Noam chomsky arab spring. Chomsky on the Western Sahara and the “Arab Spring” 2022-10-30

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Noam Chomsky is a renowned linguist, philosopher, and political activist who has been an influential figure in the field of linguistics and has made significant contributions to our understanding of the nature of language and the mind. He has also been a vocal critic of various political systems and has spoken out against injustice and inequality on a global scale.

The Arab Spring was a series of pro-democracy uprisings that took place in the Middle East and North Africa in 2010-2011, leading to the ousting of several authoritarian regimes and the emergence of new democratic governments. The Arab Spring was sparked by a number of factors, including widespread poverty, corruption, and repression, as well as the influence of social media and other technological innovations.

Chomsky has been a vocal supporter of the Arab Spring and has praised the efforts of the people who participated in the uprisings to bring about change and challenge the oppressive regimes that were in power. In an interview with Democracy Now!, Chomsky stated that the Arab Spring was "a very hopeful development" and praised the courage and determination of the people who were involved in the movements.

Chomsky has also been critical of the Western powers that have historically supported authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and North Africa, arguing that these powers have often been motivated by their own economic and strategic interests rather than a commitment to democracy and human rights. He has argued that the Arab Spring represents a new era in which the people of the region are taking control of their own destiny and seeking to build more just and equitable societies.

Overall, Noam Chomsky has been a strong supporter of the Arab Spring and has praised the efforts of the people who participated in the uprisings to bring about change and challenge oppressive regimes. He has also been critical of the role that Western powers have played in supporting these regimes and has argued for a more equitable and democratic world order.

Interview with Noam Chomsky: ''The West Is Terrified of Arab Democracies''

noam chomsky arab spring

The economy itself is far less productive than it ought to be. What role should Western governments play? Noam Chomsky is interviewed by Hicham Yezza. You'll notice that the young people who organized the demonstrations on January 25th called themselves the April 6th movement. Production for what people need is far less. America has always been a deeply reactionary country — its founding revolution was merely against foreign control and not in favor of a progressive reordering of society — and thus its politics has always been defined by hypocrisy, zero memory and even less understanding of this thing we share called human history. It has extraordinary advantages. The United States has been in decline since 1945 -- 1945, at the end of the Second World War, the United States was in a position of just phenomenal power.


Chomsky Is No Friend of the Syrian Revolution

noam chomsky arab spring

I have tried to show that, in relation to the Syrian cause, this particular authority lacks basic information, nuanced analysis, intellectual curiosity and human empathy. Retrieved 5 June 2011. Some of them succeeded. If these two developments could be sustained and expanded there could be a long-term impact. But if you are privileged and you have some status and you can be articulate and so on we call you an intellectual. His and all his folks justification here is expressed that any regime that is anti-west is justified to kill and torture! The United States was isolated in its positions on the major issues, like drugs, Cuba and so on. Nobody else is close.


Interview: Noam Chomsky on Occupy, the Arab Spring and America's Decline

noam chomsky arab spring

Q: Initial hopes for a linear trajectory towards empowerment and democracy have long disappeared. The Brotherhood would very likely go along with that pretty much. To the extent that you have a functioning democracy, public opinion influences policy. Retrieved 20 July 2011. Libya is a special case.


Noam Chomsky on The Arab Spring: "In the past I’ve described it as a 'work in progress.' Now, regrettably, the phrase 'work in regress' would be more appropriate." : Anarchism

noam chomsky arab spring

Occupy came along at a time which was ripe, and the strategy I thought was brilliant. So eager to try to maintain regimes that will conform in some way. . Sunni and Shia tensions go way back. One was just changing the discourse, putting things on the public agenda that were simmering in the background but were never articulated in a focused fashion -- like inequality or financial corruption and the shredding of the democratic system, the collapse of a productive economy.


Noam Chomsky on Libya, the Arab spring, the cuts and more

noam chomsky arab spring

The capacity to influence has continued to decline, as has been happening since 1945. John Pilger warns that if the US does not come to terms with the reality of a multipolar world and the genuine equality of nations as it professes then armed conflict with China is on the cards. Prosaic facts are not important. Chomsky is a gradualist, he thinks if a move from A to C neceisstates B then so be it. The same is true of institutions across the board.


Kurds within the Arab spring and the Middle East Crisis

noam chomsky arab spring

I think what he means is that the activists in the April 6th movement don't care about the United States. In the latest poll from a couple weeks ago it was 5 percent. The questions we covered with him ranged from the fairly abstract the relevance of Gramsci to the very urgent Libya but throughout, his tone, focused and urgent, conveyed his still undiminished desire to change the world for the better. They are crushed by the dictators we — mainly the US, Britain, and France — support. Can you elaborate on this? These were quite explicit and they were largely implemented.


Noam Chomsky

noam chomsky arab spring

Putin and his aides have boasted several times of successfully testing over 320 weapons systems in Syria and that 85% of Russian army commanders gained combat experience in Syria. This is the utter hypocrisy that Professor Chomsky is used to, but one which is now coming to full surface. His errors on Syria and Ukraine, however, and Libya, too, are hard to explain away. Why protect them, but not all the others? There is one American scholar, Joel Beinen — he is at Stanford — he has done a lot of work on the Egyptian labour movement. To the extent that you have a functioning democracy, public opinion influences policy. And these battles shall not be mere street fights with stones against tear-gas bombs, nor pacific general strikes; neither will they be those of a furious people destroying in two or three days the repressive superstructure of the ruling oligarchies.


Chomsky on the Western Sahara and the “Arab Spring” — The Arabist

noam chomsky arab spring

It seems that this "awakening" has been somewhat uneven, as has the U. You have to sharpen your perceptions. Had the US not intervened for commercial and economic, and of course, ideological reasons it is likely there would be no crazy Mullahs creating havoc in Mideast today. The last thing the US and its allies want to see is to see policies implemented that reflect the public will, as happens to the extent that democracy can function. .
