Legal drinking age argumentative essay. Argumentative Essay On Drinking Age 2022-10-20

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Writing a college essay can be a daunting task, but it is an important part of the admissions process. A college essay allows you to showcase your personality, interests, and values to the admissions committee, and it gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your writing skills.

When writing a college essay, it is important to start by brainstorming ideas and selecting a topic that is meaningful to you. This can be something related to your personal experiences, a passion or hobby, or a problem you have encountered and how you solved it. It is also important to consider the audience for your essay – the admissions committee – and to tailor your essay to their expectations and interests.

Once you have chosen a topic, it is helpful to create an outline to organize your thoughts and plan the structure of your essay. This can include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, you should introduce your topic and provide some background information. The body paragraphs should each focus on a specific point or idea, and they should be organized in a logical manner. The conclusion should summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

As you write your essay, be sure to use clear, concise language and avoid using unnecessary jargon or filler words. Use specific examples to illustrate your points, and be sure to proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors. It is also helpful to get feedback from a trusted friend or family member, or to have someone else proofread your essay for you.

In conclusion, writing a college essay can be a challenging task, but it is an important opportunity to showcase your personality and writing skills to the admissions committee. By carefully selecting a topic, organizing your thoughts, and proofreading your essay, you can create a strong and effective college essay that will help you stand out from the competition.

Argumentative Essay: The Minimum Legal Drinking Age

legal drinking age argumentative essay

Therefore, raising the legal limit to twenty five would help save lives. S, but to make it difficult to buy alcohol legally. Nonetheless, driving and drinking of young people pose no trouble in European countries as great as in U. These include: education concerning drunk driving, designated driver programs, increased seat belt and air bag usage, safer automobiles, lower speed limits, free taxi services from drinking establishments, etc. It is clearly time to treat young adults as adults. By the time they are high school seniors, seventy-two percent teenagers say they have already consumed alcohol. One law pertaining to age limitation that has gotten a lot of light and has been an enormously controversial topic in recent times is the drinking age, which is currently 21 years old in all 50 states within America.


Legal Drinking Age, Argumentative Essay Sample

legal drinking age argumentative essay

Everyone who is eighteen is seen as a responsible, mature young adult. During World War I, the movement to outlaw alcohol in the U. Accidents tend to happen any way. The Pros And Cons Of Lowering Drinking Age 662 Words 3 Pages If the legal drinking age should be lowered or stay the same is an issue that is constantly talked about. On the other hand, underage drinkers have a higher chance to binge drink. During the early 19th century, people of the United States panicked that they were living in sin, and feared God would no longer bless the U.


Argumentative Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age

legal drinking age argumentative essay

More to the point the probable consequence on drinking amongst youth, the discussion entails other ideological and practical concerns. Many people believe that if the drinking age were lowered, these problems would no longer be an issue. This arresting variation implies two contrasting opinions. Moreover, younger people are more likely to consume large amounts of alcohol for the purposes of consuming alcohol. Basically, there is no point of denying a teenager alcohol yet he takes at home and does not cause any harm.


Argumentative Essay On Drinking Age

legal drinking age argumentative essay

The controversial topic brings many opinions, Should the drinking age be lowered? However, throughout the Vietnam War, almost all states held the opinion that an individual at right age to be in the military must also have the comprehensive rights of citizenship. S youth, three-fourths of twelfth graders, more than two-thirds of tenth graders, and about two in every five eighth graders have consumed alcohol. Some argue that the legal age to drink should be 18 or 19 because people at that age are recognized as adults; others argue that the drinking age should be 21 because people who are able to drink should be more mature and have their lives better planned out. Numerous debates still occur today about the minimum drinking age. Denying the law led to a loss of 10% of grants for federal highway funds. Approximately 90% of juvenile alcohol consumption is used in binge drinking.


Increase Legal Drinking Age: [Essay Example], 708 words GradesFixer

legal drinking age argumentative essay

Does this law really change anything? Peer pressure and history of alcoholism initiates children to drinking. It is claimed by the supporters of the theory that the drinking age should be lowered that in almost 30 states in the United States drinking is already allowed to those individuals who reached the age of 18. Followers believed that lowering the legal drinking age would promote conscientious consumption. MADD and other organizations went on a campaign to educate young people about the dangers of drunk driving. The odds are that most people would be very dangerous and unskilled drivers.


Free Minimum Legal Drinking Age Should Be 21 Years Old Argumentative Essays

legal drinking age argumentative essay

Younger people may be more likely to get behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol. More than 3 out of 5 alcohol-related deaths among people under 21 occur off the road. Having MLDA should not be a factor of controlling alcoholism but rather consequences of indulging in harmful activities after such inducement should be the issue. Detrimental issues also arise as not to have a set limit age for drinking alcohol. I believe the legal drinking age should be kept at age 21. Therefore, having no legal drinking age presents a loophole for the destruction of the future generation.


Argumentative Essay On Should The Alcohol Drinking Age Be Increased Or Decreased

legal drinking age argumentative essay

Alcoholic beverages are beverages that a large number of people in the United States enjoy consuming, however, the consumption of alcohol does have some dangers involved with it. At 18,… Drinking Age The United States has one of the highest legal drinking ages in the world. Our radicalism has led us to adopt a foolish philosophy about drinking. According to the Huffington Post, the legal drink age is the most violated law in the country. The lowering of the MLDA resulted in rates of injuries and deaths increasing.


Legal drinking age essay

legal drinking age argumentative essay

Other laws in the public interest have higher age limits. A poll taken on July 2014 asked the public opinion of US adults for lowering the US legal drinking age from 21 to 18. The main question that needs to be answered is what is it that determines when a person is able to drink. It is my belief that the purchase and consumption of alcohol should be limited to those ages twenty five years old and older to ensure that alcohol is consumed responsibly in the interest of public safety. What is more, around 10 states do not prohibit underage persons to drink alcohol in case it is done for experimental purposes. On the other hand, making it accessible makes it less appealing leading to responsible drinking. Now a common mental disorder is alcoholism, it means when someone is dependent on… Minimum Legal Drinking Age Studies have shown that by having the minimum legal drinking age set at twenty-one years old a numerous amount of lives have been saved in the past few years.


Argumentative Essay On The Drinking Age

legal drinking age argumentative essay

Furthermore, younger drivers are more inexperienced drivers. Will lowering the drinking age stop teens from binge drinking? The only negative effect was the headache the next morning. The Dangers Of Lowering The Drinking Age 693 Words 3 Pages The drinking age is at 21 but, some are voting to bring down to 18. It states that anyone under the age of 21 cannot legally consume, purchase or obtain any beverages containing alcohol unless accompanied by a spouse, guardian or parent of legal drinking age. One can assume that those who are willing to drink illegally would probably drink the same amount or more if the age limit were lower. Jaime Hamilton 22 May 2014 Phil 3 Term Project Phase 3 A very controversial argument amongst Americans is determining that the current legal drinking age which is 21 should be lowered to eighteen or not.
