Organizational culture essay example. Organisational Culture In Hotel Industry Essay Example 2022-11-07

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Organizational culture refers to the values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the way a company operates and interacts with its employees, customers, and other stakeholders. It is a critical aspect of any organization, as it influences the way people communicate, make decisions, and approach their work. In this essay, we will explore the concept of organizational culture and provide an example of how it can impact the success of a company.

First, let's define organizational culture. According to Edgar Schein, a pioneer in the study of organizational culture, it is "a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, which has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems." In other words, organizational culture is the collective mindset and behaviors that have been developed and passed down within an organization over time. It is the "glue" that holds an organization together and shapes the way it operates.

There are many factors that contribute to the development of organizational culture, including the values and vision of the organization's leaders, the history and traditions of the company, and the diverse backgrounds and experiences of its employees. Culture can also be influenced by external factors such as the industry in which the organization operates and the broader societal and cultural context in which it exists.

One key element of organizational culture is the values that are upheld and promoted within the company. These values may include things like innovation, customer service, teamwork, and integrity. They serve as guiding principles that shape the way employees approach their work and interact with one another and with customers. For example, a company that values innovation may encourage employees to think outside the box and take risks, while a company that values customer service may prioritize providing excellent service to its customers above all else.

Another important aspect of organizational culture is the behaviors and practices that are promoted within the company. These may include things like how decisions are made, how information is shared, and how conflicts are resolved. For example, a company with a hierarchical culture may have strict rules and procedures for decision-making, while a company with a more collaborative culture may encourage employees to work together and make decisions as a team.

To illustrate the impact of organizational culture, let's consider the example of Zappos, a company known for its exceptional customer service. Zappos was founded in 1999 with the mission of becoming the world's best online shoe store, and it has since grown into a leading e-commerce company. One key factor in Zappos' success has been its strong organizational culture, which is centered around the values of customer service, teamwork, and fun.

Zappos places a high value on providing excellent service to its customers, and this is reflected in the way its employees are trained and the policies and practices that are in place. For example, the company offers its employees extensive customer service training, and it has a policy of offering free shipping and returns to customers to ensure their satisfaction. In addition, Zappos has a culture of teamwork and collaboration, with a flat organizational structure and an open office layout that encourages employees to work together and share ideas. Finally, Zappos has a culture of fun, with company-wide events and activities that help to foster a sense of community and keep employees engaged and motivated.

In summary, organizational culture plays a critical role in shaping the way a company operates and interacts with its stakeholders. It is the collective mindset and behaviors that have been developed and passed down within an organization over time, and it is influenced by a variety of factors including the values and vision of the organization's leaders, the history and traditions of the company, and

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organizational culture essay example

Both Chinese and Japanese corporate cultures advocate patriotism and building brand identity. Sloan Management Review, 25, 3-14. Compliance quality is an aspect that all firms is very critical to an organization or a firm and organizations must make sure that the internal controls comply with the organization policies and the legislations on internal controls. The dominant construcitve culture is applicable to our orgazanition where standard of excellence is pursued. Maximini 2015 and Patary 2015 suggest that the theory might be very helpful for managers if they apply it to the real world. Amongst the functions of menotirng perfromed by this leader are Protection career function : defends the employees if an error is commited by him by mistake.


Organizational Culture Essay Samples

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Exposure-and -visiblity career function : the newly hired have no formal training at times thus they are made to handle situations effectively through traning programs. This is especially important for those individuals that were on a contract basis since they believed ahead of time that they were only going to remain at the position for a very short time, and thus there was no reason for them to be very productive. In organizations with a positive organization culture, employees are rewarded for their performances and there is no discrimination in whatever aspect whatsoever. Organizational culture is an important tool that can be employed to give off a sense of common values and general beliefs. When they master relevant skills and knowledge, they will be confident to deal with change of organisational culture. A positive connection has been shown linking organisational commitment to the number and type of stories told.


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The most significant reason for it is that the personal and internal discipline of workers and people generally is weakly trained, which means external one should support it. In the absence of monetary or material rewards, praising of exemplary services instills a culture of handwork among employees. A transformational leader works by inspiring followers to look beyond their interests while in service. In the same way, managers can fire part of staff who opposes to change. Here we are going apply the 6 pillars of self esteem to the senior manager of the hotel. A show of empathy and comforting with the families create a bond that exemplifies respect and dignity to the expired patients.


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This approach will enable a firm to establish appropriate synergies to enable it to establish and sustain a robust organizational culture. Leadership is the key to change organisational culture. Internal accounting control is a system that is used to safeguard and encourage sound management practices within an organization both financially and in general. List and describe the four functions of culture within an organization: provide employees an organization identity give employees an organizational identity that they may follow and know clearly , facilitate collective commitment employees need to buy in , promote social system stability extent to which work environment is perceived as positive. In addition to working as global leader of coffee distribution, Starbucks is also trying to be a global leader in responsibility. Thus, managers can first bring in advanced technology to improve organisational change.


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Two, the manner in which members learn throughout the organisations evolution and three, the imported assumptions, beliefs and values of new members and leaders. Cultural Clash and Cultural Due Diligence at DaimlerChrysler. Culture is an integral part of the science of organisational behaviour. The reason is that they are the decision-makers of their organizations and are therefore best placed to decide what is good and bad behavior in the workplace. This process of the organization develops the skills and competencies needed to perform the new job.


What Is Organizational Culture?

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Leisure travels is considered a must thing for people to relax and enjoy inorder to have a complete life. Different societies have different beliefs about what is ethical and unethical. In cases of a lack of code of conduct, there are a high number of cases on lack of transparency, arbitrary decisions, complete and total disregard of the laws and regulations and individualism. The managers can be classified as a chameleon that is ready to adapt to their surroundings. At the same time, it is also the good way to remove their fear to uncertain future.


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What is Organizational Culture? However, it is also difficult to establish an organisational culture. Management: Foundations and Applications 2nd Asia-Pacific Edition. Have personal integrity: manager is a man of integrity and has clear values. Working in groups gives employees an opportunity to exercise their creativity, innovativeness, skills, and talents. However, it is also significantly affected by rewards. Employee Relations, 30 1 , 20-33. The Effect of Culture on Change Negative impacts are mostly felt when leaders initiate changes in institutions with unproductive cultures.


Organizational Culture Essays & Research Papers

organizational culture essay example

Principally, this case is based on the merger of Daimler, a German automobile company and Chrysler of the USA. The organisation is a Defence contractor. The latter three will be analysed. Functions of Organizational Culture Give members an organizational identity Front office department tries to provide a place to work that values customer loyalty over corporate responsibility but also having a lot of concern for the profits that the hotel is making thus employee satisfaction is compromised at times. Employees must adhere to the laid down policies and core values of the organization.
