Oral history essay. Oral history essay 2022-10-10

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Oral history is the study and documentation of history through the use of spoken word. It involves collecting and preserving the memories and personal experiences of individuals and communities through interviews, conversations, and other forms of verbal communication.

Oral history has a long tradition, dating back to ancient civilizations where stories and legends were passed down through the generations by word of mouth. In modern times, oral history has become an important tool for historians, anthropologists, and sociologists to understand and document the experiences and perspectives of marginalized groups, such as indigenous communities and people of color.

One of the key benefits of oral history is that it allows for a more diverse range of voices and perspectives to be included in the historical record. Written history is often written by those in positions of power, and can therefore be biased and incomplete. Oral history, on the other hand, gives a platform to those who may not have had the opportunity to have their stories and experiences recorded in written form.

However, oral history also has its limitations. It is reliant on the accuracy and honesty of the individual being interviewed, and the memory of the interviewee may not always be reliable. In addition, oral history is often more difficult to verify and fact-check than written sources.

Despite these limitations, oral history remains an important part of the historical record and can provide valuable insights and perspectives that may not be found in traditional written sources. It is important to approach oral history with a critical eye, but it can offer a rich and nuanced understanding of the past.

In conclusion, oral history is a valuable and important tool for understanding and documenting history. It allows for the inclusion of a diverse range of voices and perspectives, but it is important to approach it with a critical eye and consider its limitations. Overall, oral history can provide a unique and rich understanding of the past and the experiences of those who lived it.

Oral history essay

oral history essay

I would like to make the case that the three longest-lasting social changes came with America's forced adjustment to new realities on the international scene, with Vietnam; on the domestic scene, with the Civil ights movement; and… References Bloom, Alexander and Breines, Wini, Editors. Korean History: The Climate and Culture of Foreign Business The challenge of any cultural history undertaken to determine the foreign business fitness of a location is to make sure that there is due respect afforded the society with regard to issues that might not be seen as directly affecting the bottom line. She is a unique woman who has survived and thrived through many life changing traumas. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the Baylor University. Lucretia: I have always been good at organizing things and getting along with people, so that made it easy for me to find receptionist jobs. Studs Terkel interviewed over 120 people by inquiring them to tell… Works Cited Terkel, S.


Essay On Oral History

oral history essay

The Vietnam War effected the whole world in many ways. Manetho Josephus Jeroboam Is Genesis 1:1-2:4 Myth? The development of colonies based upon cash crops, including those in the Southern United States, necessitated a large enslaved labor force, larger than whites could provide. The historians mostly have taken into consideration the opinions and views of different people but they have neglected the testimonies provided by the victims. It is an inescapable truth, that for all artifacts and accounts left by our past as a human civilization, accurate or otherwise, history remains the hybridization of the partial… Social Work Ethical Codes The second rule in the social worker code Cultural Competence and Social Diversity may be a bit more difficult to understand. Despite the compelling circumstances that were involved, this paper will show that the internment of Japanese-Americans during orld ar II was not only unconscionable, it was also a fragrant violation of the U. It shows what was expected of people with religious beliefs and the level of importance that was placed upon adhering to traditions, such as the proper treatment of a dead body in the case of Achilles and his treatment of the body of Hector. The stories were communicated; they connected the natural life in the sky, the stars and the earth, the people and the animals, the land and life; it connected everyone and unified everything.


OHDA Essays

oral history essay

The whole process in oral history is important to create the bigger image of the story and provide the meaning. Racism, Birth Control and Reproductive Rights. Marino Related to the above is the view that the origins and history of the development of Rap music are strongly related to the resistance to various forms of colonialism and oppression that Black people have experienced and which has shaped the style and form of Rap music. His mission there was to support an artillery unit that was stationed on the border of North and South Vietnam. It is commonly diagnosed when the child begins to attend school or kindergarten, and occurs in 3 to 5% of the population. I was able to make initial contact with Samantha through a range of referrals from friends of some of my colleagues. Crisis and Disaster Counseling: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina and Other Disasters.


Oral History Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

oral history essay

Even Thomas Jefferson would eventually see 'Negros' as existing at the end of a chain of being, the beginning phase of a kind of evolutionary 'erasure' of color, and erasure of the 'mark of Cain' of blackness, as Christian missionaries used to think the Africans possessed. He went through NCO school, which is a course to becoming a non-commissioned officer. The Routledge Guide to Interviewing: Oral History, Social Enquiry and Investigation. Although some men felt more patriotic about their service than others, most of their experiences underline the fact that the Vietnam conflict was fought in disproportionate numbers by individuals without the political and social influence to 'skirt' the draft, a fact that has become well-publicized only now. Women of Phokeng: consciousness, life strategy, and migrancy in South Africa.


Oral History

oral history essay

It is to turn the memories of people into history by making interviews with them, so basically memory plays a big and crucial role in oral history. Still others felt a sense of energy and purpose serving in Vietnam, and one of them, Manny Holloman even remembers his days as a soldier fondly, and misses his life in Vietnam. The paper concludes by raising some possible criticisms… Bibliography Overview of the Prison Notebooks. Who uses oral history projects and why Fields in which you might be assigned an oral history paper include history, anthropology, and other disciplines that study the experiences of specific social groups such as women or ethnic groups. The word of mouth is still an important aspect of history, especially in studying human culture and how certain communities lived in their past. While some things may work in our culture, they may be considered offensive to another culture. This legislation is designed to prevent entry into the country of persons with communicable diseases.


The Importance Of Oral History Essay Examples

oral history essay

Retrieved from: Photography has been accorded a significant place in art theory and history, particularly with respect to the t h Century development of the avant-garde. Hyman, 2000 Unfortunately there is no single diagnostic test to establish ADHD, and the etiology of… Works Cited American Chemical Society press release, March 22, 1999. New York: Macmillan Co. Historians have made rules and principles to deal ethically with the interviewees, but they set an exception for each rule because oral history is a very wide range of study and also to allow interviewers become more creative in doing their interviews, as Ritchie explained. The hospitals in the Vietnam War were different from any other war. The interplay of history and memory however, leads to a rather satiable and tangible level of truth. Oral history is important because it is like a firsthand source of information, which is usually more reliable than secondary sources such as books and archives.


Oral History And Local Folklore

oral history essay

One of the goals of transcribing interviews is to give readers a sense of the interview—how was it formatted, was it formal or informal, did the interviewer ask a lot of questions or did the interview subject do most of the talking with just a few prompts, what language and speaking style did the participants use? No matter how horrendous the recollections are, comparatively only a few of the interviewees said that if the adventure never happened that they would be better off. Some weaknesses of defeasibility is depending on the context, extracting the presupposition from some sentences may be extremely ambiguous. Though German culture is not the only culture that has impacted the Texas of today, it is often considered one of the most significant influences historically. Due to the length of the interview, we will focus upon the first 30-60 minutes of the interview, specifically to analyze the initial foundational issues of Polish anti-semitism, the initial German occupation of Poland and life in the ghetto and slave labor in a steel factory under guard of the Ukrainian guards in and out of Ostrowiec, Poland. A cultural anthropologist might use oral history as a way to understand how individuals think of themselves in relation to the rest of the world.


Oral History Essay Examples

oral history essay

Inherent human bias affects both history and memory. Besides, there is skepticism related to the accuracy of the sources whether they categorized as objective or subjective. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Historians need the humility to listen and trust others and the courage to interpret Cathcart 1995, p. Even though 400,000 Americans died, the United States itself was not assaulted again after Pearl Harbor, the economy did begin to develop and there was a fresh contemporary feeling of humanity power that revitalized the nation. The Death of Luigi Trastulli and Other Stories: Form and Meaning in Oral History. To produce an oral history, there are procedures need to be followed, and there are many problems involved in doing oral history, but some of most important ones are going to be clarified in the next coming lines.


oral history Essay Sample

oral history essay

The historians ought to use modern means of communication such as an email to reac… Free oral history Essay Sample, Download Now. Many gays were being pushed out of the military based on old suspicions and values. Adler 1990 One of the key issues that had to be overcome was the concern about women policemen on patrol. However, others became career soldiers, such as Sergeant Major Edgar Huff. Another thing that really affected my uncle was when he was building the hospital for the Vietnamese. Moreover, they underscore the degree of continuity that these people have with their past, which is quite at variance with conventional Western perceptions of the past.


The Main Problems Related To Oral History: [Essay Example], 1308 words GradesFixer

oral history essay

Historical interpretations must be questioned so that faulty historical thinking can be identified. If you answered D. For God, country, and Coca-Cola: The definitive history of the great American soft drink and the company that makes it. This concept can be explained better in a general… Meringolo National Parks They were able to create and underlie the importance of maintaining history and shape values. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it was only in the 1920s that people began to actually talk about 'the media,' and a generation later, in the 1950s, of a 'communication revolution,' however, the art of oral and written communication was actually quite important in ancient Greece and ome. A lot of women and Black Americans faced new liberties in the post war nation, but happy life following orld ar II was stained by the danger of the could be nuclear.
