shouldn T Exotic Animals Be Kept As Pets? Owners need to know how to care for this animal and to know what it needs on a daily basis. Many actors, singers, esteemed boxers, and other types of celebrities own exotic pets such… Should Wild Animals Be Kept As Pets Essay Even people with good judgement and good caretaking skills are at risk. These animals are not the typical domestic pets such as dogs and cats.


Should Exotic Animals Be Kept As Pets Essay

owning exotic animals essay

They are afforded some protections through animal-cruelty laws, endangered-species regulations and the federal Animal Welfare Act, but are not endowed with a distinct set of rights. About 25 percent of both imported and domestically-bred macaques are reported to have had the herpes B virus. However this trend has started to change within the last decade. But what exactly are exotic pets and what dangers do they present? These encounters with the animals were all great experiences, and because of these experiences I decided also to be an exotic animal owner. Should People Be Able To Own Exotic Animals? If humans are not plants, then they are considered as animals.


Essay On Exotic Animals

owning exotic animals essay

This quote shows that people who keep wild animals as pets do not realize that the native environment provides the wild animals with the necessities they cannot receive as a pet. It consists of two great isles and several much smaller ones. Extracts on the Moon V. Of those injuries, thirty-three deaths have been reported Romain. The size of the animal does not determine how dangerous it is.


Argumentative Essay On Exotic Animals

owning exotic animals essay

Even worse, states have was against having wild animals. In the article, "Should lions, tigers, and other animals be pets? These were known as Menageries. This is how many animals become endangered or extinct. After all, animals and humans are two completely different species who react to conditions differently. It is very important to acknowledge that animals need to be treated with respect. Therefore, outlawing possession of dangerous creatures is crucial because the animals need to be out in their natural habitat, owning them is dangerous, and the difficulty of caring for…. Therefore, people should not be allowed to… Exotic Animals Research Paper Have you ever thought of owning an exotic animal as a pet? Exotic animal auctions are crowded with Premium William Randolph Hearst Wildlife Ape.


A Summary Of Owning Exotic Animals

owning exotic animals essay

Owning exotic animals can lead to chaos and sometimes even Premium Pet Chimpanzee Pets Argumentative Essay On Exotic Animals or currently care for a pet of some sort. The herpes B virus, which is nearly 70 percent fatal to humans, can be transferred from macaques to humans. I was amazed to see such a wonderful and beautiful animal. Animals such as horses and dogs can also provide us a lot more whether it 's for companionship, protection, or work. They are made to seem exotic in colourful garb adorned with veils and glitzy jewelry and inadvertently they appear to be objects of male affection. This quote shows that people who keep wild animals as pets do not realize that the native environment provides the wild animals with the necessities they cannot receive as a pet.


Argumentative Essay: The Ethics Of Owning Exotic Animals

owning exotic animals essay

I think people should be allowed to have exotic animals as pets because it is their choice, and exotic animals are not as dangerous as they are said to be. In summary, Jimmy moves to California in the hopes of rediscovering himself. Country and People The British Isles lie off the north-west coast of Europe. Most people would not think of purchasing an animal such as those because they do not make very good companions. In the first place, owning an exotic pet can be a risk to your safety. They are wild animals with wild instincts, even when born in captivity. Secondly, exotic animals are extremely hard to train.


The Controversial Topic of Owning Exotic Creatures as Personal Pets: [Essay Example], 1127 words GradesFixer

owning exotic animals essay

Many die before reaching their destinations. Let me tell you why you should join my side. Charlie enjoyed getting out and around, smelling the world outside his own, and I always felt bad about keeping him in such a small yard. Examples of this are Madagascar hissing cockroach, Sugar gliders and Tarantula. And without any predators they would be able to breed and destroy our entire ecosystem. Owning exotic pets can also be dangerous the text said. Both opinions can exist as there are many zoos in the world and their facilities contrast greatly.


Pros And Cons Of Owning Exotic Animals

owning exotic animals essay

Stronger laws need to be in place to regulate exotic animals going to private collections. You cant have a baby forever and everyone knows its common sense. They also pose safety and health risks to their possessors and any person coming into contact with them. Parrots may have their beaks and feet taped and be stuffed into plastic tubes that can easily be hidden in luggage, and stolen bird and reptile eggs are concealed in special vests so that couriers can bypass X-ray machines at airports. Sugar gliders are very social animals, and if they are not given enough attention, they may self-mutilate or die from the stress of loneliness.


Argumentative essay on exotic animals as pets Free Essays

owning exotic animals essay

Clearly, being a keeper of a wild animal is beyond the capabilities of an average citizen If the previous paragraph did not persuade you, consider the danger of biological contamination. These animals are then kept in confined cages in backyards, garages and basements because the purchasers are…. However, many people acquire exotic pets. Risk of Importing Zoonotic Diseases through Wildlife Trade, United States. In the source it says that an adult exotic animal can be more dangerous than a baby one. Other people try to return unwanted animals to their natural homes or abandon them outdoors. My illness has many symptoms Persuasive Essay On Owning A Pet Many pet owners perceive to say that having a pet is the best thing in the whole world.
