Legal system in india essay. Judicial System in India Essay 2022-10-29

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The legal system in India is a common law system, which means that it is based on the judicial precedents set by higher courts. These judicial precedents serve as the basis for decision-making in future cases with similar facts. The legal system in India is also influenced by the country's history and culture, as well as its constitution, which was adopted in 1950.

The constitution of India is the supreme law of the land and it outlines the powers and duties of the government, as well as the fundamental rights and duties of citizens. It also establishes the structure of the government, including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

The judicial branch of the government in India is divided into several levels, including the Supreme Court, the High Courts, and the lower courts. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country and it has the power to hear appeals from the High Courts and to issue advisory opinions on legal matters. The High Courts are the highest courts in each state and they have the power to hear appeals from the lower courts. The lower courts include the district courts, which are the courts of first instance, and the subordinate courts, which handle cases that are not within the jurisdiction of the district courts.

In addition to the regular courts, there are also specialized courts and tribunals in India that have jurisdiction over specific types of cases. For example, there are labor courts that handle disputes between employers and employees, and there are consumer courts that deal with consumer complaints.

The legal system in India is based on the principle of the rule of law, which means that all individuals, including government officials, are subject to the law. The legal system also provides for the independence of the judiciary, which means that the judges are not subject to the influence of the executive or legislative branches of government.

One unique aspect of the legal system in India is the concept of personal laws, which are laws that apply to individuals based on their religion or ethnicity. For example, Hindu personal laws apply to Hindus and Muslim personal laws apply to Muslims. These personal laws govern matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption.

Overall, the legal system in India is an important part of the country's democracy and it plays a vital role in protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. It is a complex system that is influenced by a variety of factors and it is constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of the country.

Essay on Indian Judiciary System

legal system in india essay

They were obliged to refer only the capital cases to the Nazims. . The Governor General also directed the said zamindar not to appear or plead before the Supreme Court. It created a mismanagement both in administration and judiciary which was more terrible in the latter. So the justice system is the system that enforces the law which involves apprehending the accused, prosecuting the accused, defending the accused, sentencing and punishing the guilty. Matters involving common questions of law must be grouped and posted together for hearing before the same Bench not only to save the precious time of court but to avoid conflicting decisions and ensure a uniformity in approach leading to certainly and continuity in the progressive development of law.


Legal System of India

legal system in india essay

If there is no remedy it cannot be called a tort because the essence of tort is to give remedy to the person who has suffered injury. Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and Civil Procedure Code 1908 are the bed rocks of conducting business in the Civil Courts. It starts with Trial Court and goes on to the First Appellate Court, the High Court and finally to the Supreme Court. With this view, the Parliament passed Regulating Act 1773 which recognized the Governor-General-in-Council as the supreme executive authority in India, but also established an independent judicial machinery to decide about their actions. After the emergency era the high court reached out to the people, devising a means for any person of the public or an NGO to approach the court seeking legal remedy in cases where the public interest is at stake. The Indian judicial system is all things considered genuine and fair-minded in its dealings. This judicial supremacy over the executive led to major conflicts in the legal history of India.


Judicial System in India Essay

legal system in india essay

This allowed each of the colonies the right to develop their own laws and legal systems to deal with its particular situation. Roman Law: The Twelve Tables And The Corpus Juris Civilis 836 Words 4 Pages Roman law, was effective in the Eastern Roman Empire 331-1453 , and is also the basis of our legal system, civil system which most countries apply, from Europe to Latin America. In civil matter a large expenses is the stamp duty which has to be paid depending on the value of the subject matter of the suit. But if the poor man is not lucky, he gets a legal aid lawyer under the Legal Services Authority Act. The Chief Justice is likewise counselled for appointing the adjudicators of the Supreme Court. The Famine of 1770 exposed the weakness of the judicial machinery and exasperated the dangers involved in the prevailing mismanage­ment.


Indian Legal System : An Overview

legal system in india essay

The judiciary is responsible to provide fair and expeditious justice,. Besides, the Regulating Act lacked clarification about the law ; There was no specific order whether Hindu law, the Muslim law, the Christian law of the English law, or the law of the defendant or the law of the plaintiff will be me basis or judicial proceedings. But the Governor- General-in-Council refused to submit to the Court. Its records were kept in unknown characters; its sentences were pronounced in unknown sounds. The criminal justice system today When a person commits a crime there are different levels of punishment and decision making if a person has committed a minor crime like speeding, littering, shoplifting, prostitution, vandalism being drunk, possession of drugs etc.


Essay On Legal System

legal system in india essay

His orders ensued the conflict between the executive and the judiciary. I have to follow the speed limit of each road, I have to signal before changing lanes, my vehicle must be in good condition in order to safely drive and I must obey all road signs as they are set in place to ensure the safety of everybody. To be against the importance of laws in our society would show one to be ignorant and naïve. There is something in the very nature of the office of a judge and the function he performs that demands that he should be a person of high integrity, whatever may be the moral norms prevailing in other walks of life. The competency of the court depended only on authority which had, in fact, been mis­appropriated by the British and their agents as in the dewani affairs. The Governor-General-in-Council acting as the legislature was empowered to make laws for the whole of India.


Indian Legal System Hierarchy, Indian Judiciary Legal Laws, Indian Judicial Hierarchy, Indian Court Structure

legal system in india essay

An appeal from the Revenue as well as Civil Courts lay to the Sadar Dewani Adalat. Under the dual government, the Company though obtained the Dewani, it did not take the duty of due administration of civil and criminal justice. In order to economize the judicial machinery, the Government gradually restored the exercise of judicial powers in the petty cases to the village headmen by regularizing the village Courts. Instead of placing women's rights and Islamic law as opposed to each other, the legislation employed a heuristic that guaranteed women's rights by applying Islamic law, allowing Muslim politicians, ulama and women's groups to find common ground on an Islamic modernity. Law of Torts Tort is breach of some duty independent of contract which has caused damage to the plaintiff giving rise to civil cause of action and for which remedy is available.


Indian Law Essays

legal system in india essay

Last modified: 23rd Jul 2019 It is strange that a democratic country such as India does not trust one of the most important administration organs of its elected government - the police. The perks and facilities including pay and allowances of the subordinate judicial officials are far from satisfactory. The Court also maintained that it could try the Collectors of Revenue for the wrongs done by them in their official capacity. It does so by mapping the growth of judicial review of executive action through a series of similar challenges under Articles 32 and 226. The current legal system is inherited from the British system as India was a British colony for 190 years until 1947.


Indian Legal System: Problems and Challenges

legal system in india essay

The directive principles of state policy are found in Part IV Articles 38 to 51 and the public interest litigation is mentioned in the Articles 39 e , 47 and 48-A. Indian Judicial system, can the poor expect fair Judgement? These courts represent the first tier of the judicial setup. Revisions were made only to deal with the new circums­tances and problems which cropped in from time to time. Whenever the matter of structural reforms in the judiciary is raised, the focus is only concerned to the higher courts, that is high courts and the supreme court. Thus, the State acted in respect of revenue dewani and crimi­nal faujdari affairs. Delay in disposal of cases frustrates the very purpose of justice.



legal system in india essay

The Supreme Court of lndia is the highest judiciary body, responsible to ensure justice to all. Judges come late in their offices and enjoy lunch period more than the prescribed limit. More than 100 million cases are pending in lower courts which affects adversely the common man. Due to the 104th Amendment, a further extension has taken place in the period of the reservation to 2030. Civil law is a legislative system and can be judiciary to leave room for changes that may need to be made. The Mall Adalats or Revenue Courts were also abolished.
