My country dorothea mackellar analysis. What Is the Rhyme Scheme of the Poem "My Country"? 2022-10-22

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"My Country" is a poem written by Dorothea Mackellar in 1908. The poem is a tribute to the beauty and diversity of the Australian landscape, as well as a reflection on the unique experiences and challenges faced by those who call Australia home.

In the opening stanzas of the poem, Mackellar paints a vivid picture of the Australian landscape, describing the "red earth" and "blue mountains" that stretch across the country. She speaks of the "wide brown land" that is both harsh and unforgiving, yet also full of life and beauty.

As the poem progresses, Mackellar reflects on the unique experiences and challenges faced by Australians. She speaks of the scorching heat and the relentless droughts that plague the land, and the fierce bushfires that threaten homes and communities. Despite these challenges, Mackellar celebrates the spirit of resilience and determination that defines the Australian character, as she speaks of the "harsh, unyielding" land that has "taught us how to live."

One of the most striking aspects of "My Country" is its depiction of the diversity of the Australian landscape and the way in which this diversity is reflected in the people who call the country home. Mackellar speaks of the "golden sunshine" and the "crimson flowers" that bloom in the spring, and the "cool green gums" that dot the landscape. She also speaks of the many different cultures and traditions that make up the Australian community, celebrating the "old world" customs that coexist alongside the "new world" energy and innovation of the country.

In conclusion, "My Country" is a tribute to the beauty and diversity of the Australian landscape, as well as a celebration of the unique experiences and challenges faced by those who call the country home. Through her vivid descriptions of the natural world and her reflections on the Australian character, Mackellar captures the spirit of a nation that is both rugged and resilient, and full of life and beauty.

My Country by Dorothea Mackellar

my country dorothea mackellar analysis

Her education was comprised of private home tutoring until she attended University of Sydney. . She is the land and just as difficult to fathom as the rainbow. This stanza stands on a political quota, are we really a democratic society? Mackellar has also lived in the Australian country side for a while and she has included every moment of her experiences and love she had in her heart, for her country. Travelling thee world, she exposed herself to myriad experiences, people, surroundings, and cultures. Thus Mackellar again presents the idea of her countries uniqueness, changeability and wilderness, which again endorses the theme of the poem.


Critical Analysis of My Country by Dorethea Mackellar —

my country dorothea mackellar analysis

The author uses a variety of language features and text structures to create this view point, for instance the author uses several language features and text structures throughout verse one to demonstrate the loss of culture and people. This is the only piece I can find that conveys the innocent mood and origin of the poem, even though it misses the heartache of the first verse from whence Dorothea came, and which I'd source and cite for its matching beauty. Also a spiritual recognition of God the creator of the beauty she beholds … Thanks be to God … not only for colours but the power of her mind to hold such colours although blind. The flow of the poem itself is interesting in that it puts one in mind of the rhyme scheme employed by Emily Dickenson, replete with slant rhymes and metaphors. Jim Today being Australia Day, I would like to see this as our nation anthem. In the first stanza the poet is comparing the natural landscape of another country to that of Australia. She makes no apology for this and states that she knows other people will not understand.


Analysis Of The Poem 'My Country' By Oscar Krahnvohl, Sample of Essays

my country dorothea mackellar analysis

However, imitation is done in two ways. Identifying with her home country and its boundless possibilities, the theme of freedom rings as true for the poet as it does for the land she loves. The next few lines of the stanza propose that the country is changing into an image of faded neon lights, overly used paint, having pets and popping pills. While this literal interpretation of the land gives the reader an idea of the actual landscape, Mackellar is also giving her reader insight into her own personality. This idea is deliberated through personification by denoting to the land as she or her.


Comparison Of Up The Country And Dorothea Mackellar's Up...

my country dorothea mackellar analysis

In addition to these explicit rhymes, there are several more subtle forms of rhyming used in the poem. Wild Cat falling represents the main character as having a disconnection with the Australian landscape, which leads to him having an identity crisis, not knowing where he belongs. Mackellar also uses an immense amount of earth imagery, reinforcing her own connection to the land. . The repetition of the pollution and destruction to the environment may suggest that Oscar acted very strongly towards this cause. Country western and rap hip-hop are most likely at the top of the list of being dissimilar. Oscar talks about the urban sprawl across the country, with references to taking over land that was once a sign of nature to busy towns, buildings being built and the spread of investors coming from overseas.


My Country Dorothea Mackellar Analysis Case Study Solution and Analysis of Harvard Case Studies

my country dorothea mackellar analysis

Of ordered woods and gardens Is running in your veins, Strong love of grey-blue distance Brown streams and soft dim skies I know but cannot share it, My love is otherwise. The canon of Australian Poetry, despite the so called migration of Australians to an international mindset, as postulated by John Kinsella a novelist, poet and editor, is even more relevant today in our contemporary society. Now it half covers the traces of the old bora Three Strongest Words Poem Analysis For example, the author describes the waters as laughing. It is better to start the introduction from any historical or social context. One who tries to understand Mackellar, must first understand Australia, as the two are indivisible. The alliterative phrasing even reinforces the fact that she understands the consequences for choosing to be free.


Dorothea Mackellar’s My Country Analysis Free Essay Example 730 words

my country dorothea mackellar analysis

Essay On Australian Identity 976 Words 4 Pages Australia has developed an alcoholic culture that has been celebrated and generalized by many others. . The buyer power is high if there are too many alternatives available. Alliteration is used in the text to draw attention to the words used and make them more interesting and emphasize the image that Dorothea Mackellar is trying to portray. Firstly, the introduction is written. I know the word is ragged, isn't it amazing the controversy a single word can bring? But this poem was her favourite and it was her request that it be read at her memorial service and it was duly read after she died in 1968. Bruce Dawe illustrates that ordinary things in life are a good subject to write about as he often wrote freeform poems about ordinary subjects that ordinary people were able to relate to.


My Country

my country dorothea mackellar analysis

. During this time Dorothea MacKellars words came back to me. The reasons that resource imitation is costly are historical conditions, casual ambiguity and social complexity. These five forces includes three forces from horizontal competition and two forces from vertical competition. I love her far horizons, I love her jewel-sea, Her beauty and her terror The wide brown land for me! However, when more than one few companies uses the same resources and provide competitive parity are also known as rare resources. As a well-respected author whose experiences enlightened each one of her works, H.


My Country Dorothea Mackellar Analysis

my country dorothea mackellar analysis

I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of droughts and flooding rains. She never married, choosing instead to devote her life to perfecting her writing craft, yet her writings suggest that she was not bereft of romantic interests. Of green and shaded lanes. And the buyer power is low if there are lesser options of alternatives and switching. It is used for the purpose of identifying business opportunities and advance threat warning. Country, originally brought up in the south is still very rural while rap is more of an urban style of music, originally performed on the two coastal. She creates a stark contrast in stanza one when she states, Strong love of grey-blue distance Brown streams and soft dimmed skies I know but cannot share it My love is otherwise She acknowledges her own inability to understand the land that others love, the land to which they might feel tied.
