Money spent on space exploration is a waste. Opinion: Spending on space is wasteful. 2022-10-27

Money spent on space exploration is a waste Rating: 5,8/10 668 reviews

Jawaharlal Nehru was a prominent leader in India's struggle for independence from British rule and later served as the country's first prime minister. Born in Allahabad, India in 1889, Nehru came from a well-educated and influential family. His father, Motilal Nehru, was a prominent lawyer and political leader, and his mother, Swaruprani Thussu, was a socially active and dedicated member of the freedom movement.

Nehru received his early education in India and later studied at Trinity College, Cambridge and the Inner Temple in London, where he earned a degree in law. After returning to India, he began practicing law and became involved in the Indian National Congress, a political party that was actively campaigning for India's independence from British rule.

As a member of the Congress, Nehru played a key role in the Non-Cooperation Movement, a campaign of civil disobedience that sought to nonviolently resist British rule. He was also a leader in the Salt Satyagraha, a campaign of civil disobedience against the British salt tax. These campaigns brought Nehru to the forefront of the independence movement and earned him a reputation as a powerful and inspiring leader.

After India gained independence in 1947, Nehru became the country's first prime minister and served in that role until his death in 1964. During his tenure, Nehru implemented a number of important economic and social policies, including the creation of a mixed economy, the development of a comprehensive education system, and the establishment of a secular and democratic government.

Under Nehru's leadership, India also made significant progress in the fields of science and technology, including the development of nuclear weapons and the launch of India's first satellite. Nehru was also instrumental in the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement, a group of countries that sought to remain neutral in the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Despite the many challenges he faced, Nehru remained a dedicated and tireless leader, working tirelessly to improve the lives of the people of India. His vision for a modern and progressive India continues to inspire people around the world today.

In conclusion, Jawaharlal Nehru was a pivotal figure in India's struggle for independence and a leader who played a key role in shaping the country's future. His dedication to social justice and progress, as well as his belief in nonviolence and democracy, continue to inspire people around the world today.

Spending money on space exploration is a complete waste The money could be better spent on other areas do you agree or disagree

money spent on space exploration is a waste

In recent years, nasa has been forced to cut back on its budget and has had to rely on private donations to keep its programs running. Sarah Treadwell, a student and science communicator, is a well-known writer. By contrast, the things we learned from these missions, while fascinating, are hardly beneficial to humans. We may have to re-think our approach to medicine as a result. We hope we can put our differences aside and find ways to make progress on difficult issues. Whereas there are many arguments both for and against space exploration, what is clear is that a lot of money and time has been wasted on this desire. Space exploration pros and cons: are space programs a waste of money or a good investment? With the world population rising and real concerns about global warming threatening the future of our planet, it may be essential to consider new habitats, converting currently inhospitable and hostile environments such as Mars into viable locations for human habitation.


Is Space Exploration A Waste Of Money? [1031 words]

money spent on space exploration is a waste

By government sponsoring space trips and engineers who build space ships, people would not be jobless in this field and people in this line of profession can pursue their dreams. From my perspective, I can understand the two opposing points of view. To begin with, Food is the basic necessity of the human being and thus it plays a very important role in the fluctuation of inflation in the economy. It is true that outer space has become a prevalent topic of research for human being nowadays. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that we will find another planet that we can colonize. Rocket science and landing on the moon led to the discovery of non-stick pans. I believe that the Government should maintain the balance between local production and import of food items to safeguard the interest of consumers in the country.


Space exploration pros and cons: a waste of money?

money spent on space exploration is a waste

That may only be solved with the assistance of developed countries. There is no oxygen and astronauts have to carry oxygen there. For these reasons, significantly increasing government and private sector spending on crewed spaceflight is an investment in our national and international security. In conclusion, I think national leaders should proceed to finance large-scale projects because the discovery of space serves as a powerful spur to both industry and society in the long term. That will never happen of course. On the other hand, proponents of space exploration argue that there is the knowledge to be gained invaluable and that it is in the very nature of humankind to explore.


Spending money on space exploration is a complete waste

money spent on space exploration is a waste

It is often thought that the government should finance the exploration of outer space. Some are in favour of living in the warm weather, while others prefer to spend their life in a cold environment. In fact, freeze-dried food is one such example of a technology that was first developed by NASA for use by astronauts, that is now considered a solution to growing food insecurity, a major concern that you cite in your exposition, rendering your argument futile. Some people ask why we should waste money on space exploration when there are so many problems on Earth. In recent years, a considerable government budget has been approved to investigate space searching for extraterrestrial life.


Is Space Exploration a Waste of Money? Pros and Cons

money spent on space exploration is a waste

I am forced to conclude that while your heart seems to be in the right place, your argument is deplorably narrow and lamentably naïve in its perspective. For example, India is going to become the first country, sending artificial robot to the south-pole side of the Moon, to take its first picture. The radiation would kill you before you ran out of food or water. They argue that humanity can be saved by colonizing other planets like Mars in case of impending danger. For instance, recent research by BBC news exhibits the number of homeless people due to force majeure have increased. This situation will cause the economics range of each family will become further. Is space exploration scams? During the Ageof Discoveries in the 15th and 16th centuries, countries such as Spain and Portugal heavily invested in expeditions, but thanks to them they became super-powers and gained many riches.


Space exploration: Colossal waste of money or one giant leap for mankind?

money spent on space exploration is a waste

The fact that there are so many people willing to entertain such a stupid idea is ridiculous. The field of technology and astronomy is known how much its costs lots of money , studying ,telescopes and spacecraft , could spent billions of money to run the worldwide area Station no longer be better used to alleviate international starvation, for instance. Except for our satalites to run phones and communication. If the space technology has improved and developed, we will leave this planet in large numbers and live safely and that will solve our problems like ,environment,resource,energy problems population. Spending on space supports highly skilled jobs, fuels technology advancements with practical applications, and creates business opportunities that feed back into the economy. Are there better ways to spend public funding? The rapid growth of the space industry generates several new employment opportunities, jobs that provide incomes to address the homelessness, poverty, access to Medicare and healthcare that you suggest financing.


Space Exploration and funding things like NASA is a huge waste of time and money. It is completely pointless. : unpopularopinion

money spent on space exploration is a waste

Examining the limitations of space missions. After that, we can have meticulous preparations to cope with that problem. . Thus, even the earth is also parts of nature that can provide significant data about the foundation of our planet. Also , It gives us a chance to see what beyond in the final frontier. Reasons Why Space Exploration is a Waste of Money The following are arguments from those who feel space exploration is a waste of money. In my opinion, it is important to spend money on space exploration, but more money should be spent on basic amenities.


Space exploration is a waste of money. Do you agree or disagree?

money spent on space exploration is a waste

Thank NASA for that. Should we mainly rely on private investors such as Elton Musk to promote space expliration? From an economic standpoint, space exploration in general has so many benefits. For example, NASA created Velcro which is now used in many clothing items, bags and so forth. The given information illustrates River-park area from 20 years ago and present area of Riverpark. The mission, which is unique in nature, benefits both large and small sectors. It is through space exploration that we hope to improve the world. Weather forecasting has saved lives by warning people about impending danger like storms and hurricanes.
