Learnt it the hard way. Learnt it the hard way! 2022-11-05

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Learning something "the hard way" typically means learning through personal experience, often through trial and error or by making mistakes and facing consequences. This type of learning can be difficult, but it can also be valuable and memorable.

One example of learning something the hard way is through personal experience. For example, if you have ever forgotten your umbrella on a rainy day, you likely learned the importance of always carrying one with you the hard way. Similarly, if you have ever stayed up too late and struggled to wake up the next morning, you have learned the value of a good night's sleep the hard way.

Another way to learn something the hard way is through trial and error. For example, if you have ever tried to cook a new recipe and it turned out poorly, you may have learned through trial and error that you need to pay closer attention to the recipe or use different ingredients. This type of learning can be frustrating, but it can also be rewarding as you eventually figure out what works and what doesn't.

Learning something the hard way can also involve facing consequences for your actions. For example, if you have ever broken a rule or law and faced punishment, you have likely learned the importance of following rules and laws the hard way. This type of learning can be difficult, but it can also be valuable in helping you make better decisions in the future.

In conclusion, learning something the hard way can be challenging, but it can also be a valuable and memorable experience. Personal experience, trial and error, and facing consequences are all ways in which we can learn the hard way. While it may not always be easy, this type of learning can help us grow and become more knowledgeable and responsible individuals.

Meaning of 'learn it the hard way' in English Dictionary

learnt it the hard way

Life is not easy when you are pursuing something worthwhile and ready to learn from the best experiences. You must learn to accustom yourself to hard work. As I mentioned, integration tests feel better, but testing layers by themselves can give you a better view on how their API looks like. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever. I learned the lesson the hard way-by spending my hard-earned money for it. Even for app composition, start stupid Application composition may lead to microservices -- which is good -- but microservices require some ideas about how applications "talk" between them over the wire protocols and such.


Has learned the hard way? Explained by FAQ Blog

learnt it the hard way

Unit tests are good, integration tests are gooder On my current job, we do test modules and classes only for example, we write tests for the view layer only, then tests for the controller layer only, and so on. I had to learn that the hard way. It makes more sense to use a config file and just run the application twice with two different config files. Sometimes, we need to be bold and act courageously. You can learn that only in the school of hard knocks. Resist the temptation of "easy" Sure that IDE will help you with a ton of autocomplete stuff and let you easily build your project, but do you understand what's going on? Documentation is a love letter to your future self We all know writing the damn docs for functions and classes and modules is a pain in the backside. The main fact about have and had is that both are different forms of the verb 'to have.


Use learned

learnt it the hard way

If you had to run it without the IDE, would you know how? For example, in C, a char type of value 65 is most probably the letter "A", which an int of value is 65 is the number 65. Worst of all, people follow them without even asking. Speak up for what you want and what you believe in. Someone will try that weird case on the first run and immediately tell you that it is not working. That may help you to not get in trouble.


5 life lessons you will learn the hard way

learnt it the hard way

Create libraries I've seen a lot of projects that either make a mega repository with different projects or keep different branches that instead of just being a temporary environment for later joining the main development area, are just to keep that small, different thing going picking the point above about modularization, imagine that instead of building a new project that reuse the Data1 type, I have a branch that has a completely different main function and the Data3 type. Personally, I don't think they would. Life teaches us that we won't always get what we want right away, it teaches us that we still don't have control over time no matter how good our time management skills are and no matter how good we are at predicting our future. Next day, when I was better, I had to rewrite most of the stuff I did, 'cause it was all shit. Future thinking is future trashing When developers try to solve a problem, they sometimes try to find a way that will solve all the problems, including the ones that may appear in the future. This is what most people get wrong about adding booleans to check the number of True values. So learn what the shortcut does before using it.


Learn the hard way

learnt it the hard way

The way to learn the script is to say it to yourself over and over again. The reason is, most of the time, 'cause people don't know how to either create libraries or they worry how they are goint to "publish" those libraries into the dependency sources without giving it around so maybe it's a good idea to also understand how your project management tool retrieves dependencies, so you can create your own dependency repository. Think "if I revert this back, what must go away? This is true in all the areas of life. So always convert your strings to UTF8; save them in the database as UTF8; return UTF8 on your APIs. In our whole life, we are always asking ten people before taking any step. This allowed me to learn new things that later I applied in the work codebase. Trello is cool and all, but Post-its are nicer Nothing says "I'm really busy, but organized" like having a bunch of post-its on your desk.


I learned the hard way.

learnt it the hard way

It's really therapeutic to see that someone else also struggles with your problem, and that's not just you. Because we are scared. Keep a list of "Things I Don't Know" Richard Feymann, famous physicist, kept a notebook with the title "Things I Don't Know". Both versions of the word are actually correct and widely used in the English-speaking world, but there is one small difference between the two words. We are too scared to fail hence, we follow the same path that everyone suggests, do the same thing everyone does, take the same career path everyone takes, wear the same clothes everyone wears, and hang out with the same people we work with. Pay attention on how people react to you I have a "angry man resting face" kind of face.


21 Valuable Lessons Most People Learn The Hard Way

learnt it the hard way

Tests make better APIs We code in layers: There is the storage layer, which should make our data permanent; there is a processing layer, which should do some transformation on the data stored; there is a view layer, which has information on how the data must be present; and so on. They very rarely spelt out what we should do. Paper notes are actually helpful I tried to become "paperless" many times. Then, after a few released, you can finally kill the original function. LCLive: Vim School This is a 10 part series of seminars that teach the basics of Vim. More importantly, studying in the UK gave me the opportunity to intern at the BBC.


Learnt it the hard way!

learnt it the hard way

Harsh words can hurt a person more than physical pain 9. Don't confuse "hero project" with "hero syndrome" I have seen this at least two times: Someone claims things don't work when they aren't around or that they don't need help. Sure, if it is a small, "on the corner" kind of project, it's fine to be in Perl; if it is important for the company, it's better that if it is a C project. There will be always a problem with your computer timezone and the production server timezone or one of the instances timezones and you'll lose a lot of time trying to debug what the heck the interface is showing the wrong time. They took time to learn and mastered their craft like no one else. In a world where everyone is trying to be like someone else, it takes great amount of courage to take the road less traveled. One commit per change I've seen people writing commit messages like "Fixes issues 1, 2 and 3".


Julio Biason .Me 4.3

learnt it the hard way

But when you organize by data, it'll make a lot easier to split your project in smaller projects -- 'cause, at some point, you may want to do almost the same thing as you're doing right now, but with small differences. This is my disclosure about this quotation: I honestly admit that I have been a victim of an ignominious fiasco I learned the hard way! But when time passes by and you think you are not being directed towards your goal and these so called rules are your biggest obstacles, BREAK THEM. This is fine and works. Those are hard to fight, 'cause PR won't listen to you saying that they are attacking you. Now, if you do find architectural or design problems, then you can add your code style problems.
