Malcolm x speech analysis. Malcolm X Speech 2022-10-17

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Malcolm X was an African American civil rights leader who is best known for his passionate and fiery speeches that spoke to the struggles and oppression faced by black Americans in the mid-20th century. One of his most famous speeches is "The Ballot or the Bullet," which he delivered on April 3, 1964. In this speech, Malcolm X addressed the issue of voting rights and the importance of black Americans taking control of their own political power.

At the time of the speech, the civil rights movement was in full swing and there was a great deal of tension and conflict between those who believed in peaceful protests and those who advocated for more militant action. Malcolm X was a member of the latter group, and in his speech he argued that black Americans had a right to defend themselves against their oppressors, even if that meant using violence.

One of the most striking aspects of Malcolm X's speech is the way in which he connects the struggle for voting rights to larger issues of racial justice and equality. He argues that the right to vote is not just about participating in elections, but about having a say in the decisions that shape one's own life and the lives of others. He states that "the ballot is not only an expression of our right to participate in the decision-making process, but it is also the most powerful nonviolent instrument that we have in a democratic society."

Malcolm X also challenges the idea that black Americans should be patient and wait for change to come, stating that "the only way we're going to solve our problem is by eliminating the segregation and discrimination that exists." He calls on his audience to take action and to use whatever means necessary to achieve their goals.

In addition to his arguments about voting rights and self-defense, Malcolm X also addresses the role of white allies in the civil rights movement. He acknowledges that some white people are supportive of the cause and are willing to work for change, but he cautions against relying on them too heavily. He asserts that "the black man has to do it for himself," and that black Americans should not be dependent on others to fight for their rights.

Overall, "The Ballot or the Bullet" is a powerful and influential speech that reflects Malcolm X's commitment to racial justice and his belief in the importance of self-determination and self-defense. It is a testament to his ability to inspire and mobilize people, and it continues to be relevant today as we continue to grapple with issues of racial inequality and injustice.

Analysis Of Malcolm X's Message To Grassroots Speech

malcolm x speech analysis

In addition, Malcolm X expresses his opinion through out the speech to engage the audience and to persuade them to take part in the revolution. Finally, he maintained that the world was approaching its end and that the white world should repent for its treatment of African Americans. Include at least 3 STRONG verbs in your writing. Towards the end, his tone becomes more hopeful, optimistic, and uplifting to inspire his audience to listen to his message: take action against racial segregation and discrimination in a peaceful manner. He espoused black conversion to Islam, though not by mass migration to Islamic countries, where American blacks would be alien in culture, language, and social behavior. His life experiences provided him with great enthusiasm for the correction of injustices and affronts, but his intellectual background was no match for that of most leaders of black groups. This makes it clear to the reader this is a very important point and also so that the audience feels satisfied with the points.


Rhetorical Analysis Of Malcolm Xā€™S Speech ā€œBallot Or The Bulletā€: Free Essay Example, 573 words

malcolm x speech analysis

Rather elementary in its style, this is nevertheless a good introductory book. He stood on what he was saying by talking about his own religion. Malcom x was qualified to give this speech because He was an advocate of black nationalism, self- respect, and tenacious resistance to white oppression. His social philosophy is to forget about trying to join white social groups and to remove vices, alcoholism, drug addiction, and other evils that beset black communities. Many African American were mistreated due to the racist people who intervened the African Americans from doing anything. The basic premise of the speech is that equal rights legislation, as propounded by President Lyndon B. In his speech of November 10, 1962, at the King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit now generally called the Grass Roots Speech , Malcolm delivered one of his last statements before severing his connection to the Nation of Islam.


Malcolm X's "Ballot or Bullet" Speech: An Analysis

malcolm x speech analysis

Martin Luther king continues to use pathos in his speech with the symbolism like joining of hands as if everyone is family and uniting. Some of the issues the black community faced during this time include segregation, Racism, To close the essay , In the speech Malcolm X uses an unusual brand pathos, He uses aggressive and arousing statements in order to keep the audience in action. A collection of essays by fourteen African Americans that investigates the contribution of Malcolm to the black cause in the United States. In a way, it is a concise statement of his basic ideas. Tends to be rather uncritical. He also encourages the black people to have a real revolution, which involves violence.


The Speeches of Malcolm X Analysis

malcolm x speech analysis

Here Malcolm is quizzically talking about the choice of the Black people to either adopt peaceful means through the electoral process or take up arms to win their rights. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. After his release from prison, Malcolm soon became the most popular and notorious of the Black Muslim spokesmen. I do not think that anyone, regardless of the color of their skin, should use it. Malcolm X: A Force for Change.


Malcom Xā€¦Speech

malcolm x speech analysis

Approximately 200,000 people gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D. The speaker expresses that he will stand for nothing but a black man, which he was born because it would be wrong to call his self an American when blacks are treated differently than whites. Its subject is African American history. Malcolm uses a lot of inclusive language to increase his ethos. He stated these clues at the beginning of the speech, and repeated the main points throughout the speech to gain trust from his audience. Of course, there were also plenty of huge civil rights battles going on in America.


Malcolm X speech

malcolm x speech analysis

Message in the Grass roots is a speech which was written to persuade the black people of America to put their differences aside and unite against the American racist hypocritical culture and defend themselves , so they can stay in America by forming a black nation. As did his previous speeches, it displays his penchant for triads, doubled elements, antitheses, and provocative and riveting statements. Malcolm X addressed African Americans in Detroit and Savio delivered his speech on the steps at Sproul Hall. Clarke, John Henrik, ed. He denigrated Martin Luther King, Jr.


Malcolm X's Speech Analysis

malcolm x speech analysis

This was at the beginning of a decade of civil unrest in the United States. King may run ahead of time. An additional million listened on the radio and watched on television Phibbs. Malcom X calls Definition Essay: What Is The N-Word? Even though his methods may anger or cause discomfort in people, His tone comes across at not only angry and frustrated but also pleading. John Lewis, Martin Luther King, and George Wallace are some that expressed their beliefs through persuasive empowering words.


Malcolm X Speech

malcolm x speech analysis

The emotional appeal of the opening gambit is reinforced with Logos that Malcolm uses to build his case. He used the Rhetorical Strategies to get his auduince persuaded. Malcolm X Vs Mlk 1136 Words 5 Pages Malcolm X starts his speech by saying that all people of color should put their differences aside and focus on their shared problem of oppression. Malcolm X, by virtue of his charismatic personality and his dynamic speaking, joined the small group of major black orators of the twentieth century that includes Martin Luther King, Jr. It needs to be said so people can feel the weight that it carries. The ending allows the audience to see what they have been going through over time and not it is up to them to stand up for what they believe Rhetorical Techniques Used In Malcolm X's Speech 770 Words 4 Pages He speaks the words millions wish to say. He does this to highlight this point and put an emphasis on this point ,as it is a very important point.
