Lord william bentinck sati. What did Lord William Bentinck do? 2022-10-27

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Lord William Bentinck was a British statesman who served as the Governor-General of India from 1828 to 1835. One of the major reforms implemented during his tenure was the abolition of the practice of sati, also known as suttee, which involved the immolation of widows on their husband's funeral pyres.

Sati was a deeply rooted tradition in Hindu culture, and it was believed to be a way for a widow to show her devotion to her husband and to join him in the afterlife. However, the practice was also seen as a way for a widow's family to dispose of her and claim her property. The practice was prevalent in certain parts of India, particularly in the Bengal region, and it had been banned by the Mughal emperors in the 16th century. However, the ban was not enforced and the practice continued.

Lord Bentinck was strongly opposed to the practice of sati and he saw it as a form of female oppression. He believed that the practice was barbaric and that it had no place in a civilized society. In 1829, he introduced the Bengal Sati Regulation, which made it illegal for any person to perform or attend a sati. The regulation also provided for the punishment of those who encouraged or assisted in the performance of sati.

The abolition of sati was a controversial measure and it faced strong opposition from certain quarters. Many people believed that the practice was a sacred tradition that should not be interfered with. However, Lord Bentinck was determined to carry out the reform and he used his position as the Governor-General to push for the abolition of sati.

The Bengal Sati Regulation was the first law in India to address the issue of gender-based violence and it was a significant step towards the promotion of women's rights. The abolition of sati was followed by other reforms, including the Widow Remarriage Act of 1856, which allowed widows to remarry and inherit their husband's property.

In conclusion, Lord William Bentinck played a significant role in the abolition of the practice of sati in India. His reform efforts helped to bring about a more enlightened and progressive society and laid the foundation for the promotion of women's rights in India.

Reforms Made by Lord William Bentick

lord william bentinck sati

The fourth member only had limited authority. He had a firm faith in the programme of peace retrenchment and reform. History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization: pt. Retrieved 2 May 2018. Was it to be given through the Indian language or through English language? They increased in number in central and northern India during the 18th century when anarchy reigned after the disintegration of the Mughal Empire. Goa was the only Portuguese colony in India.


Abolition of Sati by Lord William Bentinck

lord william bentinck sati

The practice of suttee, or of burning or burying alive the widows of Hindus, is hereby declared illegal, and punishable by the criminal courts. Born in 1774 he commenced his career as a soldier and later at the young age of twenty two he became a Member of Parliament. Bentick abolished these courts. How, then, can it be reasonably feared that to the Government itself, from whom all authority is derived, and whose power is now universally considered to be irresistible, anything bearing the semblance of resistance can be manifested? The recent measures of Government for protecting the interests of the Sepoys against the late reduction of companies will have removed all apprehension of the intentions of Government and the consideration of this circumstance having been the sole cause of hesitation on my part, I will now proceed, praying the blessing of God upon our counsels, to state the grounds upon which my opinion has been formed. Please share it with your friends through below links. The recent measures of government for protecting the interests of the sepoys against the late reduction of companies, will have removed all apprehension of the intentions of government; and the consideration of this circumstance having been the sole cause of hesitation on my part, I will now proceed, praying the blessing of God upon our counsels, to state the grounds upon which my opinion has been formed. He not only prohibited female infanticide but declared them as punishable crime.


Bengal Sati Regulation (Regulation XVII) was passed on December 4, 1829

lord william bentinck sati

Lord Hastings left India in 1823. Lord Macaulay was President of the First Law Commission. ADVERTISEMENTS: The appointment of Lord William Bentick as the Governor-General of India marked the dawn of a new era in the annals of British rule in India. So far from being chargeable with political rashness, as this departure from an established policy might infer, I hope to be able so completely to prove the safety of the measure, as even to render unnecessary any calculation of the degree of risk, which for the attainment of so great a benefit, might wisely and justly be incurred. Therefore the whole of that formidable body must be regarded as blindly partial to a custom which they consider equally referrible to family honour and to point of faith. Bentinck's success in establishing a Sicilian constitution lasted only a few years. The Government Resolution in 1835 made English the official and literary language of India.


Lord William Bentinck

lord william bentinck sati

Those who practiced sati were made liable for punishment by law courts as accessories to the crime. He had himself witnessed Sati very closely when his sister-in-law was forced to give up her life and jump into the funeral pyre of her husband. I have now to submit for the consideration of Council the draft of a regulation enacting the abolition of satis. The British permitted it initially; but formally banned the practice in 1798 only in Calcutta. The opposition came from some conservative Hindus against the Bengal Sati Regulation. Legacy In March 1835, Bentinck left India, returned to England to reject his pairing, and was elected to the House of Commons. Also, the practice of Sati it had been deeply rooted in the minds of the locals, who refused to divert from the tradition.


What did Lord William Bentinck do?

lord william bentinck sati

Raja RamMohan Roy was against Sati system One of the major pioneers against this age old practice was Raja RamMohan Roy. After Cornwallis it was Governor-General Lord William Bentick who paid attention to any new administrative reforms and introduced some changes in the sphere of administration. It is upon these that the concurring opinion of the officers of the civil and military services at large having been founded, is entitled to our utmost confidence. Though the case of Jessore is, perhaps, one of the strongest examples of efficacious and unopposed interposition, I really believe that there are few districts in which the same arbitrary power is not exercised to prevent the practice. So far also from being the sole champion of a great and dangerous innovation, I shall be able to prove that the vast preponderance of present authority has long been in favour of abolition.


Lord William Bentick (1828

lord william bentinck sati

Bentick changed the route of the trade from Karachi to Bombay which gave the company a share in the profits in the form of duties. History of India from the Earliest Period to the Close of the East India Company's Government. However, over the period of time, it became a common practice even amongst the lower caste. Prudence and self-interest would counsel me to tread in the footsteps of my predecessors. Who helped Lord Bentinck abolish sati system? English language also became the official language and it helped the people of India for exchange of ideas.


Rationale for banning Sati 1829

lord william bentinck sati

It is upon this first and highest consideration alone, the good of mankind, that the tolerance of this inhuman and impious rite can in my opinion be justified on the part of the government of a civilized nation. It was his opinion that the practice might be suppressed quietly and unobservedly by increasing the difficulties and by the indirect agency of the police. However, her father, King Daksha did not approve of Lord Shiva as his son-in-law. The concept of Sati was earlier only prevalent amongst the higher caste people. Ram Mohan Roy was subjected to criticism and ridicule from his own countrymen for opposing Sati system. Coorg:Vira Raja was a ruthless ruler of Coorg who treated his people with savage barbarity and killed all his male relatives. British strongly felt that non-interference in the Indian customs was a better approach to run the country.


Lord William Bentick

lord william bentinck sati

Wilson thinks that the attempt to put down the practice will inspire extensive dissatisfaction. Immediately on receiving intelligence that the sacrifice declared illegal by this regulation is likely to occur, the police darogha shall either repair in person to the spot, or depute his mohurrir or, jamadar, accompanied by one or more burkundazes of Hindu religion, and it shall be the duty of the police-officers to announce to the persons assembled for the performance of ceremony, that it is illegal; and to endeavour to prevail on them to disperse, explaining to them that in the event of their persisting in it they will involve themselves in a crime, and become subject to punishment by the criminal courts. The two Superintendents of Police for the Upper and Lower Provinces Mr. Within the territories all has been peaceful and prosperous, while without, Ava and Bhartpur, to whom alone a strange sort of consequence was ascribed by public opinion, have been made to acknowledge our supremacy. .
