Outsourced movie analysis. Film Analysis "Outsourced" 2022-11-09

Outsourced movie analysis Rating: 6,2/10 490 reviews

Outsourced is a romantic comedy film released in 2006, directed by John Jeffcoat and starring Josh Hamilton and Ayesha Dharker. The film tells the story of Todd Anderson (played by Hamilton), an American who is sent to India to oversee the outsourcing of his company's call center to a vendor in Mumbai.

At first, Todd is resistant to the idea of outsourcing and is unhappy about being sent to India. He is also struggling to deal with the recent death of his father, which has left him feeling disconnected and aimless. However, as he spends more time in India, Todd begins to appreciate the country's rich culture and the warmth and hospitality of its people. He also falls in love with a local woman named Asha (played by Dharker), who helps him to see the value in embracing new experiences and perspectives.

One of the main themes of the film is the impact of globalization on workers and communities. Todd is initially opposed to outsourcing because he is worried about the impact it will have on his coworkers in the US, who will lose their jobs as a result of the move. However, as he gets to know the call center employees in India, he realizes that outsourcing can also have positive effects, such as providing employment and economic opportunities for people in other parts of the world.

Another theme of the film is the importance of understanding and respecting other cultures. Todd initially has trouble adjusting to life in India and struggles to understand the local customs and traditions. However, as he becomes more immersed in the culture and makes friends with the call center employees, he begins to see the value in embracing different ways of life.

Overall, Outsourced is a heartwarming and insightful film that explores the complexities of globalization and the importance of cultural understanding. It is a reminder that while change can be difficult, it can also bring about new opportunities and experiences that enrich our lives.

Intercultural Communication In Outsourced: A Film Analysis

outsourced movie analysis

It depends on retailers to sell its products, but retail in Europe is facing terrible times as a consequence of the recession caused by the sharp reductions in government spending and collapse of bank lending. Words: 998 - Pages: 4 Premium Essay Gbc Cima. Words: 9953 - Pages: 40 Premium Essay Case Study Jot. Compare those differences to the motivational and leadership styles shown in the documentary. Words: 4148 - Pages: 17 Premium Essay Cima Case Analysis 2012.


Outsourced movie analysis

outsourced movie analysis

A company or an individual need to have proper strategy in their mind when managing people from cross cultural Intercultural Communication Culture Shock 941 Words 4 Pages Abstract Communicating successfully with people from different cultures can be a real challenge. This may be news for Todd, but India does not sell cheeseburger as they consider cows to be sacred in India which is part of their culture. . . The issue has become a hot button this election year. .


Movie review outsourced Essay Example

outsourced movie analysis

. This is seen in the movie by the fact that in Seattle Todd assumes a different dominance structure from the one he cuts out India. During a meeting, Todd taught the employees of how Americans use reductions in sentences and made them practice the use of reductions. . In the end, we see a boy who have managed to overcome all hardships to get to the top, even if it means making tough choices such as changing schools, therefore is could be seen that race and stereotypes only made Junior Essay On Intercultural Communication In The Movie Arrival 1601 Words 7 Pages When I was asked to write about an instance of intercultural communication in a movie, Arrival was not the first thing that came to mind. . This difference in culture can be described as the extent to which a culture is conducive to dominance, acquisition of things and assertiveness.


Outsourced Analysis

outsourced movie analysis

Communicationwas compromised and ambiguity was present. Words: 10495 - Pages: 42 Premium Essay Kodak Case. This shows me that there is a difference in manners between America and India nationals through the way they behave under the same circumstances. Dave tried to convince Todd to go to China and teach the future employees, but instead was referred to Purohit as his substitute to go to Shanghai, China. Differentiation of their products and services being offer are the key factors on the success and continued business of some local stores. If this situation were to happen In America, Todd would have waited for the next train, but for the Indian nationals, they would try their best to get in the train, even though the train was in motion and full. Business practices being extensions of cultures, they vary from one country to country.


Film Analysis "Outsourced"

outsourced movie analysis

The A margin level includes only costs related to raw materials and containers holding raw materials, which are generally included in product costs if they are from an outside supplier. It depends on retailers to sell its products, but retail in Europe is facing terrible times as a consequence of the recession caused by the sharp reductions in government spending and collapse of bank lending. There is also individualism versus collectivism difference in the cultures of the countries in both the movie and the documentary. The attractiveness of entering into movie rental business is greatly depends on the uniqueness of the products available to the buyer. They thus consist of consists of explicit and implicit patterns of behaviors acquired and transmitted by symbols. It reports that the December sales boom has been insufficient and has left many stores with unsold stocks and unable to pay their outgoings. After they got back, Asha broke the news that she was engaged to be married since she was 4 years old and she is going to be married soon, and Todd was shocked that someone as marvelous as he has an arranged marriage set for her.


outsourced movie analysis

. That is not to say that the child pays the money, more that the child drives the buying decision, always subject to the budget and final say so of the parent. Todd is then sent to India to train his own replacement, this he does oblivious of the fact that he is training his replacement. . The faces of the hosts looked disgusted and kindly told him that he was not supposed to use the hand that he placed into his mouth back into thefood.


outsourced movie analysis

Director, Jot From: Management Accountant Date: 28 February 2012 Review of issues facing Jot Contents 1. One day, he was brought by a guy across the wall and was offered food as a form of appreciation. They therefore can influences, and are instrumental in determination of policies, structure and style adopted. . At the start of the movie, the employees from the United States are seen to have a big personal space for themselves and the boss has his own big and individual personal room that is segregated from the other workers. The final identity is personal. The study of Channel Management offers an appreciation of logistics of information and goods, and exposes students to the types of systems required to optimize organizational efficiency through this function.


outsourced movie analysis

Words: 762 - Pages: 4. Cultural dimension can be looked at as structures of organization within a particular group of people. Analysis of the cross-cultural differences in the movie and documentary using theories of cultural dimensions. However, the employees were not worried about it as they have attained a set of skills and are able to get employed easily. When Todd arrived at the accommodation and was provided with snacks, he helped himself to the snacks using his left hand and licked his fingers afterward. People have to observe the rules of intercultural and interpersonal communication to communicate with different societies. This is a question asked by Tim Aeppel from the Wall Street Journal.


outsourced movie analysis

Words: 10495 - Pages: 42 Free Essay Reserach. . The structures constitute the framework for each individual in the group. The movie was written by George Wing and John Jeffcoat. When they entered the call centre, they were greeted by a flood that was caused irrigation by the farm next door. In fact according to a survey based on Hofstede analysis, Australia reflects a high level of individuality. Cultural differences may lead to tensions, arguments, and even wars between peoples and nations.


outsourced movie analysis

Judging by the way Todd and Dave conversed over the phone and the language they used to converse with each other is informal, this represented a low power distance. The documentary profiles these young women in their demanding job that requires long hours, late-night shifts, and Westernized work habits and reveals the personal and cultural impact of this sweeping global trend of outsourcing. Australians basically display a tendency towards monochromatic cultural trend. They made me smile and gave me and you an excuse to watch the Toy Story movies again. Outsourced the documentary is a comparison between two call centers — Gecis in India and SalesForce in Australia. It involves learning and accepting the traditions, heritage, language, religions, ancestry, aestectics, thinking patterns and social structures of a culture. The Indian employees employ mixed styles of leadership with motivation type being goal motivated, recognition motivated and reward oriented.
