My greatest accomplishment in life. Tough Interview Question: What is your greatest accomplishment? 2022-10-27

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My greatest accomplishment in life thus far has been completing my college education.

As a first-generation college student, I faced many challenges and obstacles on my journey to earn my degree. I had to balance a full course load with part-time jobs to pay for my tuition, and I often struggled to find the motivation and determination to keep going.

But despite these challenges, I never gave up. I made it a priority to attend all of my classes, even when I was tired or overwhelmed. I also sought out resources and support from my professors and classmates, and I worked hard to complete all of my assignments to the best of my ability.

The hard work paid off when I finally graduated with my bachelor's degree in hand. It was a moment that I will always cherish, knowing that I had accomplished something that many people told me I couldn't do.

But my greatest accomplishment in life is not just the degree itself. It's the skills and knowledge that I gained along the way, and the confidence and independence that I developed as a result of my education. I now have the tools and resources to pursue my dreams and make a positive impact in the world.

Completing my college education has been a long and difficult journey, but it has also been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It has given me the foundation to build a successful career and a fulfilling future, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Accepting Failures

my greatest accomplishment in life

I noticed that most of their problems were founded upon their dealings with hardships that they had yet to overcome. Your skills and attitude How you succeeded can demonstrate to interviewers a few of your personal qualities. This could include the tasks you are responsible for, the role you played in a certain issue or certain skills you offered that were of value. I was so scared at first because I am a very shy person. It is part of my own story. Human life is an unpredictable journey.


How To Answer “What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?” (With Example Answers)

my greatest accomplishment in life

There were times that I failed being a good student, being a good daughter, and being the best version of myself. I worked with the other team members to create and troubleshoot the new app. Why do interviewers ask about achievements in life? Achievements are different, depending on each person. What comes to mind? FAQ What are some examples of achievements? The trip was through an organization called the ASP or Appalachian Service Project. For instance, someone who's proud of quitting smoking could note that the birth of their first child made them more health-conscious and desirous of long life, inspiring them to end a 10-year habit.


To My Child: My Greatest Accomplishment Will Always Be You

my greatest accomplishment in life

However, with encouragement from my friends and family, I applied and found enough scholarships that I could cover the cost with a part-time job. Given my unique experience of working with children during my annual missionary trips to the Eastern Shore since the beginning of my high school career, I was able to help multiple kids and teens who personally came to me for help in the struggles with their anxiety and depressions. Nevertheless, we trained hard. Through my experience of being independent I learned more about myself. Show Transcript Video: Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers: Use the STAR Technique In this video, Taylor, an Indeed Evangelist, shares example responses to common behavioral interview questions and explains how to use the STAR Method, a strategic storytelling tool.


Free Essay: My Greatest Achievement

my greatest accomplishment in life

I believe that life is a constant work-in-progress and that all moments, the monumental huge ones and the small quiet ones, all makeup who I am. Since I studied on 3rd — 4th years. Each team or individual could instantly access the files they needed in one HR filing system, and increase their overall productivity. During the performance, I caught a glimpse of my coach, she was crying. It uses numbers and data to describe the context and shows relevance. For example, you might mention that your achievement involved communicating with team members or using a specific piece of software. Coming from a poor family, we always struggled with money, and my parents had daily conflicts and fights.


My Greatest Achievement in Life Essay Example

my greatest accomplishment in life

This question essentially forces a full S-T-A-R behavioral answer, since it puts the "R" results achieved first, which makes it easy to trace the trail for how you got there. Goals are a very important aspect of life, they are like maps that guides you, because if you do not know where you are going, how would you know when you get there. While each experience has been priceless and breathtaking, I have never in my life faced a task as arduous and rewarding. . I have known Juan a long time and we decided to help give back to the community and through our church we were going to help a family put in a pool. This is a career question, not a life question.


10 Personal Achievements Examples That Can Inspire Yours

my greatest accomplishment in life

The restaurant was completely packed 90%+ of the time, and we barely had any breathing room. For example, you may not realize how successful it is to finally beat someone in a sport or online game that you have had many unsuccessful attempts at. Are we really responsible for our actions? No matter how tired I was I did not quit until the job was done even if it meant staying up late with my mom working on the project at hand. Now that was an accomplishment. How to use the STAR method To use the , you should follow four distinct steps to form a cohesive, concise and clear answer: Situation, task, approach and results. We painted the inside and outside of the bathroom and added a smaller attachable toilet seat for the younger students. Ideally, your answer should include the following topics: S - Situation, T - Task, A - Action, R - Results.


Achievement Essay: My Greatest Achievements In My Life

my greatest accomplishment in life

I will forever continue to share my love and experiences, making new friendships and lifelong companions each year. This was outside the original scope of my internship, but definitely mission critical. Not only that, but it had a knock-on effect of increasing user engagement with our social media platforms by 70% in just a month. Achievements are an important part of life and can come in many forms. Result To complete your answer, describe the positive outcome of your work. I was able to deliver the app on time before completion of my internship and have deployed it to the iTunes store.


What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment? [3 Proven Answers]

my greatest accomplishment in life

The two teams involved were the tech team and whatever team I assembled. My greatest achievement in life so far is learning how to accept my failures. I'm pretty good at laying low and staying out of the spotlight. Is he or she confident, popular, and happy all the time-the mainstream version of success? There was no more lag-time between sharing documents with HR, Payroll, and supervisors. As you read through this paper, you will realize that fast cars, G4 private planes, and eloquent Hollywood parties do not entirely derive success. To answer just about any behavioral job interview question right, we recommend using the STAR method. First, it can show what experiences you've had with specific tools, processes or skills.


21 Answers to 'What is Your Greatest Accomplishment' Interview Question

my greatest accomplishment in life

Our vision is to help make the world a better and more productive place for all by helping college students and recent grads gain access to the jobs that will make the most of their education, training and experience. We usually get ready to deliver something and then the project funding gets pulled and we are never able to actually deliver. There are over 900 teams in attendance uniting in roughly 20,000 cheerleaders in one place at one time. Others engage in community service out of Spirit of unselfishness, or a desire to connect with their communities by helping out. Or are we just lucky, or, unlucky? In case no one was available, I personally filled in for them. My Greatest Achievement There are many worthiness of my life. Since I had experience developing an iOS app, I volunteered to take on the lead role of app development and deployment.


The Greatest Accomplishment In My Life

my greatest accomplishment in life

This blog post will explore some of the most common examples of achievements in life from a variety of different perspectives and discuss the importance of recognizing and celebrating successes. Then work on building out the supporting examples for these accomplishments. Juan is the overseer of the jobsite and I am his worker and cofounder of the company that we hold. We were also receiving poor feedback on the course evaluation forms. In addition, I have written for Teen Ink magazine and plan to submit more work to other publishers.
