Negotiable instruments ppt. Negotiable 2022-11-03

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A negotiable instrument is a financial instrument that represents a legal promise to pay a specific sum of money to a designated recipient, or the bearer of the instrument, on demand or at a specified future date. There are several types of negotiable instruments, including promissory notes, bills of exchange, and checks.

Promissory notes are written promises to pay a certain amount of money to a designated recipient or bearer on demand or at a specified future date. These notes usually contain the name of the borrower, the amount of money being borrowed, and the terms of repayment, including any interest that may be charged.

Bills of exchange are written orders to pay a certain sum of money to a designated recipient or bearer on demand or at a specified future date. These instruments are often used in international trade transactions and may involve multiple parties, including a drawer, a drawee, and a payee.

Checks are written orders to a financial institution to pay a certain sum of money to a designated recipient or bearer on demand. These instruments are commonly used to make payments or to withdraw money from a bank account.

Negotiable instruments have several key features that make them important tools in financial transactions. They are easily transferable, which means that they can be passed from one party to another without the need for any additional documentation. This allows for flexibility in financial transactions and makes it easier to track the flow of money.

Negotiable instruments are also considered to be legal documents, which means that they are enforceable in a court of law. This provides protection for both the issuer and the holder of the instrument in the event of a dispute.

In conclusion, negotiable instruments are an important part of the financial system and are widely used in a variety of transactions. They are flexible, easily transferable, and legally enforceable, which makes them valuable tools for businesses and individuals alike.

Negotiable Instruments Ppt

negotiable instruments ppt

Once the money order is received by the payee, it can be exchanged for cash in a manner consistent with the issuing entity's policies. Cheque: A cheque is a bill of exchange on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand. In modern business, large number of transactions involving huge amount of money take place every day. It covers all indigenous negotiable instruments whether they be in the form of notes or bills. General crossing Two transverse parallel lines are marked across its face It bears the words not negotiable between these parallel lines 2. For an instrument to be negotiable, it must be signed, with a mark or signature, by the maker of the instrument—the one issuing the draft.



negotiable instruments ppt

Hundi Hundies are the negotiable instrument written in vernacular language ,some times these are even like promissory notes. Introduction Negotiable Instruments are basically substitute of money commonly used as a medium of exchange. Basically Hundis refer to financial instruments evolved on the Indian sub-continent used in trade and credit transactions. . Therefore, it is common practice for businessman to make use of certain documents in lieu of cash popular known as Negotiable Instrument. Understanding Negotiable Instruments These documents provide no other promise on the part of the entity issuing the negotiable instrument.



negotiable instruments ppt

Generally, negotiable instrument means a document that promises or orders payment to a specified person. Typically Negotiable instruments are written orders or unconditional promises to pay a fixed sum of money on demand or at a certain point of time. Though normally regarded as bills of exchange, they were more often used as equivalents of cheques issued by indigenous bankers. The term negotiable refers to the fact that the note in question can be transferred or assigned to another party; non-negotiable describes one that is firmly established and cannot be adjusted or amended. Bill of Exchange:A bill of exchange is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order, signed by the maker, directing a certain person to pay another person a certain sum of money. Cheques crossed by two parallel lines with the Banker s name written in between.



negotiable instruments ppt

The banker to whom it is drawn shall pay only to the banker to whom it is crossed or his agent. Often, cash must be received from the payer prior to the money order being issued. The word hundi is derived from the Sanskrit word hund which means to collect. This entity or person is known as the drawer of funds. Negotiable Instruments Definition According to the section 13 1 of the Negotiable Instruments act of 1881A Negotiable instrument means a promissory note, Bill of exchange or cheque payable either to order or to the bearer.



negotiable instruments ppt

Examples of Negotiable Instruments One of the more common negotiable instruments is the personal check. Additionally, no other instructions or conditions can be set upon the bearer to receive the monetary amount listed on the negotiable instrument. Types of Negotiable Instruments Promissory Note: A promissory note is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the maker to pay a certain sum of money only to a certain person or the bearer of the instrument. It is quite inconvenient as well as risky for either party to make and receive payment in cash. Moreover, a transferable, signed document that promises or orders to pay the bearer of it a certain sum of money at a future date or on demand is a negotiable instrument which includes promissory note, bill of exchange and cheque. Open chequesA cheque is payable in cash across the counter of a bank is called an open cheque.


Negotiable Instruments

negotiable instruments ppt

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Negotiable Instruments: Definition, Types, and Examples

negotiable instruments ppt

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