Marijuana the deceptive drug. Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug? This Study Says It's Not 2022-10-18

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Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a psychoactive drug that is derived from the Cannabis plant. It is commonly used for recreational and medicinal purposes, and it is legal in some parts of the world, while it is illegal in others. Despite its widespread use and increasing legalization, marijuana is a deceptive drug that can have serious negative consequences for both individuals and society.

One of the main dangers of marijuana is that it can impair cognitive function and interfere with normal brain development. When marijuana is consumed, the active ingredient THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) binds to receptors in the brain and disrupts the normal functioning of the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in learning, memory, and other important brain functions. Long-term marijuana use has been linked to a range of negative cognitive effects, including impaired memory, difficulty with problem-solving and decision-making, and decreased motivation and focus. These effects can be particularly damaging for young people, as the brain is still developing during adolescence and early adulthood.

Another concern with marijuana is its potential for addiction. While it is often portrayed as a harmless substance, marijuana can be addictive, and regular use can lead to dependence. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that about 30% of people who use marijuana may develop some degree of marijuana use disorder, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms and other negative consequences when trying to stop using the drug.

In addition to the risks to individual health, marijuana can also have negative consequences for society. One of the main concerns is the impact of marijuana on public safety, particularly when it comes to driving. Studies have shown that marijuana use can impair judgment, reaction time, and other skills necessary for safe driving, and it is a leading cause of drugged driving accidents. In states where marijuana is legal, there has been a significant increase in the number of car accidents and fatalities involving drivers who were under the influence of marijuana.

Marijuana is also associated with other social and public health issues, such as mental health problems, crime, and drug abuse. Research has linked marijuana use to an increased risk of anxiety, depression, and psychosis, and it can exacerbate existing mental health problems. Additionally, the illegal drug trade is often tied to organized crime, and the legalization of marijuana has been linked to an increase in drug trafficking and other criminal activity.

In conclusion, marijuana is a deceptive drug that can have serious negative consequences for both individuals and society. While it may be used for recreational or medicinal purposes, the risks associated with marijuana use should not be underestimated. It is important for individuals to be aware of the potential dangers of marijuana and to make informed decisions about whether or not to use it.

Marijuana, The Deceptive Drug

marijuana the deceptive drug

Which prescription drugs are from cannabinoids? Smoking marijuana can make driving dangerous; do not mix the two. Bierson states in his article that"Marijuana is the seed from which the scourge of drug abuse grows. Different strains will contain different levels of THC. More current studies of people who are heavy marijuana smokers show. A bill on Beacon Hill would do the same for Massachusetts. Marijuana effects during pregnancy and breastfeeding Marijuana is also the most common illicit drug used during pregnancy, in roughly 2% to 5% of women. Marijuana is very deceptive because it is extremely slow acting.


Marijuana The Deceptive Drug By George Brieron Summary

marijuana the deceptive drug

What are the short-term effects from marijuana use? Studies on school performance have shown differing results: in middle class children age 5 to 12 years, no specific cognitive effects were seen; however, in lower socioeconomic, primarily urban groups, poorer reading and spelling scores and lower teacher-perceived school performance was observed, per ACOG. Reports show that the use of cocaine and heroin had significantly decreased. Marijuana is also known to cause damage throughout the body in places such as the chromosomes, the immune system, the hormones, the reproductive system, the sex organs, the sex drive, the lungs, and, as Dr. When marijuana is eaten, the effects take 30 minutes to one hour. Based on my research and my own personal experience, I have found that several of his points, when looked at logically, do not reach his conclusion. Accessed May 20, 2022.


An Analysis of George Bierson's Marijuana, the Deceptive Drug

marijuana the deceptive drug

This was not only a resource that was able to be expanded easily, but it was an overall better quality, and lasted longer. Teenagers can not overdose on marijuana and there is no evidence connecting marijuana to any neurological inability. And while some potheads are lazy, so are plenty of straight shooters. Increased health problems and public health expenditure- Argumentative Essay: Why Marijuana Should Be Legal 1015 Words 5 Pages Why Marijuana Should be Legal Marijuana is a very prominent issue in society today. He graduated from the University At Buffalo with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2010. Teenage use has been shown to permanently lower IQ.


List Of Drugs That Can Cause A False Positive For Marijuana

marijuana the deceptive drug

In the first section of my paper, I will explain the science of the drug and how it actually affects a persons mind as well as debunking many of the popular myths among people. Heath's tests on the monkey's brain appeared to show conclusive evidence of brain damage, but he fails to mention that the tests were later discredited: the monkeys had been provided exceedingly high doses, doses tremendously higher than the average recreational or medical marijuana user. I am not in support of some of the regulations and control the government have tried to impose on marijuana and its use. Now we rightfully label them lethal and illegal. Now, more than ever, propositions to legalize the drug have risen, which is causing a stir between people who want it to be regulated just as tobacco and alcohol is, and people who want it to be a crime with severe punishments. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Feeling of a relaxed state, euphoria "high" , and an enhanced sensory perception may occur.


Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug? This Study Says It's Not

marijuana the deceptive drug

THC in marijuana is strongly absorbed by fatty tissues in various organs. These individuals may have daily cough and phlegm, symptoms of chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing and more frequent chest colds. We can just legalize it. For example, one of the logical fallacies presented is that smoking marijuana makes you lose brain cells. And yes, there is a definitive correlation between smoking marijuana and using other drugs. Evidently there is a high degree of confusion and ignorance surrounding the drug and the true facts about it.


George Bieron's Marijuana, The Deceptive Drug

marijuana the deceptive drug

Accessed May 20, 2022. Where do we point the finger? Given the number of kids smoking pot, and the use of marijuana being illegal under US federal law, it seems obvious that prohibition—more than ever—does little to protect underage individuals from the potentially harmful substance. Marijuana smoke contains many of the same cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarette smoke, often in greater quantities, based on a study from Mehmedic and colleagues. Certain areas in the brain, such as the hippocampus, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex, have a higher concentration of cannabinoid receptors. Removing yourself from your arguments would most likely strengthen this paper considerably as you are trying to present objective arguments rather than your personal opinion.


Legalizing Marijuana is Deceptive, Destructive and Downright Dumb — Charisma News

marijuana the deceptive drug

Interpretation of Workplace Tests for Cannabinoids. Owning marijuana was made a criminal offence in 1937 when Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act. Where Do You Stand in the Drug Debate? He also attempts to convince the reader that marijuana is a "gateway drug" that leads the users to venture into much harder drugs. If we decide that it is not harmful, then we do not need to get to the second question posed by the libertarians. Marijuana has many medicinal properties that have been proven to be therapeutically effective for various conditions. Sshe did not support her statement with evidence of whre she had gotten her information. I've seen this repeatedly in more than 44 years of pastoral ministry.



marijuana the deceptive drug

Check the laws in each area, as differences exist for quantity allowed, plant growing, and retail sales, among other factors. The purpose of this essay will be to put forth a strong argument that will prove that marijuana should remain an illegal substance. When looking closely at the cases where the effects of marijuana have been studied you see lots of inconclusive findings. Bierson stated that marijuana is bad for the body in many ways, including damage to the brain, reproductive system, and immune system. He also attempts to convince the reader that marijuana is a "gateway drug" that leads the users to venture into much harder drugs. Moreover, several studies of the effects of marijuana on the human reproductive and immune systems have failed to demonstrate adverse effects. Studies have shown that 1 joint is just as damaging as 5 cigarettes to the lungs, due to the carcinogens present in… Legalize Marijuana; Annotated Bibliography Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal substance in United States and in many other countries; this is a statement that seems to be in each article that is written about the legalization of marijuana.


Marijuana The Deceptive Drug Analysis

marijuana the deceptive drug

In later cases, the Court made it distinct that there is opportunity for state and local participation in the regulation of the lives of immigrants, although not inevitably in the regulation and enforcement of laws governing the movement of immigration itself. CBD is a cannabinoid that does not affect the mind or behavior. This movement is not moving slowly either with twenty-three states already legalizing medical marijuana with four of them legalizing… Arguments Against Legalization Of Marijuana Marijuana Mayhem Many laws, court cases and government have been upheld in the process of legalization of marijuana. Throughout this writing piece, information regarding different views and opinions on the legalization of marijuana will be presented, along with positive and negative effects this would have on our nation economically and medically. Does Marijuana Help Treat Glaucoma or Other Eye Conditions? Today it may contain much higher percentages of THC and extracts can contain upwards of 50% or more of THC.
