Li po biography. Biography of Li Po — 2022-11-07

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Li Po, also known as Li Bai, was a Chinese poet and one of the most prominent figures in the Tang Dynasty, which was a period of great cultural and artistic flourishing in China. Born in 701 CE, Li Po was a contemporary of other famous poets such as Du Fu and Wang Wei, and his poetry has had a lasting influence on Chinese literature.

Li Po was born into a wealthy family in what is now present-day Sichuan Province. He received a classical education and was well-versed in the arts and literature of the time. As a young man, he traveled extensively throughout China, soaking up the culture and traditions of different regions. He was particularly drawn to the beauty of nature and the simple pleasures of life, and his poetry often reflects these themes.

Li Po's poetry was known for its vivid imagery and emotional depth. He was a master of the short, lyric poem, and his verses often captured the fleeting beauty of nature and the passing of time. Many of his poems were inspired by the natural world and were infused with a sense of wonder and awe.

Despite his success as a poet, Li Po led a tumultuous life. He was a rebel and a wanderer, and his unconventional lifestyle often brought him into conflict with the authorities. He was frequently in trouble with the government and was exiled from the capital on several occasions. Despite these setbacks, he continued to write and produce some of his most enduring works during these periods of exile.

One of the most famous anecdotes about Li Po is the story of how he once tried to embrace the moon in a drunken fit of passion. According to legend, he was so enamored with the beauty of the moon that he tried to embrace it, only to fall into the river and nearly drown. This story has become a popular symbol of Li Po's love of nature and his unbridled passion for life.

Li Po's poetry has been widely translated and has had a profound influence on Chinese literature and culture. His verses are still widely read and admired today, and he is considered one of the greatest poets in the history of Chinese literature.

Li Bai Biography

li po biography

Classical Chinese Poetry: An Anthology. The last date is today's date — the date you are citing the material. ISBN 0-374-10536-7, 978-0-374-10536-5 Hinton, David 1998. Even in remembering the deeds of a friend, Li found a way to incorporate alcohol. The facility with which he wrote of mundane pleasures, gently grieved over their transience, and explored the possibilities of mystical communion with transcendent reality is just as attractive today as it was during his own time. As the poet grew older, however, these early expressions of mystical communion with inexpressible realities gave way to more down-to-earth recipes for pleasuring the soul.


Biography Of Li Po [q6ng80qgm2lv]

li po biography

Also, China was involved in renewed efforts to suppress further military disorders stemming from the Anshi rebellions, and Li volunteered to serve on the general staff of the Chinese commander Li Guangbi. At 19 he left home and lived with a Taoist hermit. This influence continues even today. When the emperor ordered Li Bai to the palace, he was drunk, but he improvised on the spot and produced fascinating love poems alluding to the romance between the emperor and Yang Guifei, the favorite concubine. Li Po was born in what is now Sichuan Province.


Li Bo Biography

li po biography

The majority of his work cannot be accurately dated, but since both his life-style and his literary accomplishments remained relatively constant throughout his career, determining dates is not as important as it might be for a less precocious writer. Li Bai became a favorite among translators for his straightforward and seemingly simple style. It is claimed that the emperor was once so taken with a poem praising the accomplishments of his government that he broke tradition by serving Li food with his own hands. In his own lifetime, during his many wanderings and while he was attending court in Chang'an, he met and parted from various contemporary poets. Instead, he traveled throughout China, beginning to write along the way.


Li Po: One of China's Most Renowned Poets

li po biography

He wandered about the area of Zhejiang and Jiangsu, eventually making friends with a famous Daoist priest, Wu Yun. Once, Li Bai was drunk and asked Gao Lishi, the most powerful eunuch in the palace, to take off his boots in front of the emperor. Despite having prepared for the civil service, Li never entered the administration. His poems have been collected into the most important Tang dynasty poetry, Heyaue yingling ji, compiled in 753 by Yin Fan. He then went back up-river, to Yunmeng, in what is now Hubei, where his marriage to the granddaughter of a retired prime minister, Xu Yushi, seems to have formed but a brief interlude.


Biography of Li Po

li po biography

As Li Lin's fleet sailed down the Yangtze, Li Po joined him in Kiukiang in early 757. New York: New Directions, 2004. Around a thousand poems attributed to him are extant. Retrieved 15 March 2017. The climax came in 742, when he went to the capital, Ch'ang-an, and was presented to the emperor, Hsüan-tsung, who showered him with favors. Then he lived briefly as a poet at the Tang court in Chang'an. During his wanderings in 744 he met Tu Fu, another famous poet of the period.


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li po biography

The translations are generally excellent, and the extensive background material on the history of Chinese poetry and literature is helpful, though marred by too many irrelevant asides. During the first year of his trip, he met celebrities and gave away much of his wealth to needy friends. Li Po and Tu Fu: Poems Selected and Translated with an Introduction and Notes. He had only gotten as far as Wushan, when news of his pardon caught up with him in 759. PEO exhibits most promising performance as a solid solvent for lithium salts, mainly due to its flexible ethylene oxide segments and other oxygen atoms that comprise strong donor character, readily solvating Li + cations. Poetic tradition Li Bai had a strong sense of himself as being part of a poetic tradition. But a worse fate awaited Li Po.


Li Po Biography

li po biography

New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. A memorial of Li Bai lies just west of Ma'anshan. You must have been suffering from poetry again. The "genius" of Li Bai, says one recent account, "lies at once in his total command of the literary tradition before him and his ingenuity in bending without breaking it to discover a uniquely personal idiom. ISBN 978-0-8048-0197-3 Further reading Hsieh, Chinghsuan Lily.


Li Po

li po biography

Ezra Pound Li Bai is influential in the West partly due to Ezra Pound's versions of some of his poems in the collection Cathay, Pound transliterating his name according to the Japanese manner as "Rihaku". Li Po and Tu Fu: Poems Selected and Translated with an Introduction and Notes Penguin Classics, 1973. However his family had originally dwelt in what is now southeastern Gansu , and later moved to Jiangyou, near modern Chengdu in Sichuan province, when he was five years old. Second International Meeting on Solid Electrolytes. If Li Bo was a sworn enemy of the mindless conformity to sterile traditions that is always a danger in highly stratified societies, he was so in a manner more like that of Henry Miller than of George Gordon, Lord Byron: It was the pursuit of pleasure, not some quixotic and suicidal act of rebellion, that marked both his life and his work.


Li Bai

li po biography

Consequently, he was interviewed by the emperor Li Longji, but commonly known by his posthumous title Xuanzong , who personally prepared soup for him, and gave him a post at the Hanlin Academy, which served to provide scholarly expertise and poetry for the Emperor. Thereafter he wandered throughout China for the rest of his life. The Background of the Rebellion of An Lu-Shan. . North Holland Publishers, Amsterdam. Another candidate is Suiye in Central Asia near modern-day Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan.


Biography of Li Po —

li po biography

However, the actual cause appears to have been natural enough, although perhaps related to his hard-living lifestyle. Calligraphy Li Bai was also a skilled calligrapher, though there is only one surviving piece of his calligraphy work in his own handwriting that exists today. . A more general appreciation for history is shown on the part of Li Bai in his poems of the huaigu genre, or meditations on the past, wherein following "one of the perennial themes of Chinese poetry", "the poet contemplates the ruins of past glory". At the persuasion of Yang Guifei and Gao Lishi, Xuanzong reluctantly, but politely, and with large gifts of gold and silver, sent Li Bai away from the royal court. He continued to ramble about the country, sometimes with his wife and sometimes not, visiting other poets and scholars and becoming something of a legend among his fellow intellectuals. In the meantime, Suzong and Xuanzong both died within a short period of time, and China had a new emperor.
