Legalization of cannabis argumentative essay. Argumentative Essay On Marijuana Legalization 2022-11-05

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The legalization of cannabis, also known as marijuana, has been a contentious and highly debated topic for decades. Proponents of legalization argue that it has numerous medical benefits and that its criminalization disproportionately affects marginalized communities. Opponents argue that it can lead to increased drug use and addiction, as well as negative effects on mental health and public safety. As the debate continues, it is important to carefully consider the arguments on both sides and weigh the potential consequences of legalization.

One of the main arguments for the legalization of cannabis is its potential medical benefits. Cannabis has been shown to be effective in reducing chronic pain, nausea, and spasms in patients with conditions such as multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. It has also been used to treat anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that cannabis may be effective in reducing the frequency and severity of seizures in individuals with certain forms of epilepsy.

Another argument for the legalization of cannabis is that it can generate significant revenue for governments through taxation. In states where cannabis is legal, the sale of marijuana products has generated millions of dollars in tax revenue, which can be used to fund a variety of government programs and initiatives.

However, opponents of legalization argue that cannabis can have negative effects on mental health and public safety. Some studies have found that heavy cannabis use can increase the risk of developing psychosis, particularly in individuals with a family history of mental illness. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that cannabis can impair cognitive function and increase the risk of accidents, particularly when driving under the influence.

Despite these concerns, it is important to note that the majority of people who use cannabis do so without experiencing negative consequences. Additionally, there are measures that can be put in place to mitigate the potential negative effects of legalization, such as implementing strict regulations on the sale and use of cannabis and increasing education about the risks associated with drug use.

In conclusion, the legalization of cannabis is a complex issue with valid arguments on both sides. While there are potential benefits to legalization, including the potential for medical use and the generation of tax revenue, there are also valid concerns about the potential negative effects on mental health and public safety. Ultimately, the decision to legalize cannabis should be made with careful consideration of the potential consequences and the implementation of measures to mitigate any negative effects.

Legalization of Marijuana: Argumentative Essay Essay Example

legalization of cannabis argumentative essay

Therefore, people who use marijuana should be brought to justice. As a society, many young adults throughout the nation are taught through their parents and schools that those drugs are bad, and they are dangerous for their health and safety. The economic benefits of marijuana legalization are not only from taxes- both the local and state governments would save a lot of money that is being spend currently on the regulation of the use of marijuana. In this essay, I will be arguing why marijuana should not be legalized in all states. For instance, the user may turn to be a mental retard or a psychiatric case due to the hallucinations it is associated with. This reaction proves that marijuana would be effective if used for medicinal purposes. In addition, there are no proven disadvantages that are associated with the use of marijuana as medicine Barnes, 2017.


Argumentative Essay On Marijuana Legalization

legalization of cannabis argumentative essay

Additionally, it's a significant time and resource saver for law enforcement officials to not have to chase down users and sellers of marijuana, and that is good for the economy and the community. Research indicates that, indeed, alcohol and cigarettes are more dangerous than marijuana. From this, it could be inferred that the legalization of marijuana will be a fatal strike for the well-being of the entire nation. Constitution outlawed the manufacture and sale of alcohol, also known as Prohibition. Marijuana, morphine, heroin, and cocaine continued to be used when the Prohibition was over in 1933.


Argumentative Essay on Cannabis

legalization of cannabis argumentative essay

Hopefully well all see the day when marijuana is legalized. Not only does this affect the quality of products on the market, but it also leads to monetary loss for the government. They have brought the topic of economic relief from the legalization of marijuana many times. The purpose of this essay is to examine both the benefits and the risks of legalizing marijuana. Yet, tobacco is on the shelves of virtually every store. It is the consumption of rolls of the dry leaves. Not reporting unique risks such as medical complications which are typically associated with hard drugs only serves to show that cannabis is a safe drug, contrary to what some section of the society would like us to believe Hill, 2015.


Free Argumentative Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana

legalization of cannabis argumentative essay

Also, a new retail market would emerge since hemp can be manufactured into clothing, paper products, oils, and fuels, and marijuana has medicinal purposes. Some types of information are historical facts, statistics, entertainment, opinions, and biases which alter the state and views of those who access it. However, one recurring topic is the harm that marijuana poses. To conclude, it is common knowledge that fruit often tastes sweeter when it is forbidden. Second, with government regulation, including sale and distribution, the big drug dealers would no longer be in control. For this reason, marijuana should be legalized.


The Arguments on Legalization of Marijuana

legalization of cannabis argumentative essay

It therefore follows that people should be encouraged to consume marijuana in food. To successfully develop and argument for the legalization of marijuana the topic must be defined, the history of the topic must be unveiled, an argument must be made, and a good solution should be proposed. On the other hand, marijuana induces minor damage than both cigarettes and alcohol. With this paper, I will show you the true facts behind marijuana; the facts that are misconstrued and altered by older generations of people who want nothing more than to abolish the drug. Legalizing Drugs: Crime Stopper Or Social Risk? This would somehow link to the effect that it would have on the workforce and businesses in general. Yes, both sides of the argument both have well supported positions, but marijuana should be legalized by the United States government because the facts supporting legalization far outweigh the arguments keeping the drug as it is. Even though small towns like Mena do not have crime problems, however big cities like Fort Smith are known to being the worst city to live in because of the crime and violence they have.


Argument for Legalization of Marijuana

legalization of cannabis argumentative essay

Many people are tormented by cancer caused by smoking like my grandpa. These jobs would involve the production of marijuana and distributing it. Many people in the world have their own personal views and beliefs on this topic. Research indicates that the costs of prohibition are not worth the fight. Medical cannabis, that is, cannabinoids is recommended by doctors for their patients. . The spillover effect of recreational marijuana legalization on crime: evidence from neighboring states of Colorado and Washington State.


Marijuana legalization argumentative essay

legalization of cannabis argumentative essay

Thus showing how the widespread legalization of marijuana would greatly benefit the United States and its individual citizens as a whole. Second, it is usually consumed to the point of intoxication. It is based on this knowledge that I strongly advocate for its legalization in America. Studies report more driver fatalities on the roadways, other studies report increased workplace accidents, and declining grades for those smokers in school. The study of marijuana increases; therefore, states will understand how to regulate it and keep it under control without causing negative side effects. The Horns Effect held that cannabis legalization poses a threat to the community as far as the user's health is concerned. Occasional marijuana use inhibits success no more than the occasional alcoholic beverage Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana We the people in the US try to use reason and logic to determine our laws.


Argumentative Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana

legalization of cannabis argumentative essay

The cost of implementing the laws and regulations against Marijuana are extremely high. The push to decriminalize marijuana use and cultivation is gaining momentum in states across the United States. Should use of marijuana be legalized? In 1970, The Controlled Substances Act placed marijuana into a Schedule I status defining it as having a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the U. The streets would be much safer to walk on, because the crack dealer on the corner would no longer be pushing drugs to young children. Hefei Wen and Dr.
